Grant Eastwood



5 years, 3 months ago


Grant Eastwood is the headstrong leader of the Gamma Clan. He is a  powerful immovable object and rules his people with unbridled strength,  an iron will, and solid perseverance. Where there's power there must  also be delicacy and he has mastered both. There is a heart of gold  under his pounds of muscle, and Grant is a strong father figure for many  of his fellow clan members and is always there if a shoulder to cry on  is needed. As the oldest clan leader, many defer to him and his wisdom  when making decisions. Grant is a well-respected leader who knows how to  handle himself and his clan. On his days off Grant enjoys reading with  his wife in their homestead on the base of the northern mountain range.  Each Sunday they have dinner with their 5 adult children.

 Grant  was born a popfloss, and as the second son of the Gamma royal family  Grant was not expected to take the clan leadership. While his older  brother trained to be Gamma's next ruler Grant was trained as Prince  Derek’s bodyguard in Alpha. From the time he was ten Grant would go back  and forth between clans, training and spending time in his own clan  when time, and Derek, permitted. Then the Great Rott happened. Grant was  a teen soldier, dedicated to protecting the young prince. His father  and brother fought against the Rottenfloss and died in battle and Grant  suddenly became the Gamma leader. Still fighting to protect Derek, Grant  was bit by a rottenfloss when they breached the Alpha castle and was  turned. Derek, took the crown when his own father fell, and determined  to not let his beloved bodyguard have the same fate, he found the cure  just in time.

Now a trufflefloss, Grant lives a more peaceful  life. He is married to a Zetafloss named Mary who is quiet and polite  and demure. They have a ranch in the country side instead of in the  capital city where Grant enjoys his older years breeding Petrinos and  Vouno Trogons and competing in rodeos.  He’s got 5 adult kids and his  eldest daughter is being trained to take  over the clan, a sugarfloss  like her mom. All of the leaders love him and he’s like the big brother  of the leaders. He’s inspirational and brave and always looks to the  bright side.