Amu (Amu (Feudal AU))



6 years, 2 months ago


Amu || 17 || Ice clan

  • Information dealer + Travelling Street performer (undercover)
  • Originally from the neutral clan, until her brother couldn’t stand the heavy taxes anymore and joined the ice clan, and Amu, being very attached to her bro, followed him. He was very devoted to the war and died somewhere along the timeline because of his impulsive actions.
  • Amu felt that it was partially her fault that she wasn’t able to prevent her brother’s death. She felt that as his smaller sister, she should stay in the ice clan and accomplish what her bro wanted – overthrowing the government. 
  • Travels around the place, performing music and acrobatic acts
  • While she does earn a small income from her performances, her real job is selling information & nosing around for information that may benefit the Ice clan
  • Carefree, very talkative and personable
  • A lot of people might know her since she’s all over the place, but very little people know about her real job. People usually just see her as a very nosey and friendly girl
  • Likes collecting accessories, but rarely wears them 
  • has a small short knife thing that she carries around all the time for self defence
  • haori is originally her bro’s, she drapes it on her shoulders as a way of remembering him, and “bringing him to the places that he’s never seen”
  • has relatives in neutral clan but doesn’t contact them in case they get dragged into the war’s affairs