
1 year, 8 months ago



  • Full NAME Nic Thulium
  • GENDER Non-Binary
  • PRONOUNS she/they
  • AGE 19 (current)
  • RANKPerformer/Researcher
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral


Nic Thulium (Japanese: ニッケル · ツリウム Nickel Thulium) is the main protagonist of Nicleotidez's Pokémon OCVerse series. She is a skilled Pokémon researcher but is mostly known for her high rank and fame as a performer known by the stage name G-Volt (Japanese: コケコ Nikokeko).

She doesn't usually participate in Pokémon battles, but when she does, she always has an interchangeable team of misfits (depending on either their mood or her situation) that are ready to fight by her side. Her current Pokémon team roster consists of:

Deren (Deoxys)
Czia (Tsareena)♀
Kenka (Bisharp)
Omari I (Cofagrigus/Human)
Strafford (Toxtricity, Amped Form)
Lester (Cramorant)
Nicasio (Talonflame)♀
Vatio (Kilowattrel)♀

Members that were temporarily part of her roster include:

Tapu Koko
Masanari (Decidueye)
Magearnic (modified Magearna)


In front of the public, Nic is rather laid-back and tomboyish, seemingly not caring about what others think about her at most times. She tends to see things in a positive manner and is very knowledgeable about caring for Pokémon and curing things such as status conditions with the Berries that she has. She loves helping others whether they need a hand at something that she is capable of doing, not caring about her fame and how she has to behave like a celebrity due to this. She's not too pleased about her fame, though - not only because she thinks that she doesn't deserve all of this, she also just wants her life to be more private. She genuinely appreciates her fans by a lot for their support towards her, and often attends fan events just to meet them. She can still be quite shy in front of others that she is unfamiliar with, so she will try her best to not be overwhelmed by all her fans. She keeps most of her feelings to herself as she fears that she might accidentally offend others with what she says, causing her publicity to decline. She despises people who are rude and immodest, and will always stand up to deal with them if such people are harassing her or her own fans. Most of her fans are aware of her bad temper due to her talking about it on Galar TV when she was interviewed about one of her albums after its release, but she has never shown that side of her in front of them up to this date.

In front of her Pokémon and the people that she trusts, however, Nic will tell them how she truly feels about things, as she knows that they understand that she means what she says and have gotten used to her manner of speaking. She might accidentally lash out in front of others if they have annoyed her due to her bad temper. Her guilty conscience will quickly make her apologize for her actions if she knows that she has done something wrong after doing so. Nic is very bad at making her own decisions, so she often relies on her Pokémon to make her decisions for her. If there is no one to help her in making them, she makes them hastily. She also infodumps and vents a lot in front of them due to the fact that others will find her annoying if she does so (she learnt that the hard way). She can be quite untidy and does things unprofessionally when she just thinks that's she's tired of life. She also has a bad sense of humor, and her Pokémon are always her victims when it comes to this (they don't mind much about this, though). She is often seen as unhinged and chaotic by many, and this (along with her way of her speech) often causes others who don't know about her much to see her as rude.

Nic never knew how she could communicate with her Pokémon and understand them in the first place - she actually thought that every other trainer could do so and that it wasn't just her. She treats them exactly like how she treats her close friends, to the point that she sees them as her equals. She understands that although her Pokémon are beings that she is capable of controlling, she still tries to give them as much free will as possible. This might be the reason as to why she hates using them for battles - she doesn't like seeing friends of her suffer from her actions.

Chapter 1: Ray of Alolan Sunshine

Lant and Ceri, two young and reckless Team Plasma grunts, attempted to seek for shelter in Alola while trying to hide their unborn child from Ghetsis due to how they would be fired if he knew about all that. They simply told their boss that they would only be having a "short leave" of some sort until further notice.

A few months later, Ceri gave birth to a happy little baby girl while staying on Melemele Island. Her father, Lant, named her after Nicasio, his Talonflame, as Nicasio was the one who rescued Ceri from a near-death experience during one of their missions. However, due to them having to take on odd jobs around the region to cover the expenses for their new baby, she was often left all alone in their house, constantly crying out for their attention even when they have left.

The good news was that baby Nic's sadness didn't last for long. One day, as Tapu Koko was flying around his island, he found baby Nic lying in her crib and wailing as loud as she could for her parents to come back. Knowing that they weren't going to return for quite some time (and a bit angered at her parents' reckless actions), the Island Guardian decided to make a promise to take care and protect this infant whenever he could.

Tapu Koko had quite some trouble taking care of the little baby, as not only was she quite fussy due to her being neglected most of the time, the Guardian had no idea how to take care of a human baby in the first place, as they were never tasked to do so for thousands of years. Despite all that, they would always be pleased to see their "adoptive daughter" smile at them whenever she was satisfied with her feeding or whenever they gave her enough attention. Soon, Kahuna Hala and the other Island Kahunas knew about all this as well, but they never criticized Nic's biological parents for their actions as they believed that karma would eventually come to them one day.

Nic spent most of her babyhood and childhood spending time with Tapu Koko whenever her parents weren't around to take care of her. She learnt more about the Alola region thanks to her new father figure, and would always be excited to see them from time to time whenever her parents would let her out of the house to play on her own.

Chapter 2: To Hoenn and back

As everyone knows, good times never last for long. Lant and Ceri eventually knew why their daughter was distancing herself from them, and thought that it would be a good idea to take her back to their old home in Hoenn (surprisingly, yes, Nic's biological parents are actually from Hoenn and not Unova) to... well, "compensate for their actions" and distance her from that "wretched Island Guardian" for once, as they saw them as a bad influence to their child (when, actually, they were the bad influences instead). Nic was sent to Hoenn with her biological parents, and returned to Alola a year later.

To the dismay of the people and Pokémon who once knew Nic a year ago, her personality had almost completely changed after that year in Hoenn. She became more shy and silent (due to her parents always not allowing her to do this and that while in Hoenn) and stayed in her house all the time (due to her parents not letting her out). She wouldn't dare talk to other people, including Kahuna Hala (whom she often talked to in the past) and his grandson, Hau, and would often head to the forests of Melemele whenever she had the chance to do so, seemingly searching for something all the time. Her parents soon enrolled her into the Melemele Island Trainer's School, where she despised all the time - not due to the teachers who supported her passion for Pokémon, but due to the other students who often laughed and mocked her for spending too much time with wild Pokémon, even calling her a "wild child" to some extent. Nic, of course, hated all of this, and ran to the Ruins of Conflict multiple times to seek for Tapu Koko multiple times. Most of the time, they would be there for her, but one time, when she got lost, she met someone else in their place instead.

That person was none other than Guzma, the teenage boss of the recently formed Team Skull who takes in misfits from around the region. Seeing Nic and realizing who she was due to how Kahuna Hala described her to him, he immediately took her in Team Skull and treated her like his own little sister. Quickly, he became a brother figure for Nic, and always welcomed her with a hug whenever she decided to come up or vent to him. (He scolded his grunts whenever they laughed at him for showing his vulnerable side in front of them.) Nic was the youngest member of Team Skull, so she had always gained special treatment from Guzma and his grunts once they have all gotten used to the little one. As Guzma would always pick her up from school whenever her parents were too busy to care for her, her classmates quickly knew about her relationship with Team Skull and they all started to fear her instead of bullying her like before.

Chapter 3: Island Challenge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi nibh, elementum eget sagittis quis, malesuada id turpis. Nam congue urna sit amet justo condimentum, at congue sapien ullamcorper. Maecenas consectetur tempus tortor eu porta. Suspendisse id laoreet sapien, vitae consectetur dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur at facilisis leo, eget ultricies lorem. Etiam eros sapien, molestie eget posuere vitae, mollis in felis.

Etiam malesuada pretium porttitor. Vestibulum eget felis semper, maximus urna at, fringilla nibh. Fusce volutpat quam vitae consectetur venenatis. Praesent euismod dictum ex, at vehicula mi euismod in. Phasellus non enim vel dolor tempor convallis non eget sapien. Donec pulvinar id quam a dignissim. Maecenas ornare arcu sem, sagittis ultrices nulla dignissim nec. Aliquam aliquam, dolor nec mattis condimentum, arcu ligula convallis lorem, faucibus facilisis arcu quam a augue. Vivamus ornare neque sed lacinia tristique. Aliquam scelerisque, augue sodales luctus congue, nunc tortor convallis lorem, nec condimentum eros ante eget metus. Aenean id ante sed nibh feugiat rhoncus. Quisque elit nisl, aliquam at sollicitudin eu, iaculis nec neque.

Chapter 4: Galar

Suspendisse vel tellus libero. Vestibulum elementum mauris non convallis ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vitae eros gravida, facilisis sem nec, accumsan nisl. Vivamus eget lacus scelerisque, posuere massa commodo, blandit lectus. Vestibulum sollicitudin urna velit, vel fermentum mauris vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse sit amet est placerat, pharetra libero vitae, convallis orci. Sed posuere libero id nisl sollicitudin efficitur. Donec at faucibus urna, eget cursus augue. Ut non ligula ultricies, tristique dolor suscipit, pellentesque urna. Donec eu ornare tortor.

Praesent fermentum dui sed magna consectetur, at hendrerit ligula aliquam. Nunc varius maximus varius. Morbi dignissim leo lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer eu diam ut tellus pulvinar fermentum. Donec eget lorem arcu. Ut auctor ipsum id aliquam euismod.


Suspendisse vel tellus libero. Vestibulum elementum mauris non convallis ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vitae eros gravida, facilisis sem nec, accumsan nisl. Vivamus eget lacus scelerisque, posuere massa commodo, blandit lectus. Vestibulum sollicitudin urna velit, vel fermentum mauris vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse sit amet est placerat, pharetra libero vitae, convallis orci. Sed posuere libero id nisl sollicitudin efficitur. Donec at faucibus urna, eget cursus augue. Ut non ligula ultricies, tristique dolor suscipit, pellentesque urna. Donec eu ornare tortor.

Praesent fermentum dui sed magna consectetur, at hendrerit ligula aliquam. Nunc varius maximus varius. Morbi dignissim leo lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer eu diam ut tellus pulvinar fermentum. Donec eget lorem arcu. Ut auctor ipsum id aliquam euismod.


Suspendisse vel tellus libero. Vestibulum elementum mauris non convallis ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vitae eros gravida, facilisis sem nec, accumsan nisl. Vivamus eget lacus scelerisque, posuere massa commodo, blandit lectus. Vestibulum sollicitudin urna velit, vel fermentum mauris vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse sit amet est placerat, pharetra libero vitae, convallis orci. Sed posuere libero id nisl sollicitudin efficitur. Donec at faucibus urna, eget cursus augue. Ut non ligula ultricies, tristique dolor suscipit, pellentesque urna. Donec eu ornare tortor.

Praesent fermentum dui sed magna consectetur, at hendrerit ligula aliquam. Nunc varius maximus varius. Morbi dignissim leo lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer eu diam ut tellus pulvinar fermentum. Donec eget lorem arcu. Ut auctor ipsum id aliquam euismod.


  • Her own Pokémon
  • Drawing
  • Science and research
  • Holding onto the past
  • Space
  • Spicy food
  • Ultra Beasts
  • Cooking
  • Team Skull


  • Her biological parents being overprotective towards her
  • Team Plasma
  • Rude/bossy people
  • Show-offs
  • Liars
  • Pokémon battling (unless her Pokémon want to battle)


Sed lacinia quam eu aliquam congue. Mauris porttitor magna a massa lacinia, sit amet tempor ex luctus. Ut a arcu efficitur, ullamcorper lectus sit amet, posuere massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum purus sed dapibus tincidunt. Suspendisse fermentum luctus est, id malesuada tellus aliquet vitae. Nam et eros a augue elementum ullamcorper. Maecenas lobortis arcu eget vestibulum dapibus. Aliquam fermentum pharetra libero, ut dapibus nisl finibus ac. Praesent ultrices a nulla id porta. Etiam scelerisque feugiat mi, nec scelerisque dolor luctus ac.

Fusce quis orci ac urna venenatis finibus ut ac urna. Proin in ante lobortis, mollis turpis bibendum, accumsan ante. Nunc vulputate cursus tempus. Duis volutpat quis felis ut auctor. Etiam placerat, est et sagittis semper, velit sapien interdum enim, a ultricies erat magna vel odio. Morbi nunc nulla, aliquet ut nisl at, hendrerit viverra felis. Nam congue augue ac dui posuere tempus. Integer risus ante, tristique sit amet auctor aliquam, sodales id nisi. Aliquam placerat id elit ac semper. Ut imperdiet odio nec justo pellentesque, quis aliquam nibh ornare.


Sed lacinia quam eu aliquam congue. Mauris porttitor magna a massa lacinia, sit amet tempor ex luctus. Ut a arcu efficitur, ullamcorper lectus sit amet, posuere massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum purus sed dapibus tincidunt. Suspendisse fermentum luctus est, id malesuada tellus aliquet vitae. Nam et eros a augue elementum ullamcorper. Maecenas lobortis arcu eget vestibulum dapibus. Aliquam fermentum pharetra libero, ut dapibus nisl finibus ac. Praesent ultrices a nulla id porta. Etiam scelerisque feugiat mi, nec scelerisque dolor luctus ac.

Fusce quis orci ac urna venenatis finibus ut ac urna. Proin in ante lobortis, mollis turpis bibendum, accumsan ante. Nunc vulputate cursus tempus. Duis volutpat quis felis ut auctor. Etiam placerat, est et sagittis semper, velit sapien interdum enim, a ultricies erat magna vel odio. Morbi nunc nulla, aliquet ut nisl at, hendrerit viverra felis. Nam congue augue ac dui posuere tempus. Integer risus ante, tristique sit amet auctor aliquam, sodales id nisi. Aliquam placerat id elit ac semper. Ut imperdiet odio nec justo pellentesque, quis aliquam nibh ornare.

Bonus Content

Sed lacinia quam eu aliquam congue. Mauris porttitor magna a massa lacinia, sit amet tempor ex luctus. Ut a arcu efficitur, ullamcorper lectus sit amet, posuere massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum purus sed dapibus tincidunt. Suspendisse fermentum luctus est, id malesuada tellus aliquet vitae. Nam et eros a augue elementum ullamcorper. Maecenas lobortis arcu eget vestibulum dapibus. Aliquam fermentum pharetra libero, ut dapibus nisl finibus ac. Praesent ultrices a nulla id porta. Etiam scelerisque feugiat mi, nec scelerisque dolor luctus ac.

Fusce quis orci ac urna venenatis finibus ut ac urna. Proin in ante lobortis, mollis turpis bibendum, accumsan ante. Nunc vulputate cursus tempus. Duis volutpat quis felis ut auctor. Etiam placerat, est et sagittis semper, velit sapien interdum enim, a ultricies erat magna vel odio. Morbi nunc nulla, aliquet ut nisl at, hendrerit viverra felis. Nam congue augue ac dui posuere tempus. Integer risus ante, tristique sit amet auctor aliquam, sodales id nisi. Aliquam placerat id elit ac semper. Ut imperdiet odio nec justo pellentesque, quis aliquam nibh ornare.



  • "I don't like Pokémon battles, but if my Pokémon are ready, then my body's ready as well."

    "If you think I'm weak, then you don't know who I really am."

    "Hello, hola, ciao and... bonjour? ʻAʻole maopopo iaʻu..."

    "My team and I are all misfits, but when we're together, we'll become stronger than ever."

    "Turn the beat up! Let's get started, for your bro G-Volt is IN THE HOUSE!!"

    "Come on, come on, yell with everything you've got, 'cuz G-Volt's about to SHOW YOU WHAT SHE'S GOT!"

    "Wow, you're quite strong... I lost, but at least my Pokémon had fun, and that's all that matters, right?"


  • Nic's name is based on Nicasio and nickel. It is also based on one of my nicknames in real life. Her surname derives from thulium, one of the lanthanides, which follows the pattern of what her biological parents were named after (quite ironic, as she changed her surname to her current one in order to distance herself from her parents).
  • Nic's stage name, G-Volt, is based on the Z-Move Gigavolt Havoc. Nic's Japanese stage name, Nikokeko, is a combination of the Japanese names of Nic and Tapu Koko.
  • Nic's old and current performer outfits both contain subtle designs that are references to her current Pokémon team roster.
  • Nic's Galar League number can either be 256 or 959. 256 is goroawase for her first name in Japanese, while 959 is goroawase for "kokeko", a reference to her Japanese stage name (and Tapu Koko themselves).
  • Nic is bilingual. She speaks both English and Hawaiian.



Maecenas semper ut nisl a porttitor. Proin feugiat arcu libero, vel ultrices ante feugiat eu. Proin bibendum tellus eget suscipit efficitur. Proin lobortis mauris velit, vel pretium urna pharetra nec.



Maecenas semper ut nisl a porttitor. Proin feugiat arcu libero, vel ultrices ante feugiat eu. Proin bibendum tellus eget suscipit efficitur. Proin lobortis mauris velit, vel pretium urna pharetra nec.



Maecenas semper ut nisl a porttitor. Proin feugiat arcu libero, vel ultrices ante feugiat eu. Proin bibendum tellus eget suscipit efficitur. Proin lobortis mauris velit, vel pretium urna pharetra nec.

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Layout by Truly | Code by Aurorean