Russel Wozniak



5 years, 9 months ago


Name Russel Wozniak

DOB June 23rd, 1915

Age 28+

Sign Cancer

Gender Male

Birthplace Wichita, Kansas

Height 6'8" (203 cm)

Residence "Middle of Nowhere", Kansas

Build Beefy

Occupation Staff Sergeant (Squad Leader)

Eyes Brown

Orientation Heterosexual

Hair Dark Brown

Demeanor Brave


HTML Pinky

Russel was a hardworking country boy who led a simple life until he decided to join the Army like so many other young men he knew, and after his two tours of duty in WWII he returned home a heavily decorated and well-respected war hero. (Though all the things he had seen and done aren't something he likes to talk about.) While he was glad to be back things didn't feel quite like they used to, and he knew he'd never be the same. The Korean War began and he was sent off to fight again, although this time he didn't return. On a particularly cold night he and his men were exposed to the elements too long and Russel, along with a few others, caught hypothermia and died from its effects before help could arrive. (And of course he cursed the fact that "just a little bit of cold" was the thing that did him in.) He may have had more of a chance at surviving had he not selflessly (and perhaps foolishly, since he assumed he could handle it) put another soldier's needs above his own and gave him his own jacket, which did save the other man's life in the end.



Russel is a natural born leader, and not because he's bossy or controlling, but because he's a fearless, responsible man who is always willing to step up and take charge without hesitation. (And, let's be honest, he's TALL af and people just automatically see him as a big boss. XD) He's always there to lend a helping hand or give advice to those who need it (or who he thinks need it), even in times where he's not sure he has all the answers himself. He never likes to be too pushy, and is always open to hear or accept other people's opinions and ideas, but at the same time he can be very firm, and isn't at all afraid to put his foot down and say "NO" or "you're wrong and I'm right!" when he feels it's necessary, and won't budge once he gets in this mindset. He's pretty naive when it comes to the subject of romance & "human relations", (which is how he was honestly so oblivious to how much his younger brother got around when hanging out with all the other farm boys. XD) And though he has a lot of confidence in himself he's also fairly humble about it, and feels embarrassed/annoyed whenever anyone (Frank) should ever sing his praises too much...especially when it comes to his accomplishments during the war...


He stands and walks with over the top proud, confident-looking posture, in an almost comical kind of way. And being the big, strong guy that he is he's always using that strength, and it seems as if he's so often seen doing things like carrying a huge bundle of firewood, moving heavy farm equipment around with ease, or during wartime, carrying his wounded soliders over his shoulder. Though he's obviously aware of his height he still manages to often bump his head on door frames or ceiling lights, even when he was trying his best to duck. He tends to call others "buddy", "lil' buddy", "son", "kid", etc. very often, especially if they're younger than him. He also usually calls other soldiers by their last names, only using their first when they aren't on the job, (or he's trying to talk to them heart-to-heart.)


I guess kind of what you'd expect: a fairly deep, manly voice, somewhat gruff (especially when yelling), with a "southern-ish" accent. Ridiculous as this is going to sound, I imagine it to be kinda like Hank Hill. XD


Likes: Country/farm life, His family, Camping, Fishing, Hunting (mainly ducks & turkeys), Fall
Dislikes: Talking about the past, Being argued with, disobedience, reading, writing, Loud/Sudden Noises



Hair: Dark brown, cut short, and usually slicked back with pomade. Also has an "old timey" handlebar mustache as well as "five-o clock shadow", which is always there no matter how recently he shaved.

Eyes: Warm brown colored & kind of wide

Build: BIG, beefy, and wide! Built like a lumberjack with broad shoulders and strong, muscular arms. No six-pack abs or anything like that though, his belly is quite soft! Has a pretty hairy chest too.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: Russ has a lot of battle-related scars: a "chip" missing from the top of his right left ear**, several shrapnel wound scars of varying size on his right-front side, ranging from his chest down to his mid-thigh, and a long stab wound on his left side, a little above his waist 

**I am dumb and get left & right confused a lot, but I decided to put it on the left side, so any pics where it's on the right are incorrect. forgive me. XD)


When not in his Army uniform he always wears clothing you'd typically see on a farmer or country boy: heavy flannel shirts with t-shirts underneath (and just a t-shirt or tank top in the summer), along with overalls or jeans, which are often worn with suspenders. Also frequently seen wearing work gloves.













  • Since his 2nd tour of duty he no longer takes his shirt off around other people, not wanting others to see (or ask him about) all his scars
  • It's a little embarrassing to admit, but he's a very slow reader (he CAN read, it just takes him longer than most and it frustrates him), and he cannot spell very well either
  • Being the big guy he is he eats a LOT, and it seems like he's almost always hungry!
  • A gruesome random fact but...out of all my OCs, he is one of the ones that has killed the most people (Frank ain't lying when he tells people how his big bro "killed a whooole bunch of Nazis!")
  • He is by FAR the tallest person in his family, his parents were shocked by how big he got!
  • Before the army he went on frequent hunting trips, so he was already very familiar with a rifle (and also a very good shot :x)