
5 years, 3 months ago


Zetsumi Shie 絶美 刺画


Type Bug/Flying
Gender Non-binary (they/them)
Nature Jolly, a little quick tempered
Ability Swarm
Age 25
Height 5' 4" (+ 2'' w/ shoes)
Sexuality Bi/Pansexual
Build slender, atheletic, somewhat curvy
Village Gale Spring
Occupation Healer, Tattoo Artist
Birthday 2/3
Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.


  • Sweet
  • Artsy
  • Airy
  • Quick-tempered
  • Dangerous
  • Somewhat direct

Almost always in a mild, pleasant mood. Speaks with a soft voice and has a gentle smile on as they go about their day. Comes off as rather weak and delicate. They are genuinely sweet, caring about the well-being of their patients, friends, and family, but they have a different side that startles those who see it. They can get surprisingly aggressive. They equally enjoy inflicting pain as they do treating it. The same dainty, smiling, meek person can maintain those traits while stabbing a man. Their cruelty and violence is just another aspect of themselves that comes out when prompted. Kind of yandere-like but wouldn’t hurt someone they like unless under consensual circumstances. Like most of their family, they have a knack for the arts. Their main passion is tattooing, which they did plenty of while part of their former yakuza clan. They are quite artsy in general. Despite their meek demeanor, they have little trouble speaking their mind when they do choose to be direct at times.


Shie grew up with their loving family in Radiant Harbor. Their parents and siblings all lived and breathed the arts, and the house brightened with music or paintings on the regular. But just as their mother had an awful past kept unspoken of, Shie began to develop an unwanted secret themselves. The sweet child had an aggressive side when pushed, and they liked to jab things with pointed objects for fun or out of anger. Their father, Taishi, had a talk with them. Instead of shaming or burying this side of them, he encouraged Shie to turn it into art instead. He showed them tattooing and needlework. Shie loved designing and applying tattoos with their father. This is a cherished time for them and instilled the belief that the darker sides of people should be shown some acceptance and perhaps turned into something beautiful. When their mother’s past came to revisit, Shie found themselves kidnapped along with their two younger sisters, Seiren and Chiyoko. Then, the three of them were soon divided as their kidnappers sold them to separate seedy groups. Shie didn’t know their buyers for long. As they were transported to the criminal base, the whole procession was ambushed in the forests of Noir Vale. A small yakuza clan beat up and chased out Shie’s would-be owners. There was an outward implication that Shie belonged to their saviors now as compensation, but really they were free again now. Still, not wanting to return without their other siblings, Shie remained with the clan in the hopes of locating them. They had no such luck, but they did feel increasingly at home among the other yakuza misfits. They became close with the oyabun (leader), a Trevenant named Hikimori (贔屓森). They were able to really flex their tattooing as well, which brought them great joy. They also became rather intimate with the workings of bodies, as they would patch up their comrades or injure their foes. Shie never forgot their family, and after some years in the yakuza they decided to leave and give finding their family a better shot on their own. Hikimori was reluctant to give up his ex-partner, friend, tattoo artist, healer, and clan member, but he did let them go. Traveling alone across Noir Vale, Shie had many accumulated enemies out to get them. Such people eventually stalked and then chased them, forcing them to run through the trees for their life. Their pursuit got wrapped up in another, and as fate would have it their sister Seiren was among those fleeing for safety, accompanied by a man named Banri. The three of them made it out alive and trekked all the way to Radiant Harbor, only to find the Zetsumi home sold by their parents and older brother in favor of making an effort to rescue the three kidnapped younger siblings. Shie joined Seiren and Banri in a renewed search far and wide for their parents or other siblings. They found proof of their parents’ demises. Heartbroken, the trio decide to leave the search at that and make a life for themselves in Gale Spring. It took Shie a while to feel comfortable in their new life. Even with at least one family member back, they feel a renewed disheartening about the whole situation. Tattooing would likely draw too much attention to themselves, so they’ve been working primarily as a healer to blend in better, using their skills from their time with their old clan. They still make art and tattoo on the side to anyone who learns of their passion.


Silver Wind Bug

TThe target is attacked with powdery scales blown by the wind. This may also raise all the user's stats.

Stun Spore Grass

The user scatters a cloud of numbing powder that paralyzes the target.

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  • Has chimera mutation wings, the one on their right one having the ‘male’ marking and the left having the ‘female’ one. The difference is very slight, but they're proud of it.
  • Evolved into a Silcoon at age 9, while still living with their family. Evolved into a Beautifly at age 19, while part of Hikimori's gang.
  • Skilled with bo shuriken, usually carrying some on their person.
  • Recently, the healer that Ten goes to. Potsu picked them out due to their gentle temperament and skill with many different aspects of healing. They have since started to become friendly with the siblings and Ten’s small circle of companions.
