


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Charon, Clan'Ket






5'4" (162 cm)


Pansexual, polyamorous



Theme Song

All She Wants To Do Is Dance


Orcish Coast (northward mountains)



"All's well-- ready to head out, then? I'm certain you'd rather spend time with me than waste the day away!"


Overall personality type: Childish, lively, self-centered

✔️Likes: Hunting, eating, napping, being paid attention to, compliments, animals
✖️Dislikes: Work, pessimists, debates/arguments, poisonous/venomous critters


Eyes: Round, deep+darkish reddish-brown eyes. Look much more honey-colored in direct sunlight.
Skin: Charon's skin color is reminiscent of red soil. (TBH, when i color him, he seems to be closer to orange than red...)
Hair: His hair is a saturated blue-black, shaved into three sections: a thick head of straight hair, top center with two tufts sticking out in the sideburn area. Loves keeping his hair up, and only takes it down if he's asleep or too busy to consider putting it back up.
Body type: Shorter than the average Orc, Charon still stands assuredly with a wide body (he was very lean when he was a teenager). His chest, torso, arm and thigh+leg muscles aren't super defined but very thick.
Special notes for Charon's appearance: As an Orc, he does have the trademarks of his heritage: having short but pointed ears, and thick protruding tusks on his lower set of teeth. Also, for these Orcs specifically, they all have tattoos-- so Charon's various tattoos are of proper custom; some are gained through social mores, but most are necessary to identify one another's origins... And some are there just due to perpetuated, long-gone ritual customs.
The older he gets, the hairier he gets-- this includes head hair (thus the bun in adolescence, and longer ponytail as a young adult, etc). His body hair is practically black instead of the deep dark blue on his head.
Has thick eyebrows that split at the ends.
More often than not has his fingernails and toenails painted black [this is common for Orcs]

Clothing, piercings: Charon doesn't wear much else beyond a white fundoshi and his compress bandages on his lower arms and legs.
For piercings, he has one pair of stretched ear lobes, stretched labret-- both are dressed up with the standard black plate. One piercing on each nipple, usually keeps carved pointed bone through them. Has a prince albert (wears copper for that).
 ... It's conventional for Orcs to bring out finer jewelries for special occasions, but Charon is too lazy to keep up with that.

Mannerisms: He repeats words often to make sure attention is rapt on him, is very physical (touching arms, shoulders, slapping backs, nudging, if he feels safe around someone he might even hug/embrace them).
Usually looks excited for one reason or another, and if not excited... Downright mischevious. Can find Charon a mile away because he's always smiling about something, from soft caring smiles to full-on toothy grins.
If not hunting or wandering, will most likely be squatting or sitting. Gets a bit careless and slouchy when relaxing. Ends up leaning against surfaces or people when like this, too.


  • Charon is a spitfire: crude at times, but mostly a positive sort of opinionated and enthusiastic. He cares for little beside making a show of himself to please or amuse others (in a positive light, of course. If he manages to make a fool of himself but others are kind about it, he'll take one for the team lol).
  • While he isn't afraid to point out other's shortcomings, he finds himself focusing on someone's more positive aspects. If someone is a constant cynical sourpuss, he will be a bit disappointed but still as open and cheerful toward them as ever (he so badly wants to make their day)!
  • His natural disposition is so optimistic about life and the people around him. He might not necessarily be the most emotionally available to anyone, he makes up for it with his pure intentions and positive, encouraging attitude.
  • While he finds himself more inclined to napping or relaxing, to do these things he very much enjoys the build-up and work to get to it. And by work, he usually frolics, hunts or hikes all by himself. You will not catch him actually working, ever (and that's the way he likes it).
  • Will be a go-with-the-flow type if he finds the situation favorable to his demeanor.
  • The only thing that can get him down, secretly, is being considered inferior or being looked down upon. Where he's from, this doesn't happen often as he's considered a great man, so he's golden for the most part.


On his species/living:
  • The Orcs come from a long line of tough, nomadic ancestors that have settled along coastline for hundreds of years. While the forefathers and the much older Orcs of today understand that there is more to life than their species and peaceful life along the coast, they purposely stay in their place, not having expanded for a half-century.
  • Because of the overall peaceful living, the Orcs have not seen another living species in centuries. The information on other species is nil and many Orcs believe they're the only people in the world. [This couldn't be further from the truth, but when the time comes, the Orcs will integrate fairly well with the other people in their world.]
  • There are various settlements (Orcish cities/towns), but the most populated is Charon's father's settlement.
    The Orcs are constantly busy working, since the populations are quite large in each settlement; intense labor is necessary to keep everyone alive and healthy all across their lands in their little-to-no-machinery lifestyle.
  • The tattoos are given throughout an Orcs life, starting at young ages [you can read more about that in the next category, too]. While the facial and torso/back tattoos are different depending on an Orc's birthplace settlement, the chin, neck, shoulders, chest, arm, thigh and leg tattoos are the same for every individual. Their meanings were once necessary for the smaller settlements to distinguish each Orc, but as the colonies got bigger and expanded farther, the meanings were lost and are just relegated to regions. Charon's settlement's tattoos meanings in particular once meant a more strong, violent, good-hunting type of Orc.
Childhood, adolescence, young adulthood:
  • Charon was born into a very interesting circumstance, beyond being a twin. While most Orcs had been getting their tattoos at young ages (6-8 y.o.), Charon's mother was passionate and demanding that her newborn twins could handle the tattooing not soon after they had been cleaned off! Then again, the herbs mothers giving birth ingest are wildly psychotropic and numbing, so that may have factored into her choices...
    Whatever the reason, the consequences were immediate: Charon handled the process so well that this ritual became the new standard. Charon's twin brother, Monti, was not so fortunate and passed out, scaring the living daylights out of all the Orcs helping in this occasion-- he recovered just fine, though. Even in his adulthood, many Orcs across the settlements can recognize Charon due to this change.
  • If he wouldn't have been tattooed at birth, he still would have his pleasant and carefree childhood, as his father is the chief of the largest settlement. But his renown had started and would never stop after that point, so he was favored and treated highly. Many families across the settlements desired to offer their children in arranged marriages to have Charon in their family. It wasn't until Charon's family came across Yara's family, who offered a huge dowry for their only daughter, who was pitifully underweight and seemingly infirm. The 'payout' was risky but when Charon and Yara spent time together, the families noticed that Yara perked up with each visit. They had high hopes for the two to build on each other (...and the dowry), and settled the arrangements.
Adulthood/Current life:
  • While it seems like Charon buckled under the pressure that his family and friends placed on him for being a strong child, Charon still holds himself highly in these regards and is proud of it all... It's just he's naturally lazy, and as he's grown he still avoids responsibility for playtime. Because his family is large and his father is important, nobody speaks out at Charon's lack of duty, either.
  • Even though he has three children with his wife, Yara, he spends about as much time with his immediate family as he does with his cousins, sisters and brothers, and acquaintances. Which Yara tolerates, but his children are a little bit more overwhelmed at the lack of their father's preferences and attentions.
  • When his father gets into spats with the other settlements leaders on whether or not to expand their lands (his father opposes), Charon likes to speak with the heralding Orcs to send off information that his father agrees with these ideas to expand. This causes a lot of issues and is one of the fairly bigger reasons the Orcs break out into a civil war (LOL)


Unique Abilities

  • Orcish Constitution: Can withstand great physical pain compared to an average human.
    Orcish stomachs are made of much stronger stuff and can handle raw foods, and on occasion, bone and stones.
    Due to the Orcish Coast's constantly warm-to-hot climate, almost all Orcs can withstand high temperatures (up to 120°F) and high humidity.
  • Animal Bond: Charon is a friend to most animals and critters due to his carefree and respectful disposition toward nature!

  • Weapons: Charon has proficiency in wielding spears and daggers.
  • Orcish Strength: Stronger than most species on Oakkha, adult Orcs are capable of lifting 200 lb.s on average.
  • Hunting: Charon is a master hunter. As he should be, considering he slacks off of his responsibilities to indulge in hunting every other day



  • How to pronounce Charon's name-- its not like the usual pronunciation of Charon ('sharon'/'ka-run')-- cha-rone (like 'alone')
  • He was born on July 29th (Leo♌)
  • Loves animals, and animals love him (he usually has a 'I'll give them space and if they come to me, that's fine' approach)
       ... Has a wild boar companion that he named 'Kito'. Companion as in Kito comes and goes as he pleases whenever Charon comes around his neck of the woods. But since Kito is a familiar face and seeks Charon out, the Orc has come to think of Kito as a pet... or friend.
  • The only person SOMETIMES able to mentally mellow Charon out is Monti, and that's only due to Monti's persistence... He's the only person to not give up the good fight.  
  • Has a bit of a tendency to get violent/carelessly rough but he usually puts that energy and desire to his hunting ventures.
      ... And he has killed a few people (much later in his life, and in self-defense)

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