


4 months, 10 days ago




NAME Vatio

POKÉMON Kilowattrel


PRONOUNS she/her


STATUS Alive (in roster)

HEIGHT 1.5 m / 4'10"

WEIGHT34.5 kg / 76.1 lbs

CREATOR Nicleotidez

"Hey, is it lunch time yet?"

Waterloo - ABBA


Vatio is Nic's Kilowattrel. She is Nic's first and only caught Pokémon from Paldea.


"Hey, can I have a bite of that sandwich real quick?"

Vatio was born into a well-off family. Her parents, like other Kilowattrel, were notoriously known for their hunting style: robbing the catch of other bird Pokémon and even their loot between themselves. Due to their weakened state, however, they could not hunt for themselves, so it was up to Vatio to find food to feed them. Vatio only succeeded at around 20% of the time when stealing from other Pokémon, but she quickly found out that targeting other Trainers was way easier than that, so she soon began to rob unsuspecting Trainers more frequently. Eventually, she had gained a notorious reputation (as "50V", the code on her wing tags - they were clipped onto her during a Pokémon census) in the East Province (the part between Artazon and Levincia) in Paldea. This continued until she stole a sandwich from a trainer known as Nic who was determined to find out why she would start stealing sandwiches from others. Little did she know that this would begin a long-term friendship between the both of them.

"Oh, come on! You weren't supposed to see me like this..."

After she followed Vatio back to her nest in secret and finding about why she was doing all of this, the trainer, due to her sympathy for Vatio, offered her sandwiches to give to her parents every day. Sadly, this did not eventually lead to Vatio's parents recovering, and, as Vatio was proudly bringing her sandwich up to them, she found out that they had died while she had left due to fighting off against other Pokémon from stealing their food. After Nic knew about this, she started to comfort her and tried everything to make her happy while also mourning for Vatio's loss. Though Vatio has recovered from the incident, she still visits her old nest from time to time with permission from Nic.

"Wings? Check. Wind? Check. Body? Ready."

After Vatio was introduced to Nic's Pokémon team, she was welcomed with open arms. Since then, she had gotten used to her new friends and Nic's way of life. She loves soaring in the air and playing pranks on her teammates when they are least expecting it... and she also gets her fair share of sandwiches from time to time due to her huge appetite. She admires Nic and Kenka's ability to cook, and is constantly willing to learn from their skills (that is, if she hasn't eaten the ingredients placed in front of her first).


Vatio loves food. Food is basically her entire life at this point, so she can be VERY annoying when she doesn't get her food earlier than the others during picnics (even though it is served on a "first-come-first-served" basis), and she can also be quite the picky eater when she gets a choice. Even when she is given another serving of food by Nic, she sometimes still fights over a serving of the exact same food that someone in Nic's roster is already enjoying, claiming that she "saw it first" and "claimed that it was hers in her own head". The chances of this happening has decreased over time, however.

Vatio is feisty and loves to start arguments with others. Once, she even started an argument with Kenka when she kept convincing him that evolving into a Kingambit would be the "best idea ever" (to which he politely declined at first, but due to his personality, this quickly became a full-on dispute between the two that ended up with Nicasio setting Kenka on fire by accident). However, if she eventually gets along with others that she has to deal with daily, she can be quite a great Pokémon to hang out with. This is a bit hard to achieve for someone like her, as she may yell or lash out at others whenever she gets a bit too emotional.

Vatio loves sleeping. Due to her large size, she can be quite an obstacle if she accidentally sleeps on Nic or any of the other team members in her roster. The only thing they could do, when stuck in that situation, is to accept their fate and sleep with Vatio.

Due to her sharing multiple personality traits with Czia, they could not get along at first (as Czia claimed that Vatio was just a "really bad impersonator who wants to be like Nic's best team member herself"), but after a few training sessions with each other, they were able to cooperate and coordinate their attacks whenever they are both sent out during double battles. They also became great friends after said incident, and would often share about their current relationships with each other.


  • Tasty food (especially sandwiches)
  • Pecking others for attention/fun
  • Her agility
  • Arguing with others
  • Showing off
  • Nic and her team (especially Nicasio)
  • Competing against others
  • Battling (surprisingly!)


  • Being reminded of her parents' death
  • Seeing others getting hurt
  • Others being rude to her
  • Bland and disgusting food
  • Her abilities being limited by things (e.g. status conditions, environment)


  • Vatio's name is "watt" in Spanish.
  • Vatio's love for sandwiches was inspired by the sandwich-building minigame in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
  • Vatio is canonically in a relationship with Nicasio.
  • Unlike other Kilowattrel, Vatio does not have a gular sac. This is due to me trying to correct a rather inaccurate part about Kilowattrel's design (as they have no gender differences) - female frigatebirds do not have gular sacs, they are only found on males. In its place (for Vatio) is a patch of yellow feathers with a slight yellow gradient on it, also based on the white patch of feathers found on female magnificent frigatebirds.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus blandit ex a vehicula dictum. Curabitur efficitur vehicula massa, sed placerat nisl rhoncus nec. Praesent ultricies iaculis dolor vitae convallis. Nullam ornare sapien eget est vestibulum convallis et pulvinar arcu.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus blandit ex a vehicula dictum. Curabitur efficitur vehicula massa, sed placerat nisl rhoncus nec. Praesent ultricies iaculis dolor vitae convallis. Nullam ornare sapien eget est vestibulum convallis et pulvinar arcu.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus blandit ex a vehicula dictum. Curabitur efficitur vehicula massa, sed placerat nisl rhoncus nec. Praesent ultricies iaculis dolor vitae convallis. Nullam ornare sapien eget est vestibulum convallis et pulvinar arcu.