Jaq Deuce



5 years, 6 months ago


Name Jaq Deuce
Age 30
Height 5'8"
Build curvy, a bit chubby
Species Nunuke
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Orientation Pansexual
Residence below Xygoroth's surface
Occupation Hairstylist
Worth $16
Designer Guppie-vibes



Jaq is definitely an extrovert. She's very friendly and outgoing! She's also very talkative, and loves a good chat with someone. She's a bit of a follower, though. She goes along with trends and such. She has a bit of a problem with her self-esteem. She finds validation from other people's opinions.


  • Limited time-Than forever gone: Conjoined twin
  • Mixed pearl colors
  • Mixed eye color
  • Extra eye (1)
  • Different horn-eye amount (1 horn-3 eye)
  • Long ears
  • Magnetic area on the body (legs)
  • PomPom material: Crystal/Glass type

Total: 8 trait amount


  • She has multiple different pairs of prosthetics to match with specific outfits.
  • She loves being extravagant with her outfits.
  • Though she loves styling other people's hair, she prefers to just keep her own hair down.
  • She has her own hair salon! It's pretty well known in her town.


  • Tincidunt
  • Malesuada
  • Quisque
  • Aliquam
  • Consectetur
  • Suspendisse
  • Pellentesque


  • Vulputate
  • Convallis
  • Vestibulum

Skills & Abilities


He can float a foot from the ground(a natural ability of Xynthiis) but his wings help him fly a lot higher than that but he doesn't deem it too necessary nor useful unless he's running from a dog.

Skill Name

About skill. Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam.

Skill Name

About skill. Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam.



Jaq grew up with her twin sister in a pretty regular family under the surface of Xygoroth. She didn't mind being conjoined as much as her sister did.

Even though she's always with Ace, they both developed very different personalities. For Jaq, she became friendly but timid. She didn't really do well in school, finding herself distracted with gossipping with her seatmate or something. Ace would let her copy most of the school work anyway.

She was finally able to split from her sister during the the last few years of highschool. She was pretty sad about it, feeling as if a whole part of her was gone. She sort of misses just looking to her side and seeing her twin, even until now. She took cosmetology for college, and eventually opened up a hair salon under the surface of Xygoroth.


Ace | twin sister
She's very close with Ace, despite their clashing personalities and interests. They've only really been meeting during holidays because of both of their busy schedules.
Spencer | precious nephew
Jaq finds spencer adorable, even though they meet very rarely.
Wren | cousin
She's not very close with Wren, only meeting him during reunions.
Sandra | niece
Her niece that she doesn't really meet very often.
Tristan | childhood friend
She looks at Tristan as an older sibling she's never had. They're long distance at the moment but they still keep in touch.
Elena | childhood friend
She looks at Elena as an older sibling she's never had. They're long distance at the moment but they still keep in touch.
Elise | friend
Elise is a co-worker and friend. They see and talk to eachother almost daily because of work. They'll sometimes hang out over some tea and/or lunch, too!
Scorpius | mutual friend
Scorpius is a mutual friend Jaq knows through Elise! He's also a regular at the parlor she works at and Scorpius only really trusts her and Elise for his haircuts.