
1 month, 13 hours ago


Maeek Arrin
She/her (but not out to most people, so generally goes by he/him)
Gunnison sage-grouse
Trans female


Persistent • Focused • Rash • Shrewd

The adopted daughter and apprentice of the falcon Erwek, a scholar of the occult. Being a fairly wealthy man, if something of a recluse in his old age, Erwek provided Maeek with an extensive education in the natural and magical sciences. Despite having been an outgoing and rebellious child, as many townsfolk of their home of Lakestead can attest, Maeek has become withdrawn and cordially polite to most, if impatient still. She now only goes into town to run errands for her father - but she spends all of her time occupied with one thing or another, be it business or her studies.

Under her courteous exterior, Maeek carries a fire that can only be seen in fleeting moments - a burning anger she never fully extinguished.


  • Keeping busy
  • Paranormal biology
  • Old books
  • Field work


  • Small talk
  • Having nothing to do
  • The government
  • Feeling incompetent
"I made it through worse than this with no one - I don't need your help, and I certainly don't need your pity."


Settled in the midst of the windswept farmlands outside the city of Troutwick is the Regree Institute - the boarding school that was to be Maeek's "home" when she was taken from her family and the Sagebrush Reservation at five years old. There she stayed - enduring continuous abuses in the name of assimilation - until thirteen, when Erwek Arrin came to the institute. For several days, he observed the children, and on one day in particular, the old falcon approached Maeek and offered to take her away from the school. Young and desperate to escape the terrible place, she agreed.

The same day, Erwek brought her to his home on the outskirts of the small town of Lakestead, a few miles from Troutwick; a favor was owed him by the school's superintendent, Erwek explained, and he had called it in to be allowed to take her. Despite his reclusive ways, she learned, he had means of gaining influence in high society - means he would teach her, as the purpose of her adoption was for him to take her on as his apprentice.

In the early months of her apprenticeship, Maeek made several attempts to run away and get home to her family, as she had tried and failed a few times at the institute. Unlike at the institute, Erwek let her go without punishment, but she found herself unable to complete the journey every time. Always, something would draw her back to the Arrin manor - lack of supplies, uncertainty with navigation, and even her own fear of what she would find waiting for her with so many years past. By the end of the first year, she had settled into her new life with her adoptive father and committed to learning all she could from him about his strange, occult practice.

The following years came to see Maeek a successful student of magic. With Erwek's health deteriorating in his old age, she has taken on more and more of his work and responsibilities. Impressed by her growth, Erwek hopes for her to someday go beyond what he has taught her and reach new horizons in her study. The Arrins' reputation leads an eclectic group to Lakestead with a request - one that Maeek chooses to offer her help with mainly to further her education; though, if her new clients are to be believed, there could be much more at stake for her than knowledge.


• Has an inflatable throat display (which the thick white patch around her neck is part of) as is typical for the sage-grouse; inflating it causes the black plumes framing the patch to also move upward

• Fat and somewhat tall for her species

• Typically wears plain but high quality clothing

• Tends toward a masculine presentation, though she doesn't prefer it


• Was a Meditite in the nuzlocke Doomed Young was based on

• Right-handed

• Capable of being charismatic, but prioritizes her own matters and so often appears disinterested or distracted

• Good endurance

• Talks quickly but only really explains her thought process when asked

• Has bipolar disorder




Maeek disliked Qavech almost immediately upon meeting her, and subsequent conversations have only cemented the feeling, though she remains generally polite; she reasons that, coming from very different backgrounds, they are simply incompatible as people - and it bothers her that Qavech has implied otherwise.



She initially found Raffi fascinating - having never encountered a shoggoth before, she was eager for the chance to learn from one firsthand. However, the longer they spend together, the more she finds herself appreciating its company as a friend.

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