Adagio Tarvish



5 years, 4 months ago



"Ciao, caro... I am Tarvish, and this is my Vittima, la mia compagna. She is named such as I am quite good at playing the victim."

Tall and handsome with a flair for the dramatique, Tarvish is a light-skinned half-Drow. Soft freckles pepper his face and shoulders while thick glamorous curls of alpine-white hair cascade down his back. A long nose and flat ears give him a unique, yet strangely elegant appearance... though perhaps most striking are his piercing, ice blue eyes, and the rows of sharp, shark-like teeth which fill his devilish smile. He carries with him -- always -- his upright bass, Vittima... which not only aids him in spell-casting, but doubles as a bludgeon; the bow as a rapier.

Don't let his appearance fool you... he's a hopeless romantic.

Chaotic Good
Drow || Male || 146
Bard (College of Eloquence)


Born in the sizeable city of Valègro in the Northern Elvish territories known as The Grove, Adagio Tarvish – Tarvish, as he is more familiarly known – was raised by his single mother; a high elf ambassador of great prestige. He never knew his father (a Drow diplomat who came and went – literally), though the brief scandal between his parents would hardly compare to Tarvish’s future disparagement.

Despite his half-Drow background, as the son of an aristocrat Tarvish was raised with the expectation that his fate would be entangled with that of the royal family... and sure enough, it was. Thriving -- nay – excelling in his musical studies, the elf was still quite young when he was designated Royal Minstrel. Tarvish thus found his way in the world through the ethereal delight of music.

Stationed at the castle, Tarvish's renown as a poet and balladeer grew with every passing year. With an aura of exotic charm, the young elf drew many fans and was quick to make friends. One young woman in particular enjoyed the half-Drow’s sweet melodies; Illyana, the dazzlingly beautiful princess.

The two had been raised together, so friendship was to be expected. What was unexpected, however, was the passionate and extremely physical relationship that blossomed as both elves sprung into adulthood. Tarvish was head over heels in love with Illyana, and he believed, quite genuinely, that she loved him back. Upon her insistence, their ardent affair remained a secret… after all, a high elf princess canoodling with a half-Drow bastard – as much as Tarvish was adored throughout the kingdom – was wholly unacceptable. Tarvish reluctantly agreed to keep it quiet, though he spent much time writing short, affectionate notes referring to the princess fondly as his little willow leaf. These letters (often embellished with graphic details) were never reciprocated, but Tarvish didn’t mind… after all, everyone shows affection in differing ways.

Following her 135th birthday the time came for Illyana to wed on behalf of the kingdom, and she was set up with a handsome noble high elf from a neighboring city. As the news struck, a panicked Tarvish blinded by love begged the princess to elope with him; but much to his dismay she not only rejected the proposal, but insinuated that their long, intimate affair meant little to her. Broken hearted, Tarvish was still expected to perform at the ceremony as Royal Minstrel.

The bard was a wreck for the week following his rejection as the wedding arrangements were in full swing. Unable to compose any fitting music, he spent most of his time drinking himself into a stupor and wallowing in misery. As the wedding drew closer, however, self-pity soon gave way to ire. Ire about their secret relationship, about Illyana’s condescending rebuff, and about her willingness to so quickly toss Tarvish aside for a man she had only just met. As the evening before the fated day finally arrived, Tarvish dragged himself to his desk – emotionally exhausted and thoroughly inebriated -- and began to write.

On the day of the ceremony, Tarvish quickly quelled his hangover by indulging in more wine. Surrounded by nobility from across The Grove, the half-Drow was forced to hold his tongue until the after party... but when the time came for the troubadour to perform the song that would ultimately lead into the young couple’s first dance as newlyweds, the afternoon swiftly collapsed into catastrophe.

Bella Bellissima started innocuously enough, though the lascivious lyrics hardly seemed appropriate for a wedding. It quickly became apparent, however, that the song was referencing Illyana directly… particularly when the bard glowered at her through the final stanza. Their relationship unmasked, Tarvish barely managed to complete the bawdy ballad before being dragged offstage by a handful of guards; ultimately ending his performance with a string of colorful swears aimed at the king, the queen, and the new prince.

A less lucky performer might have been executed, but with his mother’s aristocratic status (and much begging on her part), Tarvish was instead banished from the kingdom. Sober from an evening in the guardhouse and filled with regret, the elf was only able to collect a few of his possessions and a handful of his moderate wealth before being escorted out of The Grove to live out the remainder of his life in exile.

While the royal family would have much preferred Bella Bellissima fade into obscurity, the song’s off-color lyrics and catchy tune almost instantly assured it a smash hit. Spread by both saucy servants and gossipy blue-bloods present at the ceremony, the song rapidly became a tavern favourite where drunks could sway with the music and sing along to the suggestive tune.

Despite the passage of time (ten years, give or take), Tarvish -- now a traveling performer -- can’t seem to shake his lamentable past. Whether it be an inebriated crowd hollering for him to sing his infamous refrain, or simply a passerby who has heard whispers of the bard who banged his way to banishment, the elf remains haunted by his sordid history.

Seeking a new leaf, and perhaps some anonymity, Tarvish now finds himself in Alariel; a country only recently re-opened to travelers. Though the past is never truly escapable, this, hopefully, will allow him the opportunity to lay low for some time.

Now, when confronted with rumours about his exile, the bard simply smiles.

"Aah, Valègro... those were good times, no?"
