Annalise Blackwood



5 years, 3 months ago


Annalise Blackwood is the current Queen of the Delta Clan. Annalise is  sweet, cute, soft spoken, and very passionate about Delta. She loves  herbalism and reading and is a very accomplished alchemist. She has a  huge library that Rhoam, leader of Delta, helped her build, that  Candyfloss from all clans come to visit. Her two best friends are Rhoam  and Zachari, who she grew up with and both understand her in a way that  no one else does. She definitely connects with Zachari as they both have  an interest in medical science. Annalise is very quiet and dignified as  a queen should be, until she gets excited about something then she  becomes very talkative and wants to tell everyone about it. She’s also  very clumsy and known to misplace things, drop bottles, and just be a  generally klutzy person. She has a faithful Rainblo companion named Pops  who makes it his job to grab any dropped items before they hit the  ground. Annalise’s father, the previous leader, is still alive, but  stepped down to give the throne to her when he felt she was ready and of  age. Her reverence for nature and her people makes him proud,  especially knowing the mistakes she had made in the past. When she was  young, she was very adventurous and had gotten into her father’s  workshop while exploring. She took a few things she wanted to try out  that she wasn’t supposed to, taking them to a nearby valley to use in  secret. She accidentally destroyed the whole valley, leaving a black  scar across the land that can still be seen. Annalise learned her lesson  though and is always careful when dealing with her power. Now she  enjoys traveling to visit her friends, spending time in nature when she  can get away from her knights, and practicing her swordplay even though  she’s terrible at it because of how clumsy she is. She doesn’t like hot  weather or being stuck inside. She has two younger brothers. The  youngest is a knight and good with a sword and the middle brother is a  dark mage, fascinated with the dead and trying to bring them back to  life, along with this he has quite the interest in the Ostómagi petpet.  He is pretty ruthless and tries to strong arm Annalise into doing  things, but she doesn’t listen to him.