Star Lemon Quartz (Fusions)



X Marin = Star Emerald

X Bubblite (Lapis Lazuli/Topaz) = Star Limonade Quartz

X Iolite = Cordierite: Contemplative and self-assured, but has some unstable tendencies, such as the simultaneous need to act immediately and the intense executive dysfunction. She's perfectly happy to tell others what to do, though, even if she loses her train of thought mid-sentence easily. She also expresses fondness for those around her freely.

X Sherry Topaz= Orange Vanilla Calcite: Cheerful and has bursts of energy when it comes to her special interests, but often prefers to stand to the side and listen to  others. 

X Iolite X Sherry Topaz = Galactic Aragonite: Pleasant and caring, enthusiastic but subdued. She's contemplative and strong-willed, but has her childish moments, as well.