Raven Bridges (The Observer)



1 month, 7 days ago


Year 6

The Observer


Raven wasn't thinking logically about this. He was in hiding, trying to keep his identity as a god of death a secret from the tyrant, Logan Stevens. If he were smart about it, he would have stayed in Boston. However, Raven decides to start attending the University of Hartford alongside Logan and Emma. Raven poses as a normal music composition student, and that ends up being his in to watch the messiest set of events he's seen in a long time.

Raven finds the struggle between Logan wanting to end this world and jump to another and Emma wanting to keep cultivating this world until its end absolutely fascinating. He doesn't intervene in big ways, but he does push things along when things are starting to get boring. Neither God is none the wiser. To them, Raven is just a normal stoner kid who skateboards around campus and seems to know everyone. And hell, Raven is good at playing that part. He's having fun playing student, and he's having extra fun watching the clash between immortals and gods alike. 

God of Death:

Despite currently being in hiding, Raven still holds power as the god of death. He can grow a black angelic wing on his left shoulder if he wishes to. He also heal quickly from any injury, so he is pointedly very difficult to kill. Finally, as a bringer of death, Raven is able to create and find immediate mastery in any potion or poison, finding it extremely easy to make even the most unlikely things work. This is useful, as he is not always guaranteed to have a weapon around. 

Draw With: 

Anyone in the year 6 folder: Raven just talks to people as he's passing by on his skateboard. He is cheerful as he greets everyone around him.

Art Ideas:


-Playing the piano or lyre

-Listening to music with headphones on

-At a college party smoking or drinking

-Feel free to make him a little deranged. He would.

- With butterflies! He has an affinity for blue butterflies

- Tarot art. He's The Fool

- Light gore. It's okay, he'll get better.