1606 | Sauvi



5 years, 7 months ago



- Sauvi -
" grape princess "

 About Design

Reference Image Click

Species Esk

This Character was Designed By Life0n, Tayleaf

Masterlist 1606

ARPG Tracker Link

Extra Design Notes;
-She has 5 tails, four are thin flexible ones, and one is grape overgrowth.
-  Her antennae are emotive and flexible.
-  Her crown is made of vines and enchantment
-  Her large leaves can be flexed like wings.
- She used to have long blond hair, but has since changed her hairstyle.
 About Character
   NameSauvi |

Pronounced  soh-V-EYE

  Sex Female |

    Age Adult|

   Height Generally 5ft |

   Home Zen Garden in Forest |

   Personality Regal, Serene |

    Okay with Gift Art? Yes

    Okay with Writing?  Ask First

Esk Specific;
   Biome Forest

   I Used to Be... Human

   Accessories none

   Enchantments Angel's Share

    Elementals Wine

- 2275 Twyla - Her original creator, she originally had a very angry and painful relationship, and hated her for turning her into an esk.
- 1946 Kaito - Kaito transformed her the second time, freeing her, and helping her grow and heal. After this transformation, she forgave Twyla, and also apologized for how she'd treated her before.

- 1946 Kaito - Soulmate
- 2275 Twyla - Friend
- 1690 Jiro - Cares for him like a father.
- 2469 Kintsugi - Has never met her yet.
- 3166 Viola - Dear friend.

Sauvi is gentle, elegant and kind. She is calm and serene. She spends her time at Kaito's side, grateful for his love and protection.  

Originally, Sauvi was a human girl named Cosette. Having been born into wealth, Cosette was a 26 year old daughter to a upper-class vineyard owner. Her father's health was failing fast however, and it was up to her to help save the rapidly declining vineyard. The economy and political upheavals of her time were putting massive financial strain on her family, coupled with the changing demands of the people and their taste for more extravagant wines. In a desperate attempt to learn new methods to use for cultivating her new ward, Cosette traveled to India to train for 3 months under a world-renowned Vintner.  

- - -

While there, she toured the many vineyards, learned new techniques, and studied, all with the hopes of returning home and saving her family's fields. While there, she also met Kaito, the son of a Japanese emperor, visiting a summer palace there in India. She felt a connection with him, but was unable to see him again as she soon received word from home, her father had passed away, and with her out of the country, those that her family owed were to obtain ownership of the entire estate.  The loss of her father, coupled with a now crippling case of homesick caused her to wander the vineyard late one night, weeping beneath the moonlight. This is when Twyla found her there, transforming her into an esk.

- - -
37870502_OZVODoAhhEDyNwr.png?1627586626As a common esk, she was angry and upset, confused about the change, and falling into despair at times for the loss of her father and home. Even after Kaito was transformed into an esk and finally found her, she never could shake the sadness and pain that followed her since her father's death, and she felt trapped in the dead orchard where she'd been transformed.
50688960_ukbAMDE5FYQ16wY.pngOver time, her and Kaito worked together to create a little zen garden in a lush part of the forest near her boundary, and this is where she eventually transformed Kaito, and where he transformed her in return.

This character/design intellectual property owned by me (tayleaf) and may not be copied, traced, duplicated or referenced in any form without my written permission. 
This character is for my personal use, (and ARPG/Species where applicable) no entity has permission to use or redistribute  in any way.