Helena "Hel" Evans



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Helena Evans














Height: 121cm   ||   Weight: 42kg   ||   Figure: pretty normal for her age

Hair Length: middle-length   ||   Hair Style: curly   ||   Hair Colour: reddish-blond

Eye Shape: roundish almond   ||   Eye Colour: light green

Skin Colour: light   ||   Complexion: freckles (mainly on her face and arms)

Characteristic Features: 

Likes: Comfortable clothes

taking on leadership roles

physical challenges

individual sports



Dislikes: inactivity


work that does not use one's talents

drunk people


Strengths: courageous; determined; confident; enthusiastic; optimistic; honest; passionate

Weaknesses: impatient; moody; short-tempered; impulsive; aggressive


"Oh, will you call me to tell me you're alright?
'Cause I worry about you the whole night
Don't repeat my mistakes, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside
Is it time to let go now you're older?
Don't leave me this way, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside."

- James Arthur // Safe Inside


(will follow asap)

She is the daughter of Miles and Lynn.


Lynn Mary Evans: Mommy

Helen is the daughter of Miles and Lynn. Lynn got pregnant with Helen during her last bachelor semester at university. At first, Lynn wanted to abort the child, because it was an unwanted pregnancy and the young woman didn't feel ready to become a mother that early. Her parents heavily supported her decision, because they feared, that the child was some kind of 'bastard'. They didn't want the Evansian family tree to be tarnished. But after they found out, that the baby's father was Miles Saunders, they changed their opinion. Lynn's parents were very fond of the Saunders' offspring and saw a secure future for their daughter at Miles' side. So they persuaded Lynn to keep the child and marry Miles to start a family of her own. Lynn deferred to her parent's pressure and became Miles' wife. The two would remain a wedded pair for about three years.

During the first months of Helen's life, Lynn was completely overwhelmed by her role of being a mother. Helen claimed her whole attention and Lynn had barely time for herself. Her eating disorder and anxiety worsen again and all in all, Lynn struggled a lot with her new life situation. To Lynn's surprise Miles acted very caring and thoughtful during that period. He supported his wife wherever he could and Lynn actually got her hope's up, that he wasn't a complete asshole and, that he was able to change. She could see the three as an actual family. Lynn loved Helen and wanted to offer her daughter a better childhood than she had. 

But when Hel turned one year old, Miles' behaviour towards Lynn slowly shifted. Lynn had hired a nanny to babysit Helen from time to time so that the young mother was able to leave the house. She planned to continue her studies at Middlesex University and longed to resume her old running routine. All in all, Lynn wanted her life back. Miles, on the other hand, felt like he was thereby losing the control over his wife once more and so the two began to argue again. Helen for her part didn't notice the tensions between her parents. For the little girl life was perfect. She loved her mother and admired her father.

However the older Hel got, the worse her parent's relationship became. By that time Miles nearly controlled every step of his wife's and daughter's life. Furthermore, he got violent towards Lynn more often and the fear of her husband physically hurting her daughter drove the young mother crazy. And so Lynn decided to escape Miles' once and for all and to divorce him. 

When Hel was about three years old, she and her mother left Miles and moved in with Fennas. Helen was very unhappy about her mother's decision. The little girl didn't like Fennas at all and wanted to go back home to her (genetic) father. She couldn't understand, why her mother dragged her to this complete stranger in the middle of the night. Helen began to act very clingily and whining towards her mother and refused to leave her side. Lynn had a hard time with her daughter and the whole situation got on her nerves. Therefore the young woman was extremely thankful when she got the opportunity to work full time in a gallery and was able to leave her daughter to Fennas.

But the older Hel got, the more she began to understand her mother's decision and eventually realized, that Miles was an asshole. With the image of her ideal father slowely crumbling, Helen felt like her whole world would fall apart. She got extremely moody and aggressive and began to retreat herself from her environment. Lynn was completely unable to cope with the sudden change of her daughter and often lost her patience with Hel rather quickly. The relationship between mother and daughter became worse and worse and they began to fight more frequently. But with Fennas often smoothing down the differences, mother and daughter always made up with one another again. 

Miles Saunders: The biological dad

Helena is Miles's "little princess". Miles never wanted children but since Helena is an easy-going child he tolerates her. Their relationship is mainly based on expensive gifts and material stuff. Later, when - through Fennas - Helena realizes what a real father figure should be like, she starts to see her biological father with different eyes. And wishes for him to change so she can respect him as a person again.

(later) Fennas Dunne : The "part-time father"

Fennas met Helen for the first time, when Lynn suddenly stood in front of his apartment door, seeking shelter from her abusive husband. Helen was about three years old back then and she didn't like Fennas at all. Since the girl had a very forward and fearless character, she made absolutely no secret out of her dislike and didn't mince matters. Hel wanted to go back home to her (genetic) father and couldn't understand, why her mother dragged her to this complete stranger in the middle of the night. That new guy was a loser anyway and he would definitely never be able to replace her "real" dad. Fennas, on the other hand, had absolutely no clue how to handle a child. And so both of them had a rather hard time getting along with each other at the beginning. However, since Lynn was very preoccupied with the divorce proceedings and her new job, Helen and Fennas were involuntarily forced to be on their own quite often. And the little girl really turned his life upside down.

After finishing his master studies Fennas found himself a job rather quickly and was now working as a coder for an IT & Webdesign company based in London. His boss was one of these old-fashioned gruff guys, who was smoking too much and didn't know the word 'closing time'. He immediately drowned his new employee in work and expected, that Fennas would be available 24/7. Fennas was rather grateful for that imposed distraction and immersed himself in the projects. He worked far too much, but eventually proved himself essential for the company and became the 'guy for the important scripts'. Which solely meant, that Fennas had to do more work in a shorter amount of time for a slightly higher payment. 

Since he now had the opportunity to work from home most of the time, it was not impossible for him to take care of Hel during the day, when Lynn was at her own job. But it happened rather frequently, that he had to work overtime due to a last-minute commission or because he procrastinated a task for too long. That would often lead to an all-nighter, which wouldn't have been such a big deal when he could have been able to sleep in the next morning. But with Hel by his side, Fennas now had to regularly get up at 7am to make sure, that the young girl was ready for the day. And he would oversleep every single time. To his fortune, Hel was already rather mature for her age and so she managed to fulfill her morning routine on her. Nonetheless, the young girl would still wake him up, shortly before she had to leave the house for pre-school. 

Since Hel wasn't very fond of Fennas in the beginning, she would squeal on her mom every time he "forgot her". The girl wanted to prove, that Fennas was an idiot and that he would never be as good as her (genetic) father. Hel was angry at her mother for divorcing Miles and she wanted her parents to get back together. 

But the older Hel got, the more she began to understand her mother's decision and eventually realized, that her (genetic) father was an asshole. With the image of her ideal father slowly crumbling, Helen felt like her whole world would fall apart. She got extremely moody and aggressive and began to retreat herself from her environment. Lynn was completely unable to cope with the sudden change of her daughter and often lost her patience with Hel rather quickly. The relationship between mother and daughter became worse and worse and they began to fight more frequently. Their arguments always ended in an upset Lynn and a crying Hel, who would storm into her room, slamming the door behind her. 

Ava Dunne: The sister

(I haven't decided if they met yet)

Thea Uba: ??

(I haven't decided if they met yet)

Jonathan "John" Logan: ??

(I haven't decided if they met yet)