Charon ([Links]Relationships)




  Legyas (Biological father) - Positive. Legyas can be a bit stern with his words and actions, but the truth of it is that he gives Charon so much leeway despite chastising him often. Charon loves his father so much! He appreciates his efforts in raising most of his siblings without his mother around.
  TBN (Biological mother) - Charon loved his mother so very much and misses her often. He feels he received a lot of his energy from her constitution. His memories are mostly clouded with the rosy tint of childhood innocence.
  Monti (Twin brother) - Positive. Monti is his 'better half', in a sense. He understands that Monti will ground him, even when he doesn't need it. They fuss a lot but at the same time, they wordlessly make up from these things and band together.
  T'uhm (Brother) - He was a pleasant brother, as far as siblings go. Charon doesn't remember much about him...!
  Qetah (Sibling) - Tenuous. They are quite the worrywort, which means Charon feels it necessary to avoid worrying them by being himself. He just loves his sibling too much to cause problems for them!
  Siam (Brother) - Tenuous. He is the spitting image of their father, in both appearance and demeanor. He is not the funnest to be around! Why act like father if he's still around to be the head of the clan? Charon can't take Siam and his need to bicker seriously.
  Perke (Sister) - Tenuous. She tends to think of life in absolutes and can be a bit of a nit-picker with what Charon tells her, so there are times he just doesn't tell her anything to avoid such negativity.
  Birde (Sister) - Positive. His oldest (well, after T'uhm passed) sibling and the most fun to be around, sans Monti anyways! She has so many responsibilities now, but she always seems to find time to be a friend. Hmm, Charon usually finds the time to play by ignoring his own duties. Does that mean...? Surely not...!
  Ch'ohn (Brother) - Positive. It breaks Charon's heart to know Ch'ohn will never know more about mother, but at least he's still got a good head on his shoulders, at such a young age too! Youngest siblings are the most fun to be around since they have so much energy and happiness. It is infectious to Charon!


  Yara (First Wife) - Positive. Yara is so thoughtful and helpful to Charon! He has to admit, though, every prospective wife and husband shies away from him after meeting Yara though. Or rather, they're already long gone by then... It's a bit odd, but he is more than fine with Yara manning the helm, and having his children.
  Maverick (Boyfriend) (AU) - Positive-ish...? Maverick is the first non-Orc Charon has ever seen! He looks so frail and speaks a strange language, so he was never intimidated or concerned about Maverick's intentions. Charon enjoys the challenge of staying in his company and vying for his attention, as Maverick seemingly runs hot and cold around him and the other Orcs. He wants to impress and please the round-ear so very much!


  Kito - Kito might be a boar, but he seems so knowledgeable about the ways of the Orcs! Or, rather, he is so sweet to Charon. They have so much fun together!


  Dom'Khar (Brother-in-law) - Positive? One of the most strongest Orcs is Charon's brother-in-law, and after they had been bonded by relation, Charon can't say that he is intimidated or impressed by the man anymore-- not that it's a bad thing! He likes feeling in control around Dom'Khar, as the older Orc can be a huge stick in the mud, constantly whining about what a 'nuisance' Charon is. As if!