Iolite (Fusions)



X Marin = Indigo Morganite: A self-assured and confident, though can come off as rude at times. She's a  natural leader and likes to be in control. That said, she knows how to  relax when need be, and even when she's angry she's very good at keeping  her moods in check, covering her temper with a practiced smile.  Surprisingly, she is very understanding and empathetic to those  experiencing dark times.

                           Unstable Morganite: Formed before Iolite and Marin (then Aquamarine) were on good terms. While she is assured in her self-confident, somewhat-rude traits, she is  often torn between being loud or quiet, humble and proud, and two very  different sets of principles ringing in her head.

X Star Lemon Quartz = Cordierite: Contemplative and self-assured, but has some unstable tendencies, such  as the simultaneous need to act immediately and the intense executive  dysfunction. She's perfectly happy to tell others what to do, though,  even if she loses her train of thought mid-sentence easily. She also  expresses fondness for those around her freely.

X Sherry Topaz = Rose Topaz: Unendingly cheerful and bubbly, with a strong drive to help others and a  need to be constantly active. She has moments of snark, but is overall  pleasant and personable.

X Star Lemon Quartz X Sherry Topaz = Galactic Aragonite: Pleasant and caring, enthusiastic but subdued. She's contemplative and strong-willed, but has her childish moments, as well.