Gorse's Comments

joined ! i really like sand tiger sharks/sharks in general !!

I really like barreleye fish and salmon. Both are super pretty and unique.

already in server, i liek a lot of fish but tripod fish, axolotls, swordfish an garden eels r cool

my fav fish is the black skirt tetra :> discord is khaotickanine

entering!! joined discord (username = thesillybillygal) + faved + I like cod but dragonfish + snailfish + gulper eels are also pretty cool :D

faved, joined discord (my username is wistormagic), & my favorite fsh are whale sharks! thank you so much for the opportunity & good luck everyone <3

Faved, already following, joined discord as Skymancer.
Arowana are my favorite fish!! <3

shork >:)

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I like sturgeons, eels/murenas or tiger sorubim  ! Ty for the chance ❤️

puffer fish

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I really like gold fish :33

I really like salmon 

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i love moon halfbrown beta fish! they are so pretty

Do seahorses count as fish?? IDK HELP

i like sharks and dolphins :3!!!

Swedish fish xd

marine betta!

I heart the puffer 


Flounder - I like how they have eyes on only one side but it makes sense. 

rainbow trout! :]

Otocinclus catfish !

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Devil's hole pupfish :D

Glass catfish :3

Siamese fighting fish

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Think mine would be viperfish honestly

Funky little lads

betta fish !

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Did all+joined discord!! I loove beta fish

I like Goliaths! :3 I faved too! (Didn't join discord)

Faved, and joined the discord, and my favorite fish has to be the sockeye salmon, they’re just so goofy looking I love them :3

Fav fish is dummies they’re so silly and they have spikes 

I once caught one with my bare hands

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Nurse shark!


koi ^__^ i also rly like yellow boxfish theyre so funny

hammer heads or gars !! sillies

Ooh I really like arapaimas! They're really goofy looking and they're also HUGE! :>

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Lemon sharks, their so silly <3

Sea angel! <3

Angel fish r so silly

I really like betta fish! 

hehrbehrbwbfbd not allowed discord >:(

Faved & joined!

Black moors

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm beta mayhee

blob……blob fish…..

Koi fish !


Hehe, the blobfish :) they just so silly

Hammerheads and mulletfish and black shark minnows and iridescent shark catfish and rummy nose tetras and silver arrowanas *INHALES* and boops boops

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Whale shark :D

gg u won


I like tuna fish!! Yum

Swordfish >:3

The fish

Fish with mustache 


Flying fish :]

I’ll say my favorite is catfish :3

in terms of eating, raw salmon >:3

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Rhinopias frondosa fish!! Awa

I love the sunfish they're so slow and like silly

I like queen angelfish

i lik the barreleye fish :3c 

I love Sacabambaspis 🥰

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stilt fish

I am in love with this fish Favorite: Goldfish

Non-real fish= VAPOREON

Real fish=koi fish and goldfish :3

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Cod 🐟


my fav fish ... jellyfish.. not a fish but .. water creahhure...... theyre so silly and worbwornlewob whee


parrotish :3

Tuna feesh

koi fish!!

my fav fish is the platinum butterfly koi :D

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Fav is Koi Fish!

Molamola fish are so silly! And whale sharks too..

spearfish are pretty neat :]

Favorite fish? The big sunfish guy who's the idiot of the sea.

did all ++ my fav fish is a minnow:3 i also like tiger shark!! 

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I like whale sharks ! Also Are seahorses fish? And manta rays ? I love those guys too.

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lionfish or butterfly koi!

i like salmon a lot!! they r silly :3

Koi fishe :3

flying fsh !!

i like battered

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Clown fish <3 and joining server rn