Amu (Abigail (Survival AU))



6 years, 2 months ago


For Amu (19)… she’d be the really reckless and adventurous one in the group, often leaving the group without notice and making other people worried but would suddenly pop back in in the most unexpected situations (e.g. sudden wave of zombies) with useful pieces of information like where you can find food or if there’s still people who are alive wandering nearby. Full of optimism and tries to cheer people up when they are down… so people still (hopefully) considers her as a team member despite her random disappearance. She loves everyone in the group/team that she’s in but she tries to distance herself from most of her team members because she knows that they can turn or die any moment and she doesn’t want to get hurt.

Mikan (still 21) would be in the rescue/medics team taking care of people who gets sick/injured and would probably be the cook of the team too. She’s really weak (both physically and mentally) and if she gets attacked instead of running away she’d probably just breakdown on the spot and cry unless someone drags her away
she probably stays at the base 24/7 and doesn’t get out often since she can’t really protect herself….
keeps a kitchen knife (nante lol) for self defense on Yuzue’s insistence 

Yuzue (19) would have okok strength but lack fighting skills. He could have joined the scouting (?) team but he didn’t want to attack anyone and would really only take actions against zombies/enemies only for defensive purposes since he can’t get over the fact that zombies used to be people from the community he lives in. He also prefers to stay close to the base because he wants to protect his sis who can’t really do anything hahaahh
In the worst scenarios he’d rather sacrifice himself to protect Mikan but when that happens I can see Mikan pushing Yuzue away and getting bitten instead askdfjhasf

If Yuzue gets bitten, Mikan will breakdown (again) and end up getting bitten too nantee
If Mikan gets bitten, she’d probably tell Yuzue to kill her on the spot so she won’t cause any harm to other people but while Yuzue hesitates he gets bitten too \o7o/
double lose situation :’D