


3 years, 10 months ago


IDENTITY: nonbinary
HEIGHT: 5'6ft (167cm)
D.O.B: sept. 8th


Distant when you look at them at first glance, but they will waste no time getting to know you. Loves the presence of other people but can get drained fairly quickly and lead them to an irritable mood. Can read people well and will figure out exactly what they're feeling by looking at them. Caring & bubbly with some friends, aggressive & impatient with others. *Will* give you unsolicited advice, for better or for worse.

Despite their outward demeanor, they truly don't mean any harm unless they feel its necessary. The last thing they want is for people to think they're completely unapproachable. They tend to express things boldly and with no filter. They have a hard time expressing vulnerability; which explains their hard-headed bluntness even around those close to them.


Has a soft spot for animals, especially marsupials & felids. Volunteers at a shelter whenever they have the time to do so. Prefers things to be calm and quiet. Fan of urban exploration and is always on the lookout for old, dilapidated buildings to trespass into. Seems to empathize with things that are broken and in disarray and finds such things beautiful. Can make anything out of nothing. Likes to drown out all outside sound while listening to music. Enjoys white noise; It helps them regulate any strong emotion they otherwise would not verbalize.

Despises control freaks more than anything else. Finds it annoying when people talk too much, or are intimidated by them. Hates hot weather.


DOMINIK [FRENEMY] Best friend with evergrowing bitter rivalry. They argue like an old married couple, as they always seem to bicker about one thing or another. Despite this, they would fight tooth and nail for each other. Differences aside, they relate to one another in more ways than they'd lead you to believe. Necessary opposites.

CHELSIE [BEST FRIEND] Best friends since childhood. Cupid gives advice to Chelsie whenever they feel it is needed and is often the force that nudges Chelsie along to do something. They care deeply for her and wish to see her succeed; as they put a lot of faith into her and her potential. Chelsie is one of the very few to see Cupid at their most vulnerable.

SAM [FRIEND] Sees him both as a nuisance and as a perfect victim for teasing. They wish he was more self-sufficient and less whiny; but those few hurdles don't stop them from loving Sam all the same as any other good friend of theirs.



misc. facts
  • undiagnosed OCD+depression
  • deadpan tone
design notes
  • short, wavy black hair. innermost area is bleached and faded
  • thick, furrowed brows. slit on left brow
  • pudgy, curvy figure
  • blemished brown skin & moles all over body
  • pierced navel & multiple piercings on ears

