Basil Genovese



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Basil Genovese


Wizard (School of Evocation)




5'11'' (formerly 6'2'')






suh this is basil my first d&d character!!! he's a human evocation wizard and our group calls ourselves the sub optimal six (not in game but lmao) and i love them all very much. 

for a discontinued storm kings thunder campaign!

Personality Traits: He's very bookish, and would really rather bury himself in other things than talk to other people. It's not that he doesn't like them; he's just nervous and knows that he has trouble keeping up relationships because of his priorities. He's not completely sure of his future, and is mostly working towards paying back his student loans and his parents, and he thought he wouldn't be able to do that in his small town. 

Ideals: He's very family orientated, and his priorities are family>work/education>other relationships. He loves magic, and finds it extremely beautiful. He holds himself to a high standard and wants to keep improving his magic. The better he gets, the more things he can do, the more jobs he can take, the more money he can get to do what he needs to do.

Bonds: His parents are everything to him. After an incident when he was a teenager, his family went through some rough times. Though his parents tried to hide their money problems, he still knew and felt responsible for everything. Because of this, he wants to pay his parents back any time he can. Deep down he knows he will never be able to pay them back, even though he's vaguely aware that they would never blame him for anything about it nor expect him to give them money anyways. His parents are really the only people he keeps contact with regularly.

Flaws: He takes criticism extremely personally. He has a defensive nature, and it shows itself in passive aggressiveness at times. He's very awkward and absolutely cannot talk to people. He tends to overthink things and as a result can freeze up and be indecisive. He's also a bit cowardly and has trouble saying no.

Basil's parents have a family business making toys, and usually the toys have some kind of enchantment so they're animated and stuff like that! As a kid and up to soon after college, Basil would work with them, usually with the making of them in the back, or he would deliver them (he would hate working at the counter and actually in front of the shop because his talking and people skills are horrible). 

He started studying magic because of an incident involving an important delivery when he was a teenager (he got robbed and the shop's reputation suffered a bit) because he decided he needed to be able to protect his family and the business. Eventually he was studying not only because of that but because he just developed a love for the arcane. He started adventuring because he wanted to find a way to pay for his higher education and he wanted to find a way to pay back his parents (which is dumb because they would never hold that over him and it's not like there's a set cost anyway he just feels really guilty)). Also it was a joke when we were first starting but there's a drink that's kind of a staple of his town Wepsi and it's basically just. comfort drink important to him

oh also he has a rough collie named daisy!!! he's a good boy and gary got him for basil :3c. also he writes letters to his parents every chance he gets which can be weird bc already Twice hes had to be like "hey im not dead guys sorry"

youtube playlist!

pinterest board!

campaign playlist!

in same campaign as: azar, and (previously) joan!