


5 years, 3 months ago


Aiyo Kitsuke 相擁 気付


Type Psychic/Fighting
Gender Male (trans)
Nature Gentle, capable of taking hits
Ability Steadfast
Age 27
Height 5' 11"
Sexuality Bisexual
Build muscular, tol
Village Scorched Mountain
Occupation Samurai
Held item galladite, mega ring
Birthday 7/11
A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows.


  • Polite
  • Kind
  • Skilled
  • Guilt-ridden
  • Sensitive
  • Hard on himself

Courteous and kind, Kitsuke is a calm gentleman. He uses his psychic ability to read the flow of people’s emotions and intentions through his two horns. Because of this, he’s quite understanding and helps others when possible. He likes to take care of people he’s close with. He’s a lonely person, having lost his family and been separated from his twin brother, whom he never left the side of growing up. As a kid, he was rough, untrusting, and moody, but he always had an underlying gentleness and a need to protect those he cared for. He has a soft spot for those who remind him of himself. Even now, though, he can be pushed too hard and grow impatient, but this is rare. It’s easy for him to make acquaintances, but his poor self-image and fear or losing others keeps him from forming tight bonds again. Despite his empathy and compassion for others, Kitsuke has a hard time forgiving himself. He takes failures very hard and blames himself, often overworking himself as punishment. He feels strong self-doubt and self-hatred deep down, and it takes a lot for him to accept things that happened in the past which he perceives to be his fault. Every once in a while, Kitsuke will fall into a deep depression. He will refuse to leave his house or take care of himself. It takes a lot for him to pick back up and fight these dark feelings off. In addition, he occasionally revisits bad habits like drinking too much or putting himself in dangerous situations in the name of training.


Born alongside his twin brother, Kyūmei (救命), to the Aiyo family – a powerful daimyō clan of samurai in what was Thunder Mountain. When they were seven years old, a rival clan organized their demise, usurping their lands. The twins were the only ones from their family who escaped, but the man who smuggled them out took the payment he was given and cast the two boys out on their own to fend for themselves. The Ralts twins spent years on the streets, running from those trying to hunt them down and doing what they had to survive alone, which often involved stealing. When they were fourteen, it finally caught up to them. Ikada (筏), a Floatzel rōnin samurai, captured the two of them. Instead of turning them over for their bounty, however, he asked to keep them under his custody. They spent a long time not trusting him, despite their ability to read his good heart. Kyumei was never much for sword fighting, but Kitsuke resumed his formal samurai training under Ikada’s guidance. The twins evolved into Kirlia at the same time, two years later. This was also when Kitsuke, raised as a girl, became more acutely aware of his real gender. They brought him to a doctor in secret, beginning his transition. It was around this time that the usurper Tou (登) clan faced rising dissent from the townsfolk under their rule. They amped up their search efforts for the missing twins, the last of the Aiyo family. Much easier to track down at this point, a team did indeed locate them, showing up at Ikada’s house and breaking in at night. They captured the boys, stealing them right out of their room as they slept. Ever the fighter, Kitsuke gave them a hard time, enough for Ikada to catch up and attempt a rescue. However, he only managed to save Kitsuke, leaving Kyumei to a life as a political prisoner in their old home. Devastated and forced to live without his brother, Kitsuke spent the next two years in a heightened emotional state. He drove himself into many of his bad habits back then, eager to harm himself one way or another, mostly through overwork. He trained hard as a samurai. Ikada worried for him, but he was hopeless for a way to get through to him. So, he supported him as best he could, aiding in training and helping him build up support in the nearby communities. At age nineteen, Kitsuke mastered the sword and evolved into a Gallade. He conducted a few strikes and raids against the Tou clan, gathering intelligence on his brother’s location and how best to reach him. After two earnest tries at stealing Kyumei back, Kitsuke and a team of others finally got him close enough to free his brother. He fought tooth and nail, breaking into the tower where they kept his brother hostage. They embraced, but Kitsuke sensed apprehension from Kyumei. Now a Gardevoir, Kyumei explained that although he was a prisoner here, that he had things he wanted to protect. He had a rather great measure of influence as a loved and graceful figure, and he used this power to manipulate the complex weave of politics towards good for the people. He refused to abandon his new and old home – even as a captive, and even if it meant living without his twin. By this point, the Tou guards caught up with him and managed to capture Kitsuke while in an emotionally compromised state. He spent the night in a cell, sharing it with his master whom they also took alive. The next morning, they began to execute those captured during the raid. Kyumei used his influence to bargain for his brother’s life. However, those in charge didn’t take it easy on him. They forced him to watch as his comrades were put to death, including Ikada, which broke his heart to no end. Poor Kitsuke was left thoroughly shamed and broken, despite being subsequently allowed to walk free. It took a long time for him to learn to live with what happened. The few subsequent years held a dark period in Kitsuke’s life, but somehow he made it through and is a much more stable person. His self-doubts prevent him from taking a full-time master, and so he lives as a rōnin samurai for now. Having moved down to the plains of Scorched Mountain, he takes work as a protector for caravans and such. Recently, he’s settled down in the outskirts of a small village where he sometimes teaches classes in the ways of combat or does some temporary odd jobs here and there.


Swords Dance Normal

A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.

Psycho Cut Psychic

The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.

Close Combat Fighting

The user fights the target up close without guarding itself. This also lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def stats.

Life Dew Water

The user scatters mysterious water around and restores the HP of itself and its ally Pokémon in the battle.





  • When he gets deep into a depressive mood, he neglects to take care of himself and likes to grow his hair over his eyes like how he and his brother used to wear it when they were Ralts.
  • He always fights fair unless he’s in a dire need to protect someone else. He’s also quite good with his hands in general.
  • Loves animals, but doubted his ability to take care of a pet. Still, he befriended a pair of wild Plusle and Minun, Sei and Jou, who were looting through his garbage. Very much endeared to them. Likes to think they're sisters, despite not knowing for sure.
  • He built a house that was isolated by design, but the villages he lives nearest to see him as kind if not distant. Contrary to his politeness and mature nature, he’s secretly somewhat of a finicky person.
