
1 month, 10 hours ago


Pronouns: It/its

Age: Unknown (adult)

Species: Shoggoth

Gender/sexuality: None

From: Doomed Young

A recently awakened shoggoth trying to survive in a strange new world.  Raffi was still young when its kin revolted against their creators, the  Elder Things. In the resulting destruction, years into the war, it  became trapped in the ruins of an Elder facility and was forced to  hibernate for millenia to avoid starvation. It now relies on those who  woke it to navigate the foreign present and has become the most attached  to Qavech, who it ends up seeing as family. Qavech named it Raffi to  have something to call it, as shoggoths have no names; it grew attached  to the name before long.

Raffi is a playful, lighthearted individual most of the time - though it  is quick to turn hostile if it feels threatened or uncomfortable.