


5 years, 3 months ago


Chino Jaa'ne 知能 じゃあね


Type Psychic
Gender Female
Nature Timid, takes plenty of siestas
Ability Inner focus
Age 15
Height 4' 11"
Sexuality Biromantic, ace
Build smol child, thin
Village Noir Vale
Occupation Ninja-in-training
Birthday 3/18
Using its psychic power, Kadabra levitates as it sleeps. It uses its springy tail as a pillow.


  • Timid
  • Shy
  • Worrier
  • Sweet
  • Ignorant
  • Gentle

Jaa’ne is very shy, timid, and anxious, but also sweet and goodhearted. She still leans a lot upon her psychic powers, although she earned a higher level of control and ability when she evolved. If Jaa'ne senses danger or simply wishes to leave a space, she will just teleport herself away without much warning - sometimes returning to quickly excuse herself when politeness is warranted. Even though she has unlocked a greater use of her powers, she is growing into them in a new way, and so she can wear herself out or need to sleep in order to recover if she works herself up too much, just like when she was an Abra. She also likes to summon her substitute doll to protect her or to hide behind when feeling shy. Every so often, she may still find herself “sleepwalking,” which is difficult to notice due to the fact that she can move around, teleport, and eat while asleep (plus she wears her mask). Luckily, this is gradually happening less and less as she matures. Jaa’ne is easy to spook in general, despite her highly attuned senses. Because of this, and her pension for teleporting away, it’s difficult for strangers to get to know her. However, if someone is calm, nice, and doesn’t make her feel threatened, she will stick around longer and maybe wander into their path again. Those who do have Jaa'ne's loyalty, have happened to catch her in an impressive moment, or are able to understand her inner workings, might notice that she can be surprisingly brave. Deep down, she is sincerely trying her best at almost all times. Despite her young age, natural gifts, and anxiety, she wants to do good by everyone and to better herself, even when no one is pressuring her to. She’s a hard worker, especially when on a job, and will do what she can to get things done. It often seems like she is cowardly, from all the running away and pushover behavior, or lazy, from falling asleep a lot and a reluctance to do things that are difficult on her nerves, but a lot of that comes from either overthinking or overworking. Through her training and advice from companions, she has recently started to use the move Calm Mind in order to center herself, though this is something she is still getting the hang of. She is also a little far behind in terms of social experience for teens her age, due to her narcolepsy as an Abra and her somewhat innocent nature. For her ninja work, she is mostly used for delivery, transport, or intelligence jobs, and is instructed to never stick around if a place is too dangerous. She is getting better at relations, and is quite handy at stealth. Even though she is a non-threatening person, she is capable of fighting, and will do what she must when left with no other choice. Jaa'ne, true to her pokemon's nature, is above average in terms of wit on several levels, so one can count on her for a smart mind. Aside from doing jobs, Jaa’ne doesn’t spend much time outside of her inner circle. She wanders off from time to time, but overall she doesn’t leave home much and doesn’t have many friends. To those who do gain her trust and favor, she can be rather clingy. She is friends with Ten, and his own tiny friend circle by extension, even though some of them frighten her.


Born to the Chino (知能) family, a rather successful clan of mostly other psychic-types who deal in the typical array of ninja business, Jaa’ne has lived a rather comfortable life. Despite this, she has been expected to work for the clan at an early age. She started with making simple deliveries and passing information between allies, and has since moved onto further intel and spying missions as she progressed. Although expected to do this kind of work, Jaa’ne’s family has always been careful to keep her safe and prepared. They also gear her towards skills she’s naturally good at, instead of pushing her towards something like combat or violence. She has thus been the rather coddled baby of the family, ninja or not. In recent times, due to meeting others, maturing on her own, and living through times of conflict for the Sun Empire, Jaa'ne has striven to push her boundaries and grow on her own accord. As an Abra, Jaa'ne was intertwined deeply with her large, growing psychic powers. It held a lot of control over her, forcing her to sleep for 18 hours a day, often nodding off and teleporting away at moments that were beyond her intentions. When she sensed danger, it could overwhelm her and force her to leave a place. These powers are a part of her, but eventually it conflicted with some of her needs when she began to want to do more and be a little braver. Jaa'ne had a moment of courage during a dynamaxed pokemon raid in Noir Vale, joining the battle despite her lack of attacking ability and shielding a fellow gijinka from a blast with her substitute doll in hand, but after that her psychic powers' saturation with sensing danger essentially left her home-bound and exhausted for weeks. After the dangers had finally been warded off, Jaa'ne's friendship with a fellow ninja Raiyou led to the Chino clan bargaining with his then-current clan in order to adopt him into the family. By training with him and other close members of her family, and being inspired by some others, Jaa'ne was eventually able to accomplish her evolution into a Kadabra! Now she is continuing to grow further into her powers, her line of work, and herself.



Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.


The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.

Calm MindPsychic

The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.


The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.



  • +plushies
  • +sleeping
  • +calm people/animals
  • -bugs, ghosts, the dark
  • -scary stories
  • -being snuck up on


  • Her psychic powers are both a way of life and a job skill, so she’s highly attuned to them. Her worst fear is somehow losing them or running into someone who can block them off.
  • Jaa'ne has a bunch of plushies at home, all with names. Her substitute doll that she summons is named Kyūjyū-san (九十ーさん), after being TM90 to learn. Her family got her a pet Slakoth, named Neguse (寝癖, meaning bedhead), who sleeps even more than Jaa'ne does.
  • "Jaa'ne" is technically her nickname, but it stuck so well when she was a child that everyone calls her that exclusively, even her father. Her given name is Kosaji (小匙), meaning little spoon. Jaa'ne considers "Jaa'ne" as her regular first name.
  • Her eyesight is worse than average, but not godawful (she’s slightly nearsighted).
