Sonya The Fox



5 years, 9 months ago



  •  Name  Sonya The Fox

  •  Nickname  Sonya

  •  Age  21
  •  Gender  Female

  •  Pronouns  She/Her

  •  Status Alive
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual

  •  Speices  Fox

  •  Occupation  Dish Washer, Bar Tender, Stripper

  •  Residence  Mobius / Main Universe  


  • Coffee
  • Light Rain
  • Cloudy Days
  • Playing with her kitten 
  • Staying Home


  • Perverts
  • Her bosses
  • People pitying her
  • Working three jobs
  • Being told what to do


  • Watching movies
  • Reading comic books
  • Playing the violin
  • Collecting rocks
  • Smoking (she considers it a hobby)


  • Hard working
  • Loyal
  • Determined
  • Courageous
  • Intuitive


  • Pushes herself to hard
  • Hot Headed
  • Anti Social
  • Petty 
  • Sarcastic


  • Bar tending
  • Time management
  • Cleaning
  • Basic Self Defense 
  • Street Smart


  •  Hair  Light and Dark Blue/Long

  •  Eyes  Dark Green

  •  Color  White

  •  Marks       Has a tattoo on her back of the name "Judy"

  •  Height  N/A
  •  Weight  N/A

  •  Body  N/A

  •  Clothing  Casual


- Sonya was raised by her grandmother from her father’s side, never   knowing anything about her real mother. Her father wasn’t a dead beat   dad or anything, in fact her father has much as Sonya doesn’t believe  so  really loves her, but he was terrified of raising a child and really   had no idea how to so his mother agreed to take care and raise Sonya   until her father could get his shit together, that is according to her   grandmother. Sadly that never happened. Her father would visit Sonya on   occasion and always bought her gifts for her birthday and Christmas,  but  slowly over time his visits became less and less frequent until he  just  stopped showing up all together. Her grandmother would assure  Sonya  that he was just busy and had things he needed to take care of,  but  Sonya never believed her.

- Through out high school Sonya   started hanging with a bad crowed which caused her to start smoking,   drinking, and get into some light drugs (she refused to do any of the   serious or heavy stuff). She even got arrested once for petty thief,  but  she got off with just a warning since her grandmother was an old  family  friend to one of the officers at the station.

- At  sixteen  Sonya’s grandmother started falling ill, so she had to drop out  of high  school to take care of her, though her grandmother called her  out on her  just using her as an excuse to drop out of school cause she  didn’t like  it, but there was nothing that could have been done at that  point. A  couple months later, Sonya’s grandmother passed away  peacefully in her  sleep.

- For the next two years until Sonya  was constantly in  and out of foster care (since they could never get a  hold off or locate  her father), but when she turned 18 they kicked her  out. Homeless and  jobless, Sonya lived on the streets until she met a  young man named  Mark.

Mark The Tiger was a kind hearted soul who  often visited  the local homeless shelters in his area to donate food  and supplies,  where he met Sonya. After sitting with her and listening  to her story,  he told her that he knew a girl named Opal that worked at  a small local  restraint who could probably pull a few strings with the  owner and get  Sonya a job there. At first Sonya did not know what to  make of this. All  her life she had been around people who just wanted  to use her and was  never shown genuine kindness, never the less from a  total stranger.  Sonya told Mark that she would have to take a couple of  days to think  about it, but after talking to some other people around  the shelter she  was staying at, all of them vouched for Mark, no one  having anything bad  to say about him. So when Mark showed up again,  Sonya asked him if his  offer still stood. After a phone call and some  string pulling Sonya  became a part time dishwasher, despite this she  still resided at the  homeless shelter whenever she could.

-  After a couple of months  of working at this restraint, another girl was  hired named Missiy Saro.  After working one shift together, something  with the two just seemed to  click and they instantly became best  friends. When Missiy heard from  Opal that Sonya was homeless, Missiy  confronted Sonya and told her that  until she could save up enough money  to get her own place, she was going  to be living with Missiy, no ifs,  ands, or buts about it.

- For  the next couple of years Sonya  lived with Missiy and it was great, but  her dish washing job would  never be enough for Sonya to get her own  place, so the moment she  turned 21 she decided to look into getting a  job as a bar tender, since  she knew almost everything there was to know  about mixing and blending  drinks, and though she didn’t like people all  that much, she knew how  to fake it until you make it as her grandmother  used to say. When her  friend Mark heard this, he offered her a job at  his bar and after  almost a year and with some help from her friends,  Sonya was finally  able to get her very own apartment.

- A couple  months before  Sonya’s 22nd birthday, Sonya was at her dish washing job  and was  currently on break, so she was in the back smoking a cigarette  when she  saw a ruffed up young raccoon boy leaning against the building  beside  them. When he spotted Sonya he asked her if he could bum a  cigarette  off her, Sonya not really caring, went ahead and gave him one.  After a  couple minuets of silence, she asked him if he needed any help.  He  snickered and replied with, “Who doesn’t know a days?” After he   finished his smoke, he thanked Sonya for the cig and left. Though Sonya   thought the encounter was strange, she just shook her head and went  back  to work nothing thinking about the raccoon (who she would later  learn  his name is Sicarius) again. However little did Sonya know that,  that  would not be the last time she would see him.

Long story short, they had many encounters and eventually the two grew close and they began dating.


  • Is a smoker
  • Is a high school drop out
  • Never seems to have enough money despite having three jobs
  • Has a black and white kitten named Eclipse
  • I gave her grandmother the name Judy after my aunt who passed away before I was born
  •  Relationship  Best Friend

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  •  Relationship  Friend?

Maecenas quam neque, tempor et semper sed, mattis sed mauris. Aliquam dictum efficitur nunc id convallis. In gravida ipsum id maximus consequat. Curabitur sed nisl ut libero condimentum fringilla.

  •  Relationship  type 

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor.