


5 years, 5 months ago


“The secret-revealing socialite”
Name meaning “Secret of God”
Age Over 4.5 billion years old (immortal, appears ~25)
Gender ∅ (he/him)
Birthday April 24 / Floréal 5
Height 185 cm / 6'1"
Alignment Lawful Neutral - “The Judge”
Occupation Socialite & Guardian angel of Louis
Handedness Ambidextrous
Orientation Aromantic Asexual
Weapon Musket & Sword
Music Playlist
Layout by Cheeriko
Lorsque j’ai appris que tu étais descendu sur Terre, Harahel, Dieu sait à quel point j’ai admiré ton courage ! Tu as toujours été quelqu’un de si dévoué à ton travail… Un vrai modèle pour moi.

Raziel is a character from the in-progress visual novel Et le grain mourut. He is an acquaintance of Harahel and the guardian angel of Louis.
He is a polite, sociable and genuinely nice angel who is respected by many, but also a coward and a gossiper. He loves humans and wears his heart on his sleeve.


The not-so secretive socialite


Don’t be mistaken by the meaning of his name; Raziel can’t keep secrets. If you’ve done something wrong, he is the last person you can trust, at least if you’re a fellow angel.

In heavenly society, Raziel is known for being an angel of high morals. He is very faithful to Prince Michel and his brothers, and denounces anyone who disobey even the littlest rule. He keeps track of everything he can observe, often noting it down in little notebooks. It would not be surprising to learn that he is actually responsible for the fall of several angels.

Raziel does what he does not out of genuine malice, but because he thinks it helps society. He is also a socialite, and enjoying throwing receptions, to which everyone is invited. That does not mean everyone comes, however– many angels fear that anything they could say or do there could be used against them.

Although he is in no way an expert in literature, he has a pronounced liking for books, and a distant admiration for Harahel, the librarian of Heaven. Despite all the time he spends in the library, Raziel has no idea about Harahel’s true political opinions, and rather wishes he was his friend. Otherwise, no doubt Harahel would have fallen long ago.

The pretty-faced coward

Raziel’s admiration for Harahel didn’t start within the peaceful walls of a library, but on the battlefield. When war broke out in Heaven, Raziel was conscripted into Prince Michel's army like many others. This included Harahel.

This was not their first meeting, but fighting alongside Harahel, who always seemed unfazed by the situation, made Raziel want to know more about him. But Harahel, on the other hand, was far from being impressed by Raziel’s behaviour.

Indeed, Raziel knew his own limits. He knew how greatly unskilled he is when it comes to battle, and the fact that he was (and still is) a big coward did not help. In short, he did more hiding than fighting.

Nowadays, Raziel takes his cowardice lightly, and brushes it off, saying “well, everyone has to have flaws, don’t we?”.

The laid-off guardian

Like most angels, Raziel loves humans. He feels genuine compassion for them, and is quick to forgive their mistakes. Originally, Raziel had made it clear that he did not want to be a guardian angel, considering himself to not be worthy of such a high-responsibility position and too much of a coward to face actual danger and emergencies. But everything changed when he learnt that Harahel was going to become one.

Filled with admiration for Harahel, Raziel summoned up his courage and applied, too. Thanks to his motivation and reputation, he got accepted very easily. He was assigned to Louis Dubreuil, who eventually became a friend of Harahel’s protégé.

Since his birth, Raziel deeply cares for Louis and sees him as a precious younger brother. But while Louis was born in a Catholic family in which the belief in guardian angels was encouraged, due to a traumatic event in his life, Louis eventually grew up to lose faith in Raziel's existence.

Being the guardian angel of an atheist is a quiet job, perhaps a bit too quiet. Raziel often finds himself bored, wondering if he is at fault. Still, he does not hold grudges against Louis in the slightest; he respects and understands his unbelief, and only misses the good old times when their bond was stronger.


Skills & Abilities

Skills & abilities that are shared by all angels

"Average" angelic strength & combat skills
Raziel is physically stronger than any human in existence. However, his strength is very lacking when compared to other angels'. Like most other angels, Raziel has been conscripted into Prince Michel's army during the Great Angelic War. He therefore knows how to fight... in theory.
Failproof immortality & immunity
Raziel is a spiritual being who cannot be killed nor destroyed by any mean. The only way to get rid of him would be to put an end to the universe itself. Raziel could also drink, smoke or do drugs, but couldn’t be affected by any of their negative effects. He can't get sick or injured either.
Pick-and-choose invisibility
Raziel is, by default, invisible to the human eye. He can, however, pick who he can be visible to, and when.
Personal human form
Raziel can disguise as a human at will. His human form is called Ambroise-Amédée. He has little control over how this form looks; it looks close to his original form. When human, Raziel looses some of his abilities, such as invisibility.

Skills & abilities that are shared by all guardian angels

Heart Reading
Raziel can sense how Louis is feeling, both physically and emotionally. He can't directly read all his thoughts, but can get a vague idea of them. He can also hear his actual heartbeat to know when he is distressed, and be able to react quickly if something goes wrong.
Soul Radar
Raziel always knows where Louis is, no matter the distance between them.

Skills & abilities that are specific to Raziel himself

Secret Reading
Raziel can know when people hide secrets deep in their hearts, and, with a bit of effort and concentration, read them. This power only works on humans, not angels, but he's still very good at reading facial expressions nonetheless.
Herald of Peace
Raziel's aura attracts pure white doves.


  • Wars; “The Great War was… I have no words for it. I just hope I won’t have to live that ever again. And that nobody ever will.”
  • People who claim they have no flaws; “Everyone has flaws, and it’s okay. I believe these people should learn a bit of humility…”
  • People who disrespect art; “What a waste! The poor souls who deface historical art pieces and buildings are the worst. How could someone do such a thing?”
  • Profanity; "I don't think such words are necessary to make yourself understood. At least, that's my opinion on the matter..."
Louis | Protégé
Louis is the human who has been assigned to Raziel. Raziel's main job is to make sure he doesn't die before his time. Although Louis used to believe in Raziel’s existence, he doesn’t any more. He still seems to be unconsciously receptive to Raziel’s guidance, however.
Harahel | Former comrade-in-arms
Harahel was Raziel's comrade-in-arms during the Great Angelic War. Even after the end of the war, Raziel still admires him and wishes they were friends, but Harahel always had declined every invitation to receptions Raziel sent him.
Raphaël | Superior
Raphaël is an archangel and the leader of guardian angels. When Raziel applied to become one, it was him who accepted and assigned Louis to him. Raziel is thankful to him for it, and heavily respects him due to his position as a prince.
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