Kauri Louloudi



5 years, 3 months ago




♂ Kauri/Κλειτος (Kleitos) • Candyfloss  • 15 EYO (45)
Created by tenshilove on February 24 2019

Kauri Louloudi is the easy-going leader of the  Lambda Clan. He is  fun-loving,  spontaneous, and congenial. Kauri is the eldest son of 3  brothers. He and his brothers were trouble makers as children, climbing  trees, diving in the sea for buried treasure, and building sand castles  the size of a car. He loves the outdoors and in his adolescence could  often be found on the seashore hunting for seashells that strike his  fancy. Kauri was trained in the art of Lua but he showed no interest in  martial arts. He fell behind his brothers in their training and  eventually gave it up, instead showing more artistic interests. Kauri is  a talented musician and can play the ukulele, guitar, and jazz piano.  He also thrived in his Empathic ability training, and was a bit of a  heart throb in the clan. He had many girlfriends and was known to leave a  trail of broken hearts behind him. Though he cared about each of his  many partners he never upset about them for too long and would quickly  move on to his next. He lives by a strong philosophy that 'the sun will  come out tomorrow' and that there’s no use in getting upset about minor  things.

In his youth he became close to the other  leader-in-trainings who called Karpos their home, Akio the crown prince  of Kappa and Cassandra the princess of Phi. The three spent a lot of  time together and were close friends. Kauri found real friendship with  the two of them, and Akio confided in Kauri that he wished to take Casey  as his bride when they were of age. Tragedy struck when Prince Akio was  lost in an accident before his coronation, and before revealing his  love for Casey. The loss was hard on Kauri but he managed to keep  smiling and helped Casey through the loss of their friend. As a result  he and Casey grew closer as they both took their respective thrones and  their friendship grew into romantic feelings. Kauri cared so much for  Casey but never allowed himself to love her in return, always  remembering Akio's feelings for her. He could never cross that line  despite how he felt. He began to feel his own heart harden. As always  Kauri kept smiling and ruled over his kingdom like the Lambdafloss  before him with love and passion. He was big on immediate happiness and  it showed in his leadership. He often invested in commodities and  improvement projects like rebuilding damaged or old buildings and  keeping the shoreline sparkling clean. Immersed in his work he went on  dealing with his brothers' antics, his scandalous love life, and his  occasional walks on the shore. All the while his heart ached, with a  lost friend whom he cared about more than he knew, and a love that he  could never pursue and Kauri refused to allow himself to feel these  emotions, stubbornly refusing to stop smiling.
74845270_49sWdioII1rfzug.pngMuch like in the  old legends,one day a storm hit the island and waves began to crash on  the shore, ripping apart the capital city. Kauri, concerned for his  citizens, took to the streets to help the evacuation and save his people  who were caught off guard by the sudden hurricane. To the peoples'  terror their King was swept away by the sea and lost in the ravishing  waves. Kauri was dragged below the waves, deep into the ocean, tossed  and turned by the angry storm. He found himself saved by a beautiful  mermaid, the Taffyfloss leader Nereida. She saved his life, just like  the story of Aka'aka ke Kai. Kauri spent several days recovering from  his shock and injury in the underwater cities of Rho. The queen Nereida  was enthralled by Kauri and the two talked constantly during his visit,  about who and what they were, where they were from, and the differences  and similarities in their ways of life. They grew close and Kauri's  stories of the surface world made Nereida and a number of her people  want to come and see for themselves. Kauri brought the Taffyfloss to  Lambda and Nereida spent a lot of time with him from then on. It didnt  take long for Nereida  to fall for him but she noticed immediately that  he was not being true to himself. After some time Kauri opened up to  Nereida about his past and about the state of his heart. With her  guidance and support he began to accept his feelings and allowed himself  to stop smiling and to feel his grief for the first time. Like the king  before him Kauri's heart was softened by the laughter of the sea and  his heart was free to feel love again.
During their first year  together the pair traveled back and forth between the kingdoms of Rho  and Lambda and eventually wed, becoming one of the only clans to share  leadership. Kauri still deals with his brothers, and is close with his  friend Casey and the other leaders, but now enjoys his walks on the  beach with his wife at his side.  He sees life as a gift and does his  best to share that gift with his clan.

Nereida has blessed Kauri with three adorable daughters that light up his life. He loves them all more than anything else in the world and raises them carefully. He wants to show his daughters all the fun and beautiful things in the world and teach them kindness, laughter, and love. He spends any moment that he can with them and his lovely wife.



  • Sunshine and Seashores
  • Music of all kinds
  • The preservation of wildlife
  • His beautiful wife


  • Studying and Politics
  • Most sweets
  • wearing suits
  • Bad Vibes


  • Is a bit of a clean freak, and likes to keep his space neat and tidy.
  • Kauri eats almost exclusively fruits, and tends to dislike most sugary foods.
  • Has a collection of hawaiian patterned shirts
  • Has a weakness for cheesy Romcoms