


3 years, 5 months ago





Kieran "Fishbone" Keys

"Fisbone", "Kie" (prononced KEY), or Kie key (pronounced Kiki)


Human but possessed


Lives in
Aeston Maine

March 22nd 2000


unknown probably bi

Relationship Status




Theme | Olly Olly Oxen Free Voiceclaim | ATLAS

If you start quoting new songs around old people they'll never know that you're not cool.


Kieran had an interesting but somewhat normal childhood to start off with, up until he transferred over to the school district in his neighboring town (Penrith) for eighth grade through high school. Things took a turn for the crazy when he let himself be his inexperienced friend's testing dummy for his possession spellcasting in 8th grade. After that, everything seemed to have a normal rhythm to it, even into the end of high school. The famous Pentrith City of Light cult captivated everyone monthly on the news with trivial fights and arguments over land and practices for years, up until the newsworthy story of the "Unknown massacre" swept the nation. Kieran could never imagine that his involvement in the aftermath of this murderscene would be so Important to cracking the mysteries behind the case, and subsiquently helping the perpetrators themselves get the help they so desparately needed- but it all came with a price.


Kieran is a 5"5 blonde white boy with the fashion sense of a tropical fish. He's very oblivious when it comes to the meanings of certain styles and types of clothes, so he customizes anything he can get his hands on. His signature pants, even, are just men's pinstripe dresspants with self-made patches on them. He also has three facial scars: Eyebrow, nose, and lip (See LORE tab for more information), and tends to stray from their actual stories when describing them. Outside of his normal human attributes, he posesses long canine teeth that tend to stick slightly from his mouth (for added effect- he could, if he wanted to, hide them with his lips.). He uses them to drink blood from different sources. While terms of other people's possessions are different, Kie is able to sustain himself off of human, animal, or other's blood as WELL as real human food, although human food has the tendency to make him sick. This means his body may react similarly to as if he were anemic, even if all he were to be lacking was a little bit of blood. He did not find this out, though, until high school started, which meant that he felt immensely sick for an entire year following his friend's disappearance


Although he is notably referred to as cool, Kieran's personality and actions are mostly decided by his inate fears and anxieties. His past traumas have instilled a sort of anxiety unmirrored by most things- it's as if he knows if he slips up he could die. It's not like there are people out there looking for vampires to kill.. or were there? he didn't wanna find out. Plus, he's not even technically a vampire because he doesn't have the bitemarks or anything, and can live off of other things besides blood... And, yknow, he's possessed with an energy parasite and NOT immortal. He does give into the aesthetic, though, and does sport drawn on bitemarks made with sharpie every morning along with the fishbone on his right cheek. Kie tries to keep up the vampire thing because it helps him to glue himself to a no-stress routine just incase he DOES say something out of pocket about his past. He doesn't like people to know about his past- or Henry at all for that matter. Hell, even HE didn't wanna think about Henry.


  • Hiking
  • Record shops
  • Soft music


  • Nails-On-A-Chalkboard
  • Papercuts
  • Bears


Kieran grew up in Aeston, Maine with his immediate family (which consisted only of him, his mother, and his father). Aeston, as a small border town, lacked a lot of destination and made up for it in it's outside opportunities such as amazing places to hike and/or fish. In addition to being small and woodsy, there was also only one singular school that encompassed both elementary and middle together, which went under construction Kieran's eighth grade year. When he moved to the nearby Penrith City School District for Eight grade, it changed a lot of things. He made a friend named Henry Rothgan who was infamous there for being relatively scary all throughout elementary. Henry wasn't your normal middle schooler- His parents were absent, and he was as edgy as edgy gets- quite a textbook extreme, and unlike your normal middle school angst. He was into some sort of energy summoning magic- nothing normal for a 12 year old. Things went awry and erupted once he told Kie about this. Kieran, being a good kid from a rural city, he decided "HEY IM GONNA TELL MY PARENTS"- except he never went through with it due to Henry's SUPERB natural talent for de-escalating situations. Like any kid his age Kie was HOOKED on superheroes and anything in that realm- including vampires. Being offered "Vampire Powers" was TOO GOOD to pass up, even against his better judgement. He believed in Henry's power to make it happen. What ensued was nothing short of a NEGATIVE ENERGY POSESSION.

One day after school he got off at Henry's stop rather than his own, and they went to work. What could possibly go wrong when an 12 year old tries to perform a posession spell on his best friend? Oh, SO much. For weeks after the ritual Kie was relegated to eating secret school lunches brought in by his friend (from unknown origin, mind you.)- And a whole year went by before he suspected anything at all, and as freshman in highschool, they both used their "power" as mistique. Henry's parents were starting to warm up to him after years of neglect, and that meant two things: 1. his parents found out about what he'd been doing, and 2. he'd be sent to a mental health facility for a week or two. This caused one major problem for Kieran: he was blisfully unaware that he would have no blood supply. At this point he'd kind of half figured out what was in the weird smoothies he drank for lunch daily, but it never occured to him that he was not infact a vampire... especially due to his new elongated canines and hunger for meat- and that was dangerous. It's not like 'whatever posessed him' would take him over, but it didn't really help not knowing what to do with his thirst for blood and raw meat. When the time came to say goodbye to Henry, there were barely any words exchanged. maybe a hug and a "stay safe", but besides that, Kieran was completely undecided and/or neutral on the topic. He guessed that having Henry gone would give him the ability to explore himself and the conditions of his so-called vampirism. From then until two weeks later he was having a relatively bad time regulating his eating and drinking when it hit him while he was filling out a paper about his classes for 10th grade. He mistakingly clicked on a banner ad for vampire teeth with his elbow, as his arm was resting close to his laptop sitting next to him. It was not an ad for the plastic kind you get in goody bags- but rather, more realistic ones- ones for costuming... He instinctively felt over his teeth with his tongue and thought about Henry's weird energy ritual.

He then turned his gaze across the room to his dresser mirror and bore his teeth- fantasizing for a moment about having teeth like the ones in the picture- except- his teeth looked.. scarily like the ones in the pictures they were using. Kie then thought about what he had been experiencing for the last few weeks. He originally thought they were intrusive thoughts, but now he didn't know. "BITE THE MAILMAN" or "DRAIN THE CASHIER"- he just thought it was a normal reactionary response to... maybe his inner feelings or something... but it all made sense somehow. All the trauma he'd had from Eight grade year was resurfacing as anger in that moment. All of this forced remembering caused him to dip into shivvery state of sorts. He didn't WANT to remember.

The next day after school for Kie was devoted to learning about possession... Although many consider it a spiritual conspiract pseudoscience, there were a few resources available. By the end of the day he was extremely angry with Henry, hungry, and overall more knowledgeable on his current state. After the last text he sent Henry- Kie never saw him again. After ninth grade year was officially over and done with, it was time for the next three years of HS. He'd honed his tendiencies over the summer, but something still hurt whenever he thought about how it all started. It's like he knew deep down no matter how cool he seemed- he was still a freak. He got a group of friends that respected him, and he became a role model for his school- although he wasn't anyone to look up to for many self given reasons. In his third year of high school a few things shifted, though, because of Penrith's infamous cult. He lived in the city next to Penrith (Aeston), but attended Penrith's city public high school, so some things were fuzzy, but he always heard about the cult offhandedly in his childhood as if it were some huge news story- although it really wasn't- until The Incident. for once it wasn't just an in-town report. Reporters and newscasters from across the US flocked to the infamous "Penrith City Of Light Compound" sub-town located on the grassy outskirts of Penrith to view the seemingly unwarrented suspected mass murder scene. Truth be told, Kieran was never truly scared of what had happened. His parents made it abundantly clear to him that all things happen for a reason- even if it made him uneasy in that respect. If these two kids found it fit to kill to escape, it must have been for a good reason, especially since the group had reached cult status in the media. As time went on and his graduation was in full effect, there had been countless interviews and merciless reporting on the aftermath of the cult murders. Some being survivor accounts, accusations, theories on causes, and even the rare few photos and videos of the victims themselves: Caspar and Connor Laventsky. Kieran was 19 at this point, and he almost felt like he was seeing this all happen in real time- even if the reports were week by week. Little did he know that soon he'd be wrapped up in all of it: right front and center stage.



Kie first meets Connor on his way back from the grocery store- he sees Connor convulsing violently in an alleyway, suffering from lack of food, and fighting with his energy parasite. He had not eaten in days. Kieran knew exactly what to do, and coaxed him into drinking from his cooler cup full of blood (curteousy of one of many bloodbags he stole from his school's annual blood drive to keep for emergencies like this). After regenerating at least a partial bit of Connor's strength, he got his address and drove him there in his mom's car. Upon arrival, Kie helped him up the stairs and to Connor and Caspar's shared apartent to assess the situation further. Outside of their first meetings, they get along fairly well.


Caspar's relationship with Kieran is relatively complicated and not easy to understand from the outside. While feelings may be at play, they both would rather find platonic comfort in each other due to their age gap and current mental states. They both use this to their own advantages. Kie uses it to get Caspar into therapy, and Casp uses it as leverage to make Kieran feel confident in his actions later in the story- even if they both don't get along at first.


Kieran and Azrael have a love/hate relationship, and Azzy, despite being the same age as Kie, looks up to him as a guidance figure as the story progresses. Kie's the one who convinces him to give up his positive energy possession and to realize how much harm his current lifestyle was bringing him and everyone around him. Basically Kieran is just really hard on him and it helps Az get his shit together

Extra: Origin of "Fishbone"

During the summer between kindergarten and first grade, when Kieran was six, he went on a boating trip with his parents. He had never caught a fish bigger than his hand before in his life, and he was really excited to finally engage in what his elementary friends called "the coolest thing I do with my dad". At first nothing was biting, but as he went to reel in his line on his fifth attempt, something was pulling. It was his first catch of the day! He did what his dad told him to, and eventually he was reeling it in up against the boat. The fish was almost too strong for him, but he persisted, pulling it out in all it's glory- except it wasn't alive in the slghtest. It was all bone, no flesh or muscles at all. It was lucky to be held together at all, even. Both his mom and dad were puzzled, but laughed it off as a really weird occurance. They kept the skeleton from that summer, and he thought about it constantly as he got older. One day years later, his parents came home from work with a present: a fishbone pattered button-up! He loved it. This was the beginning of his obsession for things themed around fish bones. As he neared high school, people started to question his story- although he was determined to prove them wrong. Kieran himself didn't quite known what actually happened and why, but he clung to his experience with every ounce of his being. He started drawing a fishbone on his cheek every morning with sharpie- sometimes switching it up for a temporary tattoo when he felt fancy.

Theme by Circlejourney