


3 months, 10 days ago





Nightmare Princess, Mimz

early 20's



Lives in
The Nightmare Queen's manor

October 31st




Okay... I think I'm going to start throwing rocks now...


Mimzy is the daughter of the Queen of Nightmares. A prestigious title that means nothing in the realm of nightmares where royalty does not matter in the slightest. Mimzy had grown up isolated, wishing to live a life like the ones in her books. Now she's finally getting that chance, but it's being much more dangerous than she expected.


Mimzy is on the shorter side, with fabric-like skin with stiches on her elbows, knees, chest, neck, and head. She resembles and dresses like a clown, taking inspiration from peirrot clowns. She has short blue hair that sprouts from the stich on her head. She has large blue circles on her cheeks and sharp teeth. Her eyes are blue buttons, with the X stiches acting like pupils, shifting to indicate where she's looking.


Mimzy is bubbly and friendly, she's incredibly affectionate with her friends and loved ones. She lets her emotions guide her and will follow her heart and guy before her head. She can be very patient and trusting to a fault, often giving people way too many chances. She can often get stuck in her own world, often getting tunnelvision for what is her current goal, which can lead her to missing very important details. She feels very deeply, which means when she actually is angry or hurt, she can react explosivly which can be dangerous with mixed with her powers.


  • Singing
  • grindhouse horror movies
  • Romance novels


  • Conflict
  • Being trapped
  • Veggies


Mimzy was born and raised in a mannor hidden away in the darkest forest of the Nightmare Realms, with only her Mother and her nanny, Marie, as company. Though she would often be visited by her friend Tailor and their family as their parents are friends and Tailor's mother was Mimzy's doctor. But as Mimzy grew older, her desire to leave grew stronger, wanting to get out and see the world, and have adventures like the ones in her books. She finally gets that chance on her birthday when she and Tailor meet Jabber, another sandman who claims to be the Child of the King of Dreams, and Dion, a strange creature who isn't nightmare or dream. They claim to be on a research mission to the land of Nightmares for the King, and ask Mimzy to come back with them to tell the King first hand what she knows. Mimzy takes the chance to leave, despite having not actually gotten to see much of her own homeland, not willing to give up this opportunity, with Tailor tagging along to make sure she stays safe. Mimzy finally gets her wish for adventure but also finds herself at the heart of a conlict that has been brewwing since before she was even born. It will be up to her and her friends to solve it, or else the world of dreams and nightmares will be lost completely.



Tailor is Mimzy's childhood friend. They two have been there for each other through thick and thin! Mimzy is the sugar to Tailor's spice, balancing out each other well. She can often find herself dragging them into her schemes against their better judgement, and often getting pulled out of danger by them too. She trusts them with her life and loves them very dearly.


Mimzy was delighted to meet Jabber, having never met someone like her before, even though Jabber was less than pleased to meet her. Jabber is actually Mimzy's Sibling, something that comes as a total surprise to Mimzy. At first the two had a somewhat tense relationship with Mimzy struggling to get through Jabber's prickly personality. But as the two grow closer, they find more common ground and end up growing closer. Jabber is Mimzy's opposite in many ways, and while Mimzy thinks Jabber can be harsh and even mean at times, she's sure that they have a good heart and that with enough love and affection, it will come through.


Mimzy meets Mads not long after she and her friends first arrive in the Land of dreams. The two are instantly facinated by each other, Mimzy having never met a Dream, and Mads having never met anyone from the land of nightmares. Mimzy finds herself quickly charmed by her roguish charm and is even more charmed when she realizes what a bit nerd and dork he is, a feeling he reciprocates. The two ultimantly end up rushing into a relationship, yet remain devoted to each other as they stumble through learning how to be in a real romance, and also dealing with the dangerous situations they find themselves in. Mimzy thinks he's very brave and apprciates his streetsmarts.


-Mimzy is a Sandman. Sandmen are essentially the embodyment of dreams and nightmares. There are only four in exsistence, The Queen of Nightmares, the King of Dreams, Mimzy, and Jabber. Mimzy and Jabber are not nearly as powerful as their parents, but still possess powers far beyond any other average dream or nightmare.

-She's Asexual/Biromantic

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