Suomi Illes



5 years, 3 months ago


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Suomi Illes

Suomi Illes
Carnation Mandrake
17 years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

5'8 1/2, wears a lot of breezy clothes or tops that are spaghetti strapped. In winter she puts sweaters underneath.

Can wear androgynous clothes, she hasn't actually settled on any style, focusing in comfort.

Usually has a scowl or her hands on her hips. She'll stick her tongue out when upset, or in pictures where she's happy.



Being in rain


Tickling others






Sad things


Greatest Strength

Athletically, Suomi stands out, but her and Niemi are about the same in abilities. Suomi likes to do daring things like parkour, backflips, etc.

Greatest Weakness

She is absolutely horrible at math, and when asked a basic question she dwells for a while before giving up and spouting a wrong answer. She's never asked to buy things because of this.

Finland (Current)
Finland (Birthplace)


Suomi is known to be very agile, with fast reflexes and good flexibility. She doesn't tire easily. When the youngest ask her to play tag, she sprints so fast they get scared being chased actually.

Snow globe collecting

A collection that always grows as they go to different towns. Suomi was given Elodie's grandfather's collection to continue growing.

Flower arranging

While she hates the idea of working in the florist shop with her family, some customers request bouquets of certain colors or style, and Suomi has a good eye of what looks good together, naturally.

Positive Traits

It tends fo be a 50/50 with her, but Suomi can become very excited to do things with her family when invited to, whether its playing a game together or just sharing a meal together. She can be stubborn and short tempered, but does prefer the company of others than being alone.

Neutral Traits

She is going through her difficult teenager ages where she loves her family deep down, but also feels a bit of embarrassment around them. With time she'll be aware she's pretty embarrassing and awkward herself, and to embrace her family time more.

Negative Traits

She can be rude and blunt, short tempered that she gets on others' nerves easily or hurts them. She quickly feels guilt shortly after she is short with someone, but also has too much pride to really say sorry, instead acting like nothing happened later on.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her family loves her even if they fight sometimes, always happy she is by their sides regardless.


Many find her avoidant, perhaps because she is still young.


A handful don't like how straightforward she is, always wanting the last word in a fight.


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Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

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∙ She drinks more water than anyone else in the family, frequently thirsty from constantly moving around. She hates flavored water.

∙ She's so bad at lying she has every obvious feature; averted eyes, nervous stare, stammering, stories not lining up.

∙ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

∙ She reads very slowly that even the youngest like Taimi tell her they're finished reading a page of a story before she is done reading it to them.

∙ She is pretty scared of frogs after being jumped by one once.

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hate it hate it huge ego

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