
5 years, 5 months ago


Name Unknown

Called Hero

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 14

Race Fallen angel

Role Prisoner

Theme Ready Aim Fire

HTML Pinky


Hero is a hot-headed, rowdy rebel that turned his back on heaven long ago. He has a nasty temper, and he’d rather talk with his fists than his mouth. He’s rough, and doesn’t know how to control his strength.

His heart is filled with rage and hatred, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad kid. He likes helping civilians and is very protective of other beastfolk like him. When not bogged down by anger, he is wild and free-spirited. He just wants to make the world a better place… but he knows the only way to change is to fight. And fight he will.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Bells The light clear sound of a bell is soothing to Hero, as it reminds him of his family. He usually carries some on his person as a memento.

High Places Going to a place high in the sky is exciting, and gives one a great look at the open space Heaven has. Hero likes flying to the tops of trees or peaks on cliffs and looking down below to revel in his height.

Games Anything where there is a clear winner and a loser. Hero likes to win, and prove he is the best. He loses often when playing anything that isn’t purely based on strength, but that just fires him up even more.

Pranks While he doesn’t have many chances to set up any nowadays, when he was younger he was fond of tricking others and laughing at them when they fell for his lie. He tries to pull them off now, but often just gets in trouble.


Rules Hero likes to live freely, without bothering or being bothered by anyone. Rules are just there to constrict others movements na dmake everyone act the same. He lives to break them.

Water More specifically, he hates being wet. From getting caught in the rain to bathing, he hates it. The sky merely being cloudy put him in a bad mood. It’s uncomfortable and he’d prefer to stay dry.

Blood When Hero was very young, he watched as his village was slaughtered. Their blood stained the ground and left a deep impression on his mind. Now, he hates seeing it so much he feels sick. He will do anything to avoid it.

Bright Light Having spent a significant amount of time in Hell, where there is no sun, Hero got very used to living in the dark and his eyes adjusted as such. Now being in the daylight is difficult, and anything brighter actually hurts.



Attack 85%
Defense 65%
Magic 25%
Resistance 50%
Agility 95%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 15%
Luck 50%


Fast His speed, either while running or flying, is unmatched by anyone else. He’s gone in the blink of an eye and appears suddenly like he’s using magic but it’s all skill.

Strong Reflexes His speed and reflexes combined make him a master at dodging. Not only that, he also knows just when to block or evade depending on the situation.

Unpredictable His wild behavior make him hard to fight against, since it’s hard to guess what he’ll do next. He wasn’t trained in combat classically so he fights purely off instinct.

Unassuming Appearance He is very young and small, which causes enemies to underestimate his abilities. Enemies like to focus on him in battle since they think he’d be an easy kill, and are punished for it.


Hot Headed Hero can’t keep his composure for the life of him. If someone insults him, he responds with his fists. He picks more fights than necessary and while he can take care of himself, he brings trouble to his teammates.

Rebellious Being a fallen angel, and a prisoner to the very group he was trying to fight against, he doesn’t like to listen to his commands and often does whatever he likes. He causes trouble on purpose and tries to run away every chance he gets.

Hemophobic Hero has an extreme fear of blood, and freaks out at even the thoughts of seeing it. His fighting style is tailored to avoid bloodshed as much as possible, but there's always blood when fighting. If exposed to too much, he will shut down and be unable to protect himself.

Inexperienced Although he’s been fighting for years, his experience fighting as a team is very limited. He was never professionally trained, and learned everything on his own. His fighting style doesn’t leave a lot of room for his teammates, and he often steps on their toes and gets in their way.


Height 5’

Build Small with visible muscles

Eyes Red

Skin Tone Tan was warm undertones

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Curly and unruly. Never brushed.

Demeanor Rough and rowdy


  • His cape is black to represent his “fallen” status.
  • He has a couple of bells tied to his belt, a gift from his mother many years back.
  • He was supposed to have a uniform similar to his teammates, but he destroyed every one he was given until they just let him wear his own clothing.
  • He has sharp teeth and claws, but he keeps them retracted to avoid accidentally cutting himself or someone else.



Humble Beginnings

Hero was born to a small but very loving family of him and his parents. They lived in a small, isolated village on the outskirts of heaven, where all beast-kin were all but exiled to. Hero didn’t care about the politics of it all though, he was just happy to be surrounded by kind and loving people that took good care of him and his family. He grew up happily, without wanting for much of anything. There weren’t a lot of resources in their small village, but they got by with the few spells they knew and allies in other villages a ways away. All in all, Hero lived a happy childhood. Then, the soldiers came.

They came with a new royal decree, saying all of the “fallen beasts” needed to repent for rebelling against God and dipping into dark magic for their selfish desires. Up until that point, Hero had never even known what fallen angels were, or that he was one. He hardly understood what was happening, just that all the adults were arguing. Next thing he knew, he and the other children were being grabbed by the soldiers and the adults started to fight. There was blood everywhere, and his village was set ablaze. Hero managed to escape in the chaos, but most of the other children were too young and were taken. All the adults, including Hero’s parents, were slaughtered.

Desperate Measures


Hero spent a few years on his own, living off what he could find and wandering. In his travels he saw many other beast-kin villages end up the same way his did, and a hatred began to burn in his heart. Though they claimed to be delivering repentance, the “holy soldiers” were mindlessly slaughtering the “lesser beings”. Other angels hated the beast-kin for no reason besides that they were different, and the whole race was deemed “sinful” for existing. They preach about love and kindness, but really they were the most hateful beings to ever exist, and Hero couldn’t forgive them. His hatred for them built and built until he started attacking them. He lost his fair share of fights, but he always managed to get away in the end. So started his “training”.

After seeking out and attacking traveling soldiers a few times, Hero was approached by a small group. A couple of demons, led by a fallen angel. They offered a hand to Hero, saying he could join their ranks and get his revenge on the people that killed his family. From there, Hero learned a lot of things he never knew about before. He learned about the king and his agenda against any beings that went against his strict code of “perfect” and “imperfect”. Just so happens that beast-kin are “imperfect, and don’t deserve to exist. Hero learned of the group's goals to take over both hell, and put up a real fight against Heaven. Show Kah that the “imperfect”, “lesser” beings deserved to live and be respected too. Hero joined their group, and fought for their cause. It wasn’t easy, but it felt good to finally channel his anger somewhere.


While on a group mission to get rid of a group of particularly strong soldiers, Hero was caught. He was brought back to the castle for questioning and execution. Although he refused to give up any information, Hero was saved from death at the last second by Kah himself. Kah asked if they could try to redeem the child, and hire him as a soldier in training. While most others were against this idea, Hero himself included, it was decided shortly thereafter he would be taken in by another group and watched while he trained. Hero agreed to the terms, but really had no intentions of sticking around.

The group hero would be training with were another pair of young angels, a magic prodigy named Eiko and an ice cold warrior named Ayame. They are both incredibly strong, but Ayame was an especially formidable foe, one that even Hero could not best. Though he tried again and again to escape or best Ayame in combat, he was ALWAYS caught and beaten. No matter what he does, Ayame is always a step ahead of him. So, Hero will be stuck for quite a while, it seems.



Ayame Myst


The leader of the group Hero is forced to train with. A cold and incredibly strong soldier that thinks of nothing but combat. They are rude and always showing off how much better they are than Hero, and he can’t stand it. They just irritate Hero to no end, and Hero has vowed to stay with them until he proves he is better.


Eiko Clow

Suck up

Ayame’s pretty little lackey that follows them around like a baby chick. Although not physically strong, her magic is frightening even to Hero. She’d be a fearsome presence if she wasn’t always sucking up and sticking to her superior. Hero almost resents her for lowering herself to just some soldier’s assistant


Cezar Hilt


The fallen angel leader of the group that took Hero in. A mysterious young man with a deep-seeded grudge against the king and all the angels that follow him. His motivations are unknown, but he is a strong leader with an iron will and lots of connections.