Robin Ember



5 years, 5 months ago


Robin Ember
Age 16
Height 6'8" ft
Build Fit
Species Xynthii
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Student
Location Xygoroth
Creator helloplanetchan
Worth $35
Design Notes

  • Legendary/Admin Only: Functional Wings (Arms)
  • Legendary/Seasonal: Fire Hair
  • Very Rare: Cuff Neck Spikes
  • Very Rare: 3+ Horns
  • Rare: 2 Colored Eye (Yellow/Orange)
  • Rare: Tongue Length
  • Rare: Human Skin Tone
  • Uncommon: Orange Sclera

Robin is just a boyo with good intentions; he's really nice and soft, even if it's toward someone he's just met. He's usually got a sweet and upbeat spirit with him and can also be a bit straight forward as well. He might have a hard time keeping his attention onto one thing for long and he can be brash and reckless, often doing things without thinking too much about the conseuqneces of his actions. It usually doesn't end up too badly.

As nice as he is, he can definitely get pretty feisty whenever he sees someone being a dick, especially if it's toward someone he cares about. With his impulsive nature, it can end up with him getting into fights.


  • He really enjoys fruit! Whether that be fresh fruit to anything fruit flavored.
  • He usually avoids using his extra arms because he sees it as 'cheating' for some reason.
  • He has plenty of scars all over his body. He can recount stories for most of his major scars, whether that be because of his childhood clumsiness or just his recklessness.
  • He somehow has a hard time keeping friends for a long period of time, probably because of his half-second decisions.
  • Aside from school, Robin also works part-time in construction. Even if it's a risky job to maintain, he can still score big bucks from a day's labor.

Robin grew up as a single child in a crappy neighborhood with his two fathers. They lived in an area where violence was common. It also wasn't rare to be robbed on occassion, whether it be their apartment that they left for a few hours or himself. After one too many incidents of theft, Robin was taught self-defense. Even though his parents had no intention of leaving him alone if unnecessary. It was just for when he's heading to school. It was repeated to him time and time again that fighting should only be used as a last resort, but Robin can get pretty stubborn. (Every time he was caught fighting for an unnecessary reason, he ended up with a very long scolding from his dads.)

Along with self-defense, Robin was also taught compassion and love through his parents' behaviors time and time again. These two things gave him a very strong sense of justice, especially with the neighborhood he dwelled in. Even at a young age, he was very much willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

While growing up, he's always felt disinterested in school. He thinks that whatever he's learning in his classes right now is irrelevant, which he sort of regrets now because he doesn't even know how simple division works. It's just that he'd prefer to do other things rather than listening to a boring lecture, such as napping or chewing on his pencil.