TTW Mochi



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Mark

Age 20-Something

Alias Mochi

DoB January 18

Gender Male

Alignment Good

Orientation Poly, Bi

Personality Soft

Origin Hope University

Species. Human (99%), ??? (1%)

Residence Discord Dorm

Mark - known to most in Hope by the nickname Mochi - is a student at Hope University. Theoretically, he studies computer science, and is pretty skilled at coding. In practice, he's easily distracted by other seemingly more important things, and as a result his studies often fall by the wayside in favour of helping his friends or travelling to other remnnants. When he's not out doing too much, he can often be found hunched over a laptop desperately trying to code in time for deadlines.

One of Mark's biggest weaknesses is that he struggles to say no to people. Often, this leads to him picking up too many odd jobs and trying to do too much. Thankfully, he has enough close friends to remind him to look after himself as well. Either way, having done so many things for people puts him in most people's good books, and he's on good terms with a variety of people across all the known remnants, making him useful as an ambassador for Hope.

He stays in the Discord Dorm at Hope, and is one of the minority of tenants there that pay rent, on time, in shards. He's extremely bi and has a crush on many people - especially the older men like Othidar and Ogenus. He definitely seems to spend a lot more time than he should in Othidar's kitchen... but just for cooking lessons so far. He also really likes bread, baked goods and tea. Like, REALLY likes.

He's also well known for hoarding things - he has a collection of one of anything he can find, and with so many remnants being discovered, that adds up fast. Luckily, he managed to learn enough space magic in the Enchanted Forest to expand the storage space in his dorm room to accommodate all the thousands of items he has saved away. He's definitely the person to go to if you need to borrow something.

In summary: soft poly bi bread boi, pls tell him to rest more


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