Mark Walden




Mark Walden

Kanji マーク・ウォールデン
Romaji Māku u~ōruden
AKA Mark
The Eel - (Criminal Alias)
Namesake Mark Walden - (British Children's Author)
Personal Information
Gender Male
Age 16
Birthday 3rd October - (Libra)
Height 5'8" / 173cm
Weight 141lbs / 64kgs
Bloodtype O
Status Alive
Likes Building Computers, Hacking Mobile Games, Climbing, Carnivorous Plants, Picking Fights
Dislikes Confinement, Adults Who Underestimate Him, Salty Food, Anthony Horowitz, Robert Muchamore, Eoin Colfer
Professional Information
Occupation Agent of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit - (Current)
Member of The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Affiliation Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit - (Current)
The Order of the Clock Tower - (Current)
Family Unnamed Parents†
Violet - (Venus Flytrap)
Spouse(s) None
Ability Name Aftershock
Reference H.I.V.E
Manga TBC
Anime TBC
Light Novel 55 Minutes
Voice Actors
English TBC
Japanese TBC

Friends and colleagues come and go, but high powered laser tech is forever.

Mark, 55 Minutes

Mark Walden (JP: マーク・ウォールデン | Māku u~ōruden) is a member of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit, a subsect of The Order of the Clock Tower. He is a master thief who has a number of large scale heists and robberies under his belt despite his young age. He tends to work solo on missions because of his ability to break into places stealthily.


Mark is average height with a skinny but muscular build. Most of his muscles are strongest in his stomach and upper body from constant climbing, but he also has some muscle on his legs as well. His skin is olive with a fair amount of freckles dusted down his arms and on his shoulders as well as across his cheeks and under his eyes. Mark’s features are fairly pretty looking, and he has no visible scarring to his body despite all that he has been through. Both his ears are pierced with gold studs and Mark has an angular face with a pointed chin. His eyes are bright blue with long eyelashes. Mark’s hair is blonde and when loose it comes down to his mid-back. Usually he keeps it pinned back in a ponytail affixed with multiple hair ties to keep it from flying about too much. It is a bright blonde colour, with a spiky and messy front fringe that often falls in front of his eyes.

His clothing is predominantly dark camouflage print, with a skin tight tank top that tucks into army-issue trousers. They are held in place by a brown belt with a gold clip buckle and gold belt hooks from which Mark hangs a sheathed combat blade. He also has four leather and gold-plated steel hooks hanging from his trousers to use when he climbs. Mark has a second military issue blade strapped to his left shoulder. On the front of his tank top he has the signature Blue Peter badge of Scotland Yard displayed. On his feet, Mark has a pair of open toed knee high ninja boots that are black with thick soles. They also have additional ankle support.


Mark is a social person who likes to make friends and connections - particularly if they can be advantageous to him in the long run. He actually gets along best with those his own age or younger, and never struggled with popularity or bullying when growing up. People feel as if he’s magnetic and they end up drawn to him, and often his charms result in them lowering their guard around him. While Mark does enjoy having lots of friends and he’d never turn down the attention, he also very much likes how easy this makes his job. He isn’t addicted to stealing, but does get a thrill from it and likes to pickpocket or steal from people’s desks as a way of testing his skills and keeping others on edge around him. His real talent lies in the bigger heists - those he enjoys more than anything. Mark is a thrillseeker with a lot of talents in climbing and breaking into highly secure places. He gets a big rush over how he gets to do these things as both a hobby and a job as well - and he’ll happily tell those who listen about all his escapades and close encounters with the law. One of his biggest skills is in hacking, and he takes great delight in breaking into various security systems and overriding them just to see if he can. Mark is incredibly proud of all his feats.

It can turn into arrogance, because Mark is so assured in everything he does, and his pride can definitely irritate those around him. It brings him into contention with those he works alongside and he has developed strong rivalries between himself and Anthony Horowitz, Robert Muchamore and Eoin Colfer. Mark is the most easy going member of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit, and he tends to not let the teasing and arguing get to him easily. However he’s not above petty vengeance when slighted and setting off pranks purely for the sake of it.

Mark is generally respectful towards authority, being one of the few to actually act politely towards his higher ups at The Order of the Clock Tower, but that does not mean he likes them. He is deeply suspicious of much of what The Order does and how they treat those in their care - knowing that things run much deeper than what he has been allowed access to see and learn. He has never told anyone, but he would love the chance to break into The Order of the Clock Tower’s own vaults and databases to discover their secrets for himself. It is one of his grander schemes, one he’d even say would be his magnum opus, but it is highly unlikely to ever take place.


Kanji: 余震

Romaji: Yoshin

English: Aftershock

Reference: H.I.V.E

Ability Classification: Elemental, Physical

Appearance: As it is a passive ability, Aftershock does not have much of an appearance until it is triggered. Mark will look completely normal, though his skin may sometimes streak with very pale lightning lines across where his veins would be - but these can be difficult to notice unless you really know to look for them. When it is triggered, Mark’s skin will light up in bright yellow and white before bolts of lightning will crackle and shoot from his body - the light formed from the signature glowing text of abilities. This will be most concentrated in the area of skin where Mark was hit but will spread across his entire body in a large static discharge.

Capability: Aftershock works much like the body of an electric eel and Mark’s body is essentially a giant battery. Mark’s head forms the positive pole and his feet the negative, and every inch of his skin is susceptible to floods of ions charged by his ability that result in a huge discharge of electricity. This is triggered whenever he is struck by someone or something. Any time Mark is struck he will offload a static discharge in all directions, but most concentratedly in whichever area was hit. It has a maximum discharge of up to 30,000V but its amperage is much lower, only around 15 mA. Usually his discharge voltage will be much lower.

Limitations: As a passive ability, Mark’s ability can only be triggered by hitting something else or something else hitting him. He cannot activate the discharge of electricity on his own and it is purely a defence based ability. If he has been struck multiple times over the charge will be lessened each time, until it is reasonably harmless. This is because he has to have some time to charge his ability again in between uses.

Side Effects: Prolonged discharges or multiple discharges in a row can lead to Mark suffering from burns to his skin due to the heat and energy of the electricity he releases. These burns can be mild if it was only a small discharge - but have been as bad as second degree after strong electrical outbursts. Equally, as he is susceptible to discharge from any sudden touch Mark finds that few people get close to him physically. It does leave him somewhat touch starved as he’s afraid to hurt people that he actually likes.

Ultimate Form: It is not yet known if Mark has an ultimate form of his ability.


  • The worst part about living with these punks? They all snore.
  • Oh I hope you weren't attached to that... It's gone.
  • I mean, if Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit hasn't potentially caused or found a major diplomatic incident by lunchtime are we really trying?
  • It's just a small scale heist this time. Promise.
  • I broke into parliament... Like it's supposed to be hard.
  • If you didn't want me to hack it you shouldn't have left it unattended Ant.
  • It's the same old game. He installs his ability into my phone, I run ransomware through his laptop.
  • Look Boss we're not gonna get anywhere if the rest of the babysitters club here don't want to work with me.
  • I like being like this! Makes me feel like a ninja!
  • You didn't even know I was here let alone see me coming!
  • Mhm this is boring now I'm going to go break into a safe.
  • This is Scotland Yard on a normal day, you'd hate to see us on one of our bad days.
  • Don't think of it as me knocking you unconscious. Think of it as you finally getting a decent sleep for once!
  • Eoin your fairy friends keep chewing through my wires. Can you get them to chew Ant's wires instead?
  • Not my fault you got a shock you're the one who touched me?
  • It's about teamwork! If only there were a team around here.
  • Zap zap! Oopsie!
  • Maybe I'd do better with some kind of wrench... For people or for breakins.
  • One two punch!
  • We have nothing to fear. Except Eoin's fairies maybe.
  • You like a little shock or two?
  • Metal conducts electricity, idiot!
  • Many think I'm stupid. They are wrong.
  • Ohhh you must be fucking joking.
  • I understood half the words out of Robert's mouth and I'm not sure I wanted to.
  • Eugh paperwork... So much paperwork.
  • I can hear the delightful sounds of the actual Clock Tower high ups approaching. Fun's over lads.
  • Can't get anythin' fun to happen when the high ups stick their noses in.
  • Boss says there were only three cases with fatalities we caused this year. A marked improvement.
  • It was left unattended. So now it's mine.
  • Up here! Teehee!
  • You can't seeeee meeeee!
  • Rules are made to be broken.


Mark Walden is a young adult fiction author who is most well known for his Higher Institute of Villainous Education (H.I.V.E) series. Born in the UK, he worked as a senior producer for playstation games before leaving Sony to write novels. He is continuing to release novels to this day, and many of his influences come from popular fandom culture and science fiction.


  • Mark is a traditionally masculine name that means “consecrated to the god Mars.” It is derived from the Latin name Mart-kos.
  • Walden is a habitational name from any of the places in Essex, Hertfordshire, and North Yorkshire. It comes from Old English w(e)alh ‘foreigner’, ‘Briton’, ‘serf’ + denu ‘valley’.


  • Mark tends to be the least hot-headed of the Scotland Yard boys, but can still get heated when passionate about something.
  • He likes rodents and has asked several times if he can have pet rats at the headquarters.
  • He taught himself to read as a toddler and was a very fast learner.
  • Though he is not hugely into pursuing them as a hobby, he shares many of the same skills in extreme sports as Anthony does.
  • He likes high places and being up high makes him feel safe.
  • Mark is also completely unafraid of heights and isn't bothered by climbing without a harness or safety ropes.
  • He has had a few bad falls, but nothing has yet to put him completely out of action.
  • Mark isn't hugely into combat, he prefers to take an opponent down by a surprise hit or using a nerve pinch.
  • Because of his interest in tech, he has fallen victim to Anthony's ability several times.
  • He is able to overload fuses and electric devices by hitting them because of the shocks emitted by his body's ability.
  • Mark has a perfect photographic memory and absorbs information like a sponge. He's able to learn quickly and efficiently by memorising things he reads or observes.
  • It is speculated that Mark's ability to get others to obey him is more than just his charming personality - but nothing conclusive has been discovered yet.
  • That being said, it makes Mark incredibly dangerous and manipulative when he wants to get his way.
  • Mark does not like to be used as a tool, but has no issue with using others as means to his own ends.
  • He is a skilled lockpicker and excels in housebreaking and getting into high security buildings.
  • He likes shiny jewels and expensive items, but tends to sell them on rather than keep them for himself.
  • Mark likes to irritate his colleagues as much as possible, mostly by stealing their things.
  • Though he isn't really into petty theft, sometimes he does it just for the sake of proving that he can and to keep others on edge.
  • He's a surprisingly picky eater and mostly sticks to high energy snacks rather than whole meals.
  • Mark doesn't like fast food at all and can't be tempted by it.
  • He takes his tea with milk and no sugar, but is more of a coffee drinker to keep his energy up.
  • Usually he can be found hanging upside down from the ceiling for no other reason than he likes it up there.
  • It has somewhat earnt him the name of "spider" because of his sneaking and climbing around and because of the hooks he uses.


Early Life

Mark was born in Coventry, England, to a fairly middle class family living in a decent area. For the most part he managed a normal childhood, despite often being caught troublemaking with the other kids in his neighbourhood. It was often jokingly remarked that Mark had an “electric personality” because of how easily he made friends, but he simply enjoyed having lots of attention and being around others. Mark liked to explore, climb and wander about the neighbourhood in all weathers and seasons - despite his parents’ insistence he try and stay safe. Several times he was caught trespassing by neighbours and by the police, and would be brought home with a warning. Because of this his mother had to get a little stricter, but that just made Mark all the more excited to try and escape and stay outside even more.

With lots of friends around him, Mark never really felt lonely. No matter where he went to he always seemed to know someone. This was not always a good thing exactly, as many of the “friends” he made did not have the most reputable of backgrounds. Coventry, whilst not the worst part of the country to be living in, was not without its rough spots and those were the places Mark was often most attracted to hanging around in. It drove his mother to despair at times, but at least he did stay in school - which was more than some of his friends did.

Mark was also highly intelligent and scored well above average for a boy his age. It won him a scholarship to Bablake School, a private school in the city, where he soon found himself at odds with the teaching staff. Mark enjoyed studying and learning, but would often apply it in ways his teachers’ didn’t approve of. Such as using PE lessons as a means to learn how to climb the school building, or break and enter into offices he wasn’t supposed to get into. No one quite knew how he did it.

Criminal Activity

By the time Mark was in his early teens, he had begun to develop a knack for petty crime. Thieving was easy enough, though at first he was caught and scolded by family and the authorities. This only got him confined inside a lot serving detentions at school and time in his bedroom at home. To pass the time, Mark took up video games as another way of scratching his curiosity itches and quickly fell in love with heist style games. Thievery on a low level was one thing, but these games showed him the thrill of large scale breaking and entering.

Interestingly, it was as he took up gaming that Mark began to exhibit some unusual traits. Mostly, he was extremely prone to static electricity. Often, especially after he had been gaming or using electronics in general, he’d end up shocking his parents when he came into contact with them. They wrote it off as an oddity, but it was certainly more painful than one would get from average static electricity.

Soon video games weren’t enough to satisfy him. Mark wanted to try out the heists for real. When he turned 15 he asked to be allowed out later with friends since he could take care of himself. Despite his earlier misdemeanours, Mark did his best to convince his parents he was a reformed child who knew not to get into trouble now. Though they were reluctant to at first, they decided that they would give him another chance. The condition being, however, that if he ever came home in police custody he would be very, very severely punished for it.

Mark agreed to his parents’ terms and for the first few outings he was just as well behaved as he had promised to be. Truthfully, he was scouting his areas out for potential targets but his parents didn’t need to know of that. The more he had safe and well behaved nights out the more willing they were to lengthen his leash and let him out further and longer. It all played to his advantage. Mark attempted his first housebreak just after his fourteenth birthday and was never caught for it. Excited with his prize, he stashed the stolen goods (mostly jewellery and a few electronics) in an abandoned house he knew of and returned home unscathed.

Now he knew he could get away with it, this was the start of a string of cat burglaries across Coventry that Mark committed. The more he got away with it the bolder and more extravagant his heists became. He would frequent his local outdoor pursuits stores, after convincing his parents he had taken up climbing (and had done so to cover himself) to procure more suitable equipment for his heists, and hit different locations across the city at night. Naturally due to his previous records he was briefly a suspect, but good behaviour meant he was quickly written off. No one thought he was capable of anything other than petty crime after all.

Motivated by success at home, Mark decided to start taking his talent elsewhere. Too many crimes just in Coventry would eventually arouse suspicion and so he knew he needed to widen his hit list. Birmingham was the nearest city over and soon he began a crime spree of shops and houses there as well. There were a few near misses as he learnt the layout of the new areas, but for the most part he remained safe.

Ability and Capture

It was one near miss, however, that set Mark on the path to his capture. All the success across the Midlands, including hearing of his exploits on the news, started to go to his head a little. As he was out on a school trip in London, he decided to have a go at breaking into a museum to take a look around inside. He didn’t intend to steal anything as he knew that would be far too dangerous and obvious, but a nighttime look around at the place was a thrilling concept for him. Now fifteen, he had a year’s worth of experience under his belt and felt sure he could take this on.

However, as he was breaking into the museum, Mark couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. When he looked around, he found himself making eye contact with a young girl he didn’t recognise. Caught red handed, he quickly climbed down from his entry point to confront her, hoping he could scare her off or get her to not snitch on him. When he got close, however, the girl attacked him with a strength he didn’t think was ever possible for a child to possess - it wouldn’t be til much much later that he’d learn she wasn’t even human at all.

The attack was a defining moment for Mark. The moment the girl’s attack touched his body a burst of electricity, stronger and more lightning-like than any of the “static” people touching him had experienced prior to this, erupted across his skin. In a flash of light and an almighty crack, Mark dealt the girl a huge electric shock. She, being an ability, instantly vanished which only left Mark behind to panic about what he’d just done and witnessed. Abandoning his heist he hurried back to the hotel his school was staying at.

Lyra, the girl he had defensively shocked, returned to her master to report what she had found. Unbeknownst to Mark, he was now firmly atop the watch list of The Order of the Clock Tower.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crimes Unit

The next morning, news broke to the world. The cat burglar that had been plaguing England with his crimes had been apprehended. Cheers erupted at the news, all were pleased to know such a highly wanted criminal was finally in the hands of the police. All except for Mark, who still stayed amongst his peers on the school trip. Not knowing who had been arrested for his crimes made him panic even more than the lingering memories of the previous night. Scared, he fled his school party as they made their way to their next museum trip.

Right as The Order had hoped he would.

As he reached Trafalgar Square, Mark was surrounded by armed guards that shut off all roads to the centre. Though he tried to escape, even attempting to climb Nelson’s Column itself, to get out of reach, he was quickly cornered and apprehended. Mark noticed that they were all wearing rubber gloves while handling as well - so whilst his strange electricity did happen multiple more times, the police were mostly unaffected by it. Defeated, he tried to confess and protest he was under eighteen and couldn’t be put into anything but juvenile detention for this, but it fell on deaf ears.

Mark was not brought to the Crown Court, however. Instead, he found himself taken to New Scotland Yard Police headquarters itself, where he was detained and left in the custody of a man named Ian Fleming. Ian did not admonish Mark for his actions, if anything he seemed rather impressed. It was he who explained to Mark that he was most likely in possession of an ability - which was the cause of his strange electricity. It didn’t answer many questions for Mark, but it told him a bit about things at least. When asked if he’d get to go home anytime soon, Ian refused to answer.

Due to the lengthy criminal record and list of charges he now stood accused of, Mark was presented with two choices. The first was to go home, but he would be quickly brought to trial and most likely sent to prison for all of his heists. The second, to his shock, was to remain with Scotland Yard as part of their division that investigated ability user related criminal activity. This was a subsidiary, it was explained to him, of The Order of the Clock Tower - the ones behind looking after all ability users in the UK and Ireland. Not fond of the idea of prison for decades, Mark chose to join Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit.

It was a rocky start, as Mark definitely didn’t get along well with the other three boys whom Ian watched over in the division. But the encouragement to continue to use his breaking and entering skills was a positive outcome for him. He committed himself to trying to earn Ian’s favour, mostly so that he’d be allowed to do more exciting things and take on more cases. Mark wondered if he’d get chance to go home anytime soon, but to this day has continued to have all requests refused and denied. He remains hopeful he can perhaps escape and visit them - but The Order’s watch has apprehended him every single time without fail. As such, he bides his time.


Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Guild Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Cannibalism Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Decay of Angels Arc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Dead Apple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Armed Detective Agency


Atsushi Nakajima

Tiger tiger whatcha gonna do?

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Mark finds Atsushi interesting, and has been keeping tabs on him along with the other members of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit. He’d like to know just what would happen if one of the tiger claws touched him and set off his ability - just out of morbid curiosity. They have yet to fight but have briefly crossed paths in person as Mark staged several break-ins of the Armed Detective Agency headquarters to gather information and equipment from them. He hopes to cross paths with Atsushi again some more so that they can get to know each other.


Ranpo Edogawa

Thinks he can solve everything? He can't solve me!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Ranpo hates Mark as he is “the one that keeps getting away” every time there is an Armed Detective Agency break-in. He knows that it is Mark who is behind it, but can’t ever seem to catch him regardless which causes Ranpo immense frustration and annoyance. Mark finds it hilarious and has turned it into a game of cat and mouse - doing his work in more and more outlandish and unpredictable ways so that he can wind Ranpo up. He won’t stop anytime soon and will likely keep finding more insane ways to get past the man until he is actually caught.

The Guild


Francis Fitzgerald

Anything he owns I'm going to get my hands on it.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

The wealth of Fitzgerald is Mark’s dream come true. Ideally he would love to rob the man blind in a grand heist and take it all for himself - but alas the chance has never arisen and he has yet to even get close. Mostly he sees Fitzgerald on video calls when Scotland Yard Skilled Crimes Unit are assigned work that assists the Guild. But Mark can dream and dream he does. He’s seen all the money that Fitzgerald flashes around and at times he can be heard drooling over how much he’d like to get his hands on it. Fitzgerald is very aware of this, which is why he never meets the group in person, and he has secretly increased his security systems without telling anyone.

The Order of the Clock Tower


Agatha Christie

Uh oh... Whatever she has to say can't be good.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Mark respects Agatha highly, as he should do, and whenever she gives orders he is quick to follow them and stick to what he is asked to do to the letter. In contrast to the others in Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit he is actually one of the more obedient members when it comes to keeping in line with Agatha’s demands. It doesn’t mean that he particularly likes her, however. He fears Agatha and the power that she wields - knowing that his life and wellbeing lies entirely in her hands and her moods. It is what motivates Mark to be respectful of her and loyal to her, even if he is unsure if he completely agrees with all she does.


Philip Pullman

Oh here we go again...

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Philip is very irritating to Mark, and him appearing in conversation is a quick way to put Mark into a bad mood. He hates the stern lectures and the constant scolding and both often cause him to lash out back at Philip for being so demanding and condescending towards him. There have been several incidents of Philip getting an electric shock for all his nagging - which only goes to make their relations even more strained. Thankfully Mark is able to keep some distance between himself and Philip which helps things from coming to physical blows and arguments too often. Philip thinks Mark to be an incorrigible menace and would like to be given permission to punish him properly one day.


Oscar Wilde

Consider it a payment in advance for all the annoyances you've put me through?

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Oscar is an easy target for Mark. So much expensive makeup and clothing and jewellery that is left lying around just waiting to go mysteriously missing. Mark feels he doesn’t even have to try with him - it just all comes together perfectly. It makes up for how much Oscar annoys him with the nagging and lecturing about how to behave and how to do things. Mark will just steal something every time Oscar annoys him, and it drives Oscar mad because of how much money he then has to spend replacing all the makeup he’s lost. It becomes a game of cat and mouse that isn’t looking to end any time soon.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit


Ian Fleming

Anything you ask boss, you know I'll get it done.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

Mark respects Ian, and Ian is definitely one of the very few people he actually does respect genuinely. He will do as is asked of him, within reason, if Ian is the one telling him to do things and he does try to work hard in order to earn his praise. Ian finds Mark to be a capable worker and knows that the boy has great potential to do well if he applies himself - which is why he tries to get Mark to engage in habits and hobbies other than just stealing things for fun. It sometimes works, and they do share the occasional bit of fun banter and light hearted jokery as well as hard work.


Anthony Horowitz

If you hack my shit I'll just hack yours back and you definitely won't see your lost items again.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Anthony and Mark do not get along, and that phrase alone is somewhat of an understatement in itself. They bicker frequently, made worse by the fact they have a lot of skills and talents in common. Both are skilled hackers and enjoy technology - which frequently leads to them trying to hack each other’s devices just for the fun of it. Mark has been on the receiving end of Anthony’s ability because of this - which just fuels their intense rivalry with each other even more. Mark doesn’t like that this means Anthony knows a lot about him and his past but doesn’t have much that he can do about it. Instead, he just gets petty revenge by stealing anything Anthony leaves lying around just for fun.


Eoin Colfer

Get em off me! Get em off!

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Mark often finds himself on the wrong side of Eoin - predominantly due to his rampant kleptomania. This means that Mark has been attacked and bitten by the fairies on several occasions and they have a tendency to attack him on sight if Eoin suspects that Mark has stolen from him. Mark hates this immensely and tries to avoid both Holly and Opal as much as he can as a result - but they keep tracking him down and attacking him. Though they can work together, Eoin and Mark prefer to keep apart from each other because they clash too much on a personal level to ever consider any kind of friendship development.


Robert Muchamore

You know I got the good stuff right? He didn't even notice!

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Surprisingly, Robert and Mark actually get along pretty well. They've turned their talents for theft into a competition - to see who can steal the most from the other members of Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Unit without getting caught. They wouldn’t call each other friends, but they do get along better with each other than they ever do with anyone else around them. When left unsupervised, their rivalry and desire to outdo one another can spiral into almost physical fighting - but thankfully it has not yet got to that point as usually someone intervenes. They frequently compare their spoils from stealing at least, and trade techniques that they’ve discovered.

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint