


5 years, 7 months ago


IDENTITY: demigirl
HEIGHT: 5'4ft (162cm)
D.O.B: aug. 31st


Comes across as aloof; but she means well and is kind otherwise. Empathetic but has issues with expressing it. She cares deeply about those closest to her and would do anything for them, no matter how difficult it may be for her. Hopeless romantic. Falls in love instantly and is prone to losing feelings just as quickly.

She is a very observant person, often watching things happen around her and studies things from afar. Naturally curious. Often the mediator in her friend group and seeks out every possible way to avoid conflict.


Total bookworm. Spends most of her free time writing and revising over and over again until perfection. Collects various ephemera and often shares them with friends, always keeps a small pill box on her persons in case she finds a cool rock or bottle cap on the ground. Likes bugs and thinks caterpillars are cute. Daydreams of romance. Loves praise. Seems to be drawn to eccentricity. She finds comfort in people who are more outward than her.

Hates conflict and tries to avoid it at any opportunity she gets. Doesn't like it when she's disregarded. Hates being underestimated. Uncertainty scares her, needs a plan for everything.


CUPID [BEST FRIEND] Best friends since childhood. Chelsie comes to them whenever she needs help or advice, no matter how harsh it may be. She deeply admires them and wishes she can be more bold like them. Chelsie is one of the very few to see Cupid at their most vulnerable.

DOMINIK [FRIEND...?] Inseparable; despite how odd the pairing is. One would assume they're incompatible, but they find comfort in each other quite often. Chelsie deeply cares for Dominik and does whatever it takes to see them at their best. Both believe their love is unrequited.

SAM [FRIEND] An odd pair whom pity each other. Both are good friends and often converse with one another, finding solace in what little they seem to have in common. She thinks Sam has untapped potentiality. Often the most understanding shoulder for him to cry on.



misc. facts
  • undiagnosed ASD
  • tans easily
  • softspoken but flat
design notes
  • mid-length brunette hair, either tied into two low pigtails or braids
  • round, sad-looking eyes
  • blank resting expression
  • short, pudgy figure
  • freckled tan skin

