Amu (Amu (Militar AU))



6 years, 2 months ago


yes I know the only thing that’d have a chance at accuracy is the coat LOL but:

  • she’s wearing a mini skirt that is clearly not a uniform item because the uniform one restricts her leg movements and she hates it (“Hey, at least I wore a skirt!” would be her excuse)
  • she’s got sapphire studs for earrings instead of the marble bubble things bc it’s irrational to wear those out of casual wear (to her it’s also a sign of “respect” when wearing uniform)
  • boots because formal footwear is “uncomfy”
  • gloves because she’s too lazy/hyped to take them off — “We might need to set off any moment ok???”
  • no hat and will never wear a hat because “it’d get in the way when she uses her powers”
  • basically she’s ignoring 99.9% of the dress code LOL

Notes on other things:

  • is really only joining the military because it sounds “fun” – meaning that she doesn’t really bother doing anything “serious” and will do whatever she wants regardless of situations 
  • aka she’s a really irresponsible lt gen LOL (I apologize in advance on behalf of her generals of the air force :’D)
  • she’s the reckless restless “kid” you’d see running around playing with her air powers
  • since she runs around the sections of the entire army/academy a lot, so she gets the latest and the most updated info/gossip
  • but when needed, she can suddenly snap out of her kiddy mode and click into a highly rational and analytic mode (like the bottom right picture) and hopefully come up with useful strategies//shot

I’ll add more if I come up with anything new hahaa

imma sleep rn its like 2:36am and I’m sick and supposedly asleep at least 2 hours ago _(:‘3JL)_