


5 years, 7 months ago


IDENTITY: unspecified
HEIGHT: 6'4ft (195cm)
D.O.B: oct. 1st


An overbearing and in-your-face kinda person. Comes off as weird, off-putting and quite bawdy. Despite this, he has an odd charm to him that makes it hard to completely hate him. Puts fun above all else. Always preoccupied with something as to not succumb to boredom. Very hard to read, as his tone varies; but it helps to know he isn't a very serious person.

His outwardness still holds truth, but deep down he does genuinely mean well. He lets things go when told he's overstepping boundaries just as quickly as he crosses them. He is an incredibly touchy person and loves to show affection in this way. Loves his friends and anyone remotely close to him, and would go as far as needed to protect and uplift them in whichever way possible. Often puts his own personal issues aside to focus on something, or someone else. He can't be bothered to deal with his own inner turmoil.


He loves thrill, action, and anything of that sort. If he isn't already preoccupied with something, he's most likely in his own world thinking about whatever he's fixated on at that time. Appears to be drawn towards the strange, the morbid and the peculiar. Can come across as edgy and superficial with his odd fascination with sex and violence.

Loves racing of almost any kind. His fascination towards speed and vehicles fuels this interest tenfold. He loves loud & abrasive music and spends most of his waking hours listening to such. Good with his hands; he enjoys tinkering with machinery, taking them apart and putting them back together. You could probably count on him fixing something for you.

Hates monotony. Can't stand overly prudish people, or those he deems "uninteresting". He doesn't like things that "take too much time to think about". Avoids things that require penmanship.


CUPID [FRENEMY] Best friend with bitter rivalry. They argue like an old married couple, as they always seem to bicker about one thing or another. Despite this, they would fight tooth and nail for each other. Differences aside, they relate to one another in more ways than they'd lead you to believe. Necessary opposites.

CHELSIE [FRIEND...?] Inseparable; despite how odd the pairing is. One would assume they're incompatible, but they find comfort in each other quite often. Dominik deeply cares for Chelsie and lets them see him at his most vulnerable. Both believe their love is unrequited.

SAM [PLAYTHING] Teases him endlessly; not out of malice, but out of love. Dominik is highly protective of Sam otherwise and hates seeing him being subjected to anything that hurts him or his self esteem.

UDELA [MOTHER] Mixed, to say the least. Wants her love and approval and cannot stomach it all at the same time. Wants to forgive and forget. Among their discrepancies, lies similarities both of them aren't ready to unpack.



misc. facts
  • diagnosed ADHD+dyslexia
  • intersex (PAIS)
  • vocal tone ranges significantly
design notes
  • straight, bleached blonde hair. has darker blonde roots growing out
  • downturned eyes & dark circles
  • resting smirk
  • tall, lean, boxy figure
  • pale complexion and cool undertone
  • ripped left earlobe. scar on right palm

