Eiko Clow



5 years, 5 months ago


Name Eiko Clow

Called Eiko

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 13

Race Angel

Role Magical Dancer

Theme Past the Stargazing Season

HTML Pinky


Eiko is a sweet and gentle magic wielder. She’s young, but one of the best in her field. She doesn’t care much for fighting though, she’d much rather stay home and dance the day away. She does her best with training, but it’s no secret her heart just isn’t in it most of the time.

Overly curious and a bit naive, she just wants to explore the world and see all the things she’s heard about from her mother. She loves to learn and can always be found with a book in her hand. She’s charismatic but seems uninterested in others, it’s hard to approach her.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Dancing When she learned her mother had wanted to be a dancer, Eiko made it her goal to be one in her stead. Although she was still stuck being a warrior, she still enjoys dancing as a hobby

Books Whether she’s learning a new subject or reading a thrilling story of glory, she adores books. From the way they feel to the feelings contained in each page, she can’t stop herself from picking up a new one everywhere she goes.

Music When one loves to dance, you learn to appreciate music as well. She’s particularly fond of human music, though she’s not heard much of it

Humans She knows very little about them as there aren’t many books about them in heaven, but her mother has eagerly shared many stories of humans from her time on Earth. Eiko finds them amusing, and is fond of their hard-working nature.


Competition Being the best magic wielder in her class, a lot of others want to become her ‘rival’ and steal her spot. Eiko doesn’t care for rankings though, and doesn’t want to compare herself to others.

Violence Although it’s unavoidable in her line of work, bloodshed and pain make Eiko uncomfortable. Her mother’s stories of being a soldier have given her a bad taste for the wastefulness of battle and needless death.

Lectures Eiko doesn’t really like to be “taught”, but rather learn by herself. Teachers tend to look down on her due to her low status and her mother’s job, so she’d rather do lessons on her own.

Jealousy A mostly human emotion, but can appear in angels just the same. Eiko has been a victim of jealousy her entire life, with many others wishing to be in her shoes. Wanting something you can’t have seems ridiculous. A fruitless effort. Eiko would rather focus on what she does have.



Attack 25%
Defense 60%
Magic 90%
Resistance 50%
Agility 80%
Stamina 55%
Strategy 50%
Luck 55%


Focused While not fearless, she is able to stay concentrated even while in the heat of battle. She never loses herself.

Enchanting Her beauty and elegance makes people want to watch her while she dances, even if they know she’s casting a spell to end them. They let their guard down around her.

Quick thinker She’s good at coming up with plans on the spot. Though the plans may be weak, she can usually get herself out of trouble.

Quiet She’s very good at concealing her presence and hiding out of sight when needed. She’s the team’s go-to for a stealth mission.


Scatter-brained Although she is incredibly smart, she is also forgetful and can be pretty ditzy at the worst times. Never trust her with important information.

Naive She’s read many books about the world, but her actual view of it is quite small. She’s been sheltered by her mother and she knows very little about society.

Weak While her magic is quite powerful, her physical strength is lacking. If she’s cornered and unable to cast any spells, she’s left very vulnerable and needs to be saved.

Sensitive She’s normally calm and focused, but she also wears her heart on her sleeve. If she goes into battle with a troubled heart, it’ll definitely affect her focus.


Height 5’4”

Build Delicate frame with toned muscles

Eyes Lavender

Skin Tone Porcelain

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Long and straight with curly ends

Demeanor Sweet and Innocent


  • She’s very into “girly” clothes, lots of dresses.
  • She mostly leaves her hair down, but will tie it up while training.
  • Sometimes when she is home alone, she’ll find her mother’s old human clothes and wear them. They are too big for her though.
  • She has large white wings, but rarely ever brings them out to be considerate of her friend, Ayame.




Eiko was raised in a strict but loving home of just her and her mother. She never asked who her father was, and was never lonely without him. Eiko was content just being with her lonesome mother. Many mocked their small family, as their type of situation was uncommon in heaven. Eiko’s mother acted strong, but Eiko knew their jeers hurt her. So Eiko decided to be the perfect daughter; an amazing warrior and graceful dancer. Just as her mother wanted to be.

Eiko worked hard, day in and day out. Her mother was a harsh teacher, but Eiko was practically a prodigy. Her affinity to magic was unlike any other child, and her elegance while dancing was a sight to behold. When combined, her beauty became deadly when her foes couldn't keep their eyes off her. She showed so much promise even at a young age, many compared her skill to her mother when she was young. Eiko was just happy to make her mother proud.

A Savior Comes


While many adults praised Eiko for her skills, many other children were envious of the attention she got. Behind her back they called her a show off and a try-hard. When the gossip didn’t bother her, the kids started attacking her directly. Insulting her to her face and ganging up on her to try and beat her. Eiko was perfectly capable of beating them and saving herself, but she couldn’t bring herself to stand up to them. She didn’t care about the attention from others, she was only working hard for her mother’s sake. If she fought back, it would look bad on her mother for raising a violent child and she didn’t want to cause any more trouble. Her existence was trouble enough already.

Then, one day while Eiko was getting cornered and mocked, a slightly older child came. Someone Eiko had never seen before, but everyone knew about them. They were Ayame,the ward of the King, his own personal knight in training. And, for some reason, they stood between Eiko and her bullies. The child scared off the bullies and then turned to offer their hand to Eiko. From that moment on, Eiko knew they would follow this child everywhere they went. Even if only to repay them for saving her.

An Interruption

Eiko trained harder than ever before, and was soon allowed to go on real missions. She dedicated herself to Ayame, becoming their companion and assisting them on their missions as much as she could. At first she was more of a burden than a help, but she learned how to be useful very quickly. Ayame seemed annoyed at the company initially, but Eiko’s skill was a valued asset. The pair formed a strong bond over the course of a few years, showing themselves to be a force to be afraid of. Now with many missions under their belt, the pair were asked a personal favor by the king himself. They were instructed to care for a recovered fallen angel child who was thought to be working with the steadily rising resistance movement. They were to bring him over to their side and extract information from him. This was unlike any other mission they went on before, but one they weren’t afraid to tackle.

When they met the boy, he was unlike all their other enemies. He was just a kid, just like the two of them. He was rough and unruly, and didn’t get along with Ayame at all. Eiko tried to be a mediator, but nothing she did could stop the two from fighting. He was forced to join them on other missions to build trust, but the arguments never stopped. Eventually, Eiko started feeling bothered by these fights. More than just being annoyed at the bickering, it was actually starting to irk her. Watching them argue and fight… as if they are friends. The way they compete with one another and start acting like rivals… Something about it botheres Eiko to no end.



Ayame Myst


A cool and strong angel soldier that's trainting to be a knight. They once saved Eiko and ever since, Eiko has been attached to them at the hip. They come off very cold and uncaring, but Eiko knows that’s just a misunderstanding.



Annoying obstacle

The fallen angel Eiko and Ayame are forced to look after. He is rough and rude, and Eiko can’t stand him. He is loud and mean, and tries way too hard to compete with Ayame. Eiko tries to be nice to him but he never seems to care.


Raina Clow


The person Eiko is closest to; her mother. Eiko loves her mother very much, and wants to make her life easier. She’s worked very hard and lived a very rough life, Eiko just wants to ease her mind.