Brock Varis



5 years, 1 month ago


Name Brock Varis
DOB April 30th, 1939
Birthplace Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gender Male
Sign Taurus
Position Defenseman
Height 6'3" (192 cm)
Build Husky
Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Orientation Homosexual






  • The scar on the back of his leg is from being cut by a skate, it was pretty bad and he left quite a trail of blood behind him before he even noticed!
  • As for the missing teeth...surprise, surprise, he was punched in the face XD
  • Has a BIG crush on Taylor, which may or may not be mutual (it is)
  • Might not come as a surprise either, but...he eats A LOT. There's never a time when he isn't hungry.
  • Much like Wolf he has an extreme resistance to cold. It'll be 30F outside and he'd say "this is t-shirt weather back in Minnesota!"

Brock Varis


Hair: His hair is reddish-brown, parted in the middle, and is about chin-length, flipping up on the ends. It's sort of hard to explain what it looks like but it's pretty much meant to look like typical "hockey hair." :p

Eyes: Bright, emerald green-colored and wide. Usually have a little shine/sparkle in them

Build: "muscle chub" would be the best way to describe it! His shoulders are broad, his arms and legs are strong and muscular, and he has a soft, pudgy belly.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: Is missing his two front teeth and has a deep scar on the back of his right leg

Clothing: When not in hockey gear he dresses very casually, just t-shirts and jeans mostly, sometimes with his school letterman jacket worn over it. Also wears short sleeve button-up shirts on occasion.


ddcsdhn-080d951e-7ea7-495d-b874-9420fa99Disposition: As tough and aggressive as he can be while playing hockey he's not really such a bad guy off the ice! Like a big, dopey dog he's generally harmless and is pretty sweet, friendly, kinda goofy, and easygoing...unless he's provoked. He's often dumbfounded that people are sometimes mad or want to get back at him for things he did to them while they were playing, and genuinely has an "all's fair in love and war" attitude towards the game. (As if hockey and "real life" are two different worlds lol) Not to keep disparaging him but...he is fairly well, dumb XD, gets confused often, and is easily manipulated. He acts as kind of a bodyguard to his friends & teammates, willing to beat the crap out of anyone who messes with them at the drop of a hat. (If he cares about you you can tell him to jump and he'll ask how high, pretty much.) He rarely ever actually gets ANGRY at anything though (yeah, even when he's beating all these people up), and holds no ill will towards anything/anyone really. He has a softer side as well and loves when people show any sort of kindness or affection towards him (whether in a platonic way or otherwise) and will always gladly return it.
Mannerisms: He's definitely the type to "wear his heart on his sleeve" so to speak, he's not good at hiding his emotions (nor does he try to) and his facial expressions are pretty animated and always give away what he's thinking/feeling. Though he doesn't ONLY speak when spoken to he doesn't often jump into conversations without being addressed first (unless the subject matter really interests him), but he can sometimes ramble on when he does talk. He can also be rough with others, whether he's doing it intentionally (wrestling, arm wrestling, fighting etc.) or just giving someone an overly hard "friendly" punch in the arm or a wayyyy too-tight hug. He doesn't know his own strength (well, he does, but he forgets himself. XD)

Voice: His voice is deep, but also gentle and very non-threatening, and makes him sound a bit older than he actually is. He has a thick Midwestern (specifically Minnesotan) accent. The tone/volume of his voice rarely changes much, even when he's feeling strong emotions which can clearly be seen on his face. (For example, even if he were really afraid of something he'd say "Oh, no!" in a way that sounds like he's just joking around because it wouldn't be much louder or more emotional than his usual speaking voice.)



  • hockey (ofc)
  • winter/snow
  • Italian food
  • comic books (secretly likes the romance ones)


  • homework!
  • people treating him like he's dumb
  • most vegetables
  • petty arguments/drama


Son of a pro (now retired) hockey player, his daddy was naturally thrilled that he too was interested in the sport, and started him off playing pretty much as soon as he was old enough to walk. Most of his young life has been consumed by sports, to the point others (including his mother) worried he spent TOO much time playing, but he and his dad think they know better, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he goes pro someday, too. Brock has caused more than a few injuries to other players in his day, anyone who's been slammed against the boards by him would probably compare it to being hit by a freight train. And unsurprisingly, he loves a good fight too! He can also handle pain just as well as he can dish it out and there have been times where he didn't even realize he was injured until someone pointed it out to him. XD



Taylor teammate


"Ya know, I could, uh...c-carry yer stuff around for ya if ya want..." Oh, boy, Taylor sure is cute, anytime he smiles at Brock he can't help himself and starts blushing so much!

Sasha teammate


Brock thinks she's the coolest! She's always down for hanging out after school/games/practice and doing whatever...much as he loves hockey it's just fun to have someone he can relax and goof around with when they're not playing. :D

Kowalski teammate


Brock likes him! He actually feels a little sorry for him, for how much other people like to push his buttons, and usually doesn't take part in any of that. (Not TOO much anyway. XD) He plays real good and takes the game so seriously...doesn't matter if he's not the easiest guy to get close to, he's an important part of the team, that's what counts!

Axel rival


"OH geez, this guy sure can take a punch!" Taylor doesn't seem to like this guy for SOME reason and Brock had to jump in and fight for him when things between them got heated.