Noah Shiloh



5 years, 3 months ago


74845382_vkj32N3rGmID9Ea.png?1702667336The leader of Mu is the King Noah Shiloh. He is cold, blunt, and a pessimist, but has a soft spot for macaroons and his wife, Maddie, the Nu leader. Noah has a health condition that makes it easy for him to be bruised and cut, leading him to be hovered over and overprotected as a child. Though he is stronger now he still gets hurt easily and always has a box of band aids somewhere on him. Being sheltered as a child he admired Madeline for her rambunctious attitude and tendency to drag them both into troublesome adventures when their busy parents were looking the other way. As teens they fell in love and despite their parents’ disapproval they fought to be wed. They now share responsibility for their clans’ leadership. Noah is more into fashion than he’s willing to admit and keeps a secret stash of fashion magazines tucked away in their castle. Prone to existential crisis, Madeline is the only Candyfloss capable of getting Noah out of bed some days. Noah is father to six kids ranging in ages. Being a father is Noah's greatest pride and his children are bright spots of joy in Noah’s busy and stressful life. As a dad, Noah has a better understanding of why his parents raised him how they did. Though he has the urge to keep them safe he also knows the value is letting them play and adventure thanks to Madeline.