


5 years, 5 months ago


Important: scroll down and follow design notes if you are drawing him!

cheerful . friendly . lazy . obedient . curious . moody

naoto arkadiy「直斗」

Five more minutes… Still so sleepy…

Naoto, Nao

17 years

12 January

193 cm

skin tone

body type
athletic buff






forget me not

Voice image

design notes

  • Click here to see references!
  • His irises are small oval and has slit pupils, his eyebrows are thicker and short.
  • If you're drawing his teeth, don't forget that he has long sharp (upper and lower) fangs.
  • Always wearing the choker seen in the uniform reference, always draw it whenever visible.
  • Often wearing his outfit lazily like reference shown, but feel free to draw it neatly.
  • His jewel eyes can glimmer like reference shown here.


Mhmm it's troublesome… Too lazy… No… Don't want to do it…

Naoto is a cheerful and friendly person. His demeanor is childlike compared to peers his age. And thus he's well liked by those who are fond of children, and gets frowned upon by those who dislike children. Especially since he's the tallest and biggest person even among adult men that his bubbly personality doesn't suit his physique. Although some people consider it as a more charming and adorable aspect of him, the big baby.

Generally, he's sweet and caring to people close to him. He shows his affection in many ways through words, actions, and even simply from his clearly shown expressions. He's clingy and touchy to people he considers friends. However, he always asks first before doing anything, he makes sure that the stuff he does will not make anyone troubled. And when he makes someone feel uncomfortable, he quickly confirms it and sincerely apologizes.

Naoto is dense and slow regarding lots of aspects. He's second slowest at studying and slowest at intakes as well as cues about social interactions. He wouldn't notice something that isn't obvious, and needs someone to tell or explain to him what was the matter. His cluelessness and honest attitude sometimes could bridge the gap between him and prevent any misunderstandings from going on too long.


I don't get why everyone can't just live side by side peacefully even if we're different…

Naoto's childhood was a peaceful one. He had a loving father. At least that was what his mother told him, because his father died due to old age when he was younger. Too young to remember anything about the loving man. He remembered clearly though, how his mother was a gentle, warm, and caring lady. She was terrifying when she was angered, but other than that she was a perfect mother he loves so much.

There were not many problems in his life, not that he was aware of. The only one trivial problem he recognized was how the adults and children around him―the strangers, thought his painless body was horrific. Naoto is incapable of feeling any pain. No matter how much beat up he gets, no matter how big a wound he obtained, there's no pain. He doesn't know what physical pain was. And that was no big deal for the boy. There was no need to get angry over a fact, not when he didn't feel pain anyway.

When Naoto turned eight, the cause of his specific fear of blood occurred. His painless constitution was heredic Core, identical to his mother’s. It was a day like any other, except his mother was injured. By the time she realised that there was something wrong with her body, it was already severe enough. Medic came too late and Naoto could only witness in panic how his mother bled out nonstop until the lights on her eyes died, until the warmth completely left her body, and finally returned to ashes. That day, for the first time ever, Naoto learnt what pain was.

Ever since then, the Ignacz family had taken good care of him. Surrounded by many people who cared about him, he slowly, very slowly, after years, recovered from the pain although the scar remained. He resolved himself to be strong enough to not let the same thing happen twice. And his path is still so long…


  • One of the last two Arcadia survivors.
  • Is a clan leader with clan leader tattoo on his stomach.
  • He lives with Carnelian now and because he has special constitutions, he's not allowed to live in the dorm.
  • Extremely clingy to Spinel for some reason, wants to be a reliable person for her but also acts more spoiled around her.
  • Due to his painless core, he undergo intense routine health check up handled by Shiki to examine his condition.
  • The choker he wears is a device to monitor his condition and will inject medicine and/or sedative when needed.
  • Likes being spoiled, likes to hug and snuggle as well.
  • Always ask for permission before doing everything especially something that involves someone else.
  • Hates training and sports, sleeps a lot and becoming moody if someone forcefully wake him up.
  • He's just lazy, but also doesn't want to get any bigger/taller/muscular than he is now.
  • Most visited places in the Seventh Division are cafeteria and infirmary (to sleep).
  • Classmates with Ren and often hang out together, along with mostly some seniors or juniors.
  • Calls everyone older than him with big brother or big sister, except Charlotte and Noir.
  • Calls the ones way older with auntie/uncle or grandma/grandpa.
  • Calls the younger ones with little.

  • lazing around and sleeping
  • warm and comfortable places
  • calm and mature people
  • fluffy things

  • blood
  • ghost and scary story
  • liar
  • studying

  • sleeping and eating
  • cuddling and hugs
  • playing tag and other games
  • watching animal videos


blue tones

grilled beef

honey milk

wolf & dog
fresh pillow smell

his bedroom

action, fantasy, comedy

fluffy pillow

chest snuggling

  • Way of speaking: rather slow and childlike. Casual and rather crude to anyone, only adds formal bits when reminded or scolded.
  • Cursing: casually imitates people or asks about a curse meaning but never cursed on his own.
  • Cannot fall asleep at night unless he's hugging a pillow/doll/blanket.
  • Quickly falls asleep whenever he's hugging something, or when he rests his head.

  • Secret: known by several people, he thinks that killing (bad) people is not a big deal and is willing to do it.
  • Fear: hemophobia, fear of blood. Specifically, fear of seeing too much blood from an open fatal wound.
  • Can't feel pain and thus any wound might go unnoticed.
  • Rather naive and too childish for someone his age.
  • Not very good at controlling his physical strength when he's angered/agitated.
combat stats









*void stats ranging from 50% to 90%


  • Range: close, mid
  • Specialty: combat, guard
  • Work style: team

  • Equip: chain (uncommon)
  • Type: Gen II normal type
  • Name:「 Enmei 」

  • Clan: Arcadia (rare).
  • Stone heart: carbonado.
  • Sclera: normal white.
  • Core skill: painless (passive genetic core).
  • Clan leader core: controlling metal.
  • Karma: he has never and will never experience pain. It has no karma other than that he will never be able to detect external/internal wounds that might harm his life. Clan leader core is core power based (extreme overuse may cause death).
  • Equip quirk: to maximize his clan leader core, the equip is in the form of "endless" chain. It can get as long as and as many as Naoto could handle it.
  • Unsealing happens by kissing the seal mark (located on hand) and calling the equip’s name. The equip will appear materializing (like a growing crystal) out of thin air, followed by crackling noises.
  • Sclera will turn black when the core is activated, as well as when heavily injured.
  • Jewel eyes can glimmer. When they do, all features like pupils are not visible.

carnelian uncle (?)

An uncle who introduced himself as his mother's friend. He's the one who took good care of Naoto ever since his mother passed away. Carnelian is always gentle and kind, although he would scold too sometimes if the boy makes a mistake. He likes pampering Naoto with his homemade cookies and sweets. Naoto is really fond of him and his sweets.

spinel sister (?)

A beautiful and at times cute big sister who lives with Carnelian. Spinel is gentle and sweet towards Naoto. She cooks delicious food and tells interesting bedtime stories. Naoto feels most comfortable around her and he often asks her for hugs and head pats. Naoto admires her but he has yet to understand the nature of that admiration.

Ren classmate

Classmate who studies and hangs out together. Ren is cool, confident, and mature. Her honesty can be hurtful when she intends to, but Naoto prefers such truth. Sometimes she would question Naoto's behavior but she only laughs it off. She's probably the only close person around their age who doesn't dislike Naoto's personality and quirks.


Used to live and grow together until Dominik had to move to the dorm. They are like friends and family, although Dominik thought of Naoto as frienemy instead. Dominik is cold, scary, and harsh. Their personality doesn't really match and they bicker a lot, but they have quite a good relationship. The only time Dominik enjoys their time together is during sparring.

shiki scary doctor

A very very scary doctor. Shiki is always cold, indifferent, and strict even to children including Naoto. Naoto is always reluctant and scared whenever he has to be examined because he dislikes the bitter and big medicines. Shiki always tries his best to comfort the boy who will repeat the cycle of being scared and warming up towards him.

nino relative

A man who is part of his unique clan, the other last survivor. Nino is quirky, friendly, and fun. In front of Naoto, Nino acts especially mature and wise. He taught Naoto everything he should know about their clan. He helps the boy train, and sometimes play. He also tells stories from the distant past. Naoto enjoys and cherishes each time they stay together.

other links

younger friend who plays along with all of his weird suggestions
younger but more dependable, can't tell what Johannes is thinking
little cute and bubbly friend who loves dolls and flowers
little shy and timid friend who opens up to him easily
shinonome twins
younger twin friends who enjoy doing pranks together
mysterious and cool uncle who accompanies them play
mister wizard with a cool magic book he looks up to
very scary mister butler who scolds him so often
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