Rosebush Lapis



3 months, 12 days ago


rosebush lapis

he/him • deacon • alive • young adult

rosebush lapis is one of tea rose moonstone's closest allies. he is the head deacon of the church, and has a surprisingly large burden of duty on his shoulders despite the rest of the clergy. he is responsible for hearing confessionals, for baptising the newly intiated or returning souls and granting them peace in the after-life. he seems quiet and almost irritable when caught in a one-on-one scenario, keeping himself distant at any opportunity he can.

the truth of this, however, is because he has a horrible curse: he can read minds. it has tormented him ever since birth, and the emotions, thoughts and intentions of others have bitten and chewed off of his sanity until finally he rushed to the church to cry his heart out into the lap of tea rose moonstone when he was barely twelve years old. he thought he was defective and corrupted, but was reassured otherwise. now, he has a close knit family, with the highest officials knowing of his ability. it's a huge weight off of his chest bitching and whining to them after work about it.

rosebush lapis has no known relations.