Octavian Achtkey



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Octavian Achtkey












Neutral good

Weapon of choice


Instrument proficiency

Otamatone, piano




Infernal, Common, Elvish


"I'd much prefer to assume the best of everyone and risk being proven wrong. If it was safer for me to always assume the worst...well," the tiefling turned around and shrugged with a grin, "You know, I just wouldn't want to live in a world where that's true."

There are three things one can say about the tiefling, Octavian Achtkey. Firstly, he's the co-owner and resident mediocre bartender of the Eight Note Tavern and Inn in the small port town of Lewe's Rest with his younger sister, Allegra. Secondly, he's a bard with an instrument people are 99.9% sure has cursed origins, but he seems incapable of seeing that himself. Thirdly, Octavian is--and never was-- an individual who properly thinks through his decisions, sometimes to the vexation of those who deal with him. 

After 35 years of living in Lewe's Rest and hearing of great adventures abroad from guests at the inn, Octavian's growing wanderlust reached a tipping point. Desiring to see the world for himself and to make his own stories, he forged out, incredibly under-prepared, but at least with the foresight to get his sister's blessing first.

Add. Notes

  • Pupils are optional in his design. I originally had them solid white but I keep giving him pupils when I can't quite get the expression I want right without them soooo, do what you want. 
  • Learned how to play the piano at the the age of seven by a former adventuring bard named Ailurus on the tavern's old upright piano after persistent pestering on his part. 
    • The otamatone was found in the tavern basement. No one knows where it came from but Octavian took a liking to it and after some trial and error, figured out how to play it. 
      • It mostly resembles real otamatone, but there's something a little too "organic" about it
      • It's probably magic of some sort though its mouth is fleshy with a tongue and teeth that seem to change every time it opens its mouth
      • Octavian will occasionally feed it, but it doesn't have a throat or digestive system so it just chews and spits it back out
        • He's incredibly oblivious to how upsetting this is 
  • Blood is a dark purplish blue
  • Short-sighted
  • Long beetles wig him out
  • Has a somewhat fancy fashion sense (likes waistcoats and collared shirts but with a "fantasy" flair haphazardly thrown on)
    • Generally likes to maintain his appearance, the sort to take a while to get ready in the morning
    • Doesn't seem to mind too much if his appearance sort of unravels throughout the course of the day, but likes starting the day looking fresh
  • Believes everyone is capable of good acts and assumes the best of everyone until proven otherwise on a case-by-case basis
    • Even when experience continues to say otherwise
  • Willfully optimistic
  • Has the danger-sensing instincts of a well-fed urban pigeon 
  • Largely illiterate in Common, apparently fluent and literate in Elvish though? Don't know where that comes from. 
    • The sort of guy who would like sappy romance novels and cheap paperback thrillers if he could read
  • Undead? I guess? I mean, he doesn't feel undead and still needs the typical things living things need to, well, live. 
    • It's all a little confusing and distressing and it's thrown him into a mild crisis