


3 years, 10 months ago


IDENTITY: cis male
HEIGHT: 5'10ft (181cm)
D.O.B: sept. 21st


As awkward and pathetic as you can get with a guy. Seeks approval whenever he can, making him unintentionally annoying at times. The type of person to apologize if you look at him wrong. Comes off as a little weird as a result, but in the end he has good intentions.

Seems to be on edge all the time when not around those close to him. His friends mean the world to him; thanks to them he can be his real self around them. A good listener even if he can't offer any real help. Surprisingly fit; he's just very weak-minded and needs a push or two in the right direction.


Loves to sulk, preferably alone and while listening to music on whatever cheap device he has on him. Would love to get his anger out in a "real way" but for now he keeps to himself and that seems to be working out for him... sorta. Likes going on walks even if the weather makes him feel broody most of the time.

He loves hanging out with his friends and looks forward to new adventures, even if they scare him. He's willing to step out of his comfort zone if it means he gets some sort of attention out of it.

Doesn't like his family and tries to find any sort of excuse to get out of the house. His room, while comforting, makes him feel stuffy. Hates feeling neglected; would rather be made fun of than ignored. Doesn't like physical exertion.


DOMINIK [FRIEND] Takes whatever is thrown at him by Dominik. You'd think he'd hate them from what they put him through, but he knows it's just their way of expressing love (even if it's a little intense). He appreciates everything they've done for him otherwise.

CUPID [FRIEND] A little intimidated by them, but doesn't mind as it also makes him feel safe. Admires them. Perfect victim for teasing but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

CHELSIE [FRIEND] An odd pair whom pity each other. Both are good friends and often converse with one another, finding solace in what little they seem to have in common. He often goes to her for advice and support, as he thinks she's a good listener even if not too helpful practically; thinks she's the perfect shoulder to cry on.



misc. facts
  • undiagnosed clinical depression
  • average to high pitch in tone. voice cracks constantly
design notes
  • mid-length, unkempt dirty blonde hair
  • hooded eyes, hazel in color
  • prominent nose bump
  • tall, lean and quite wiry
  • skin speckled with acne scars, often clammy

