


5 years, 2 months ago


Crow's sister, one of his two surviving siblings. 

Eventually allies with the Resistance Pack (and therefore Crow), the other sibling (wip) joins the Opposition Pack.
She doesn't realise she's related to Crow at first but when she finds out she is overjoyed, Crow is confused. 

Mouse can be pretty overly affectionate, every time she sees Crow she rubs cheeks with him a little too vigorously for his liking. She is however a generally positive wolf for him, her upbeat voice, positivity, and tales of their mother keep Crow sane while he battles with the Spirits haunting him. 

She is anmed for her rather small stature and squeaky voice. She was the runt of the litter.
The name is affectionate though and Mouse loves it. She is quite pleased that Crow also has a prey-name becuase it means they match. (Being named after prey implies an intelligent/artistic/etc wolf, it's not an insult and has no connotations of weakness - though the brutal Opposition-ers are trying to make it seem that way)

Fairly minor character - she has like one or two plot points related to her though.

She dies in the final confrontation with Ragen. She's back at the Resistance Pack's base/camp protecting the pups as a last resort. She has her own newly born pups which is why she volunteered to stay.
A wolf slips past the main fighting and into the camp, trying to get at the pups (to break the Resistance Pack's morale and make them give up) and Mouse confronts them. She fights furiously and kills the wolf but sadly succumbs to her injuries and dies shortly after. Crow is very much upset and blames himself as usual. 

Mouse's soul appears in his dreams a couple times, an empty eyed wolf howling sorrowfully over a clearing strewn with dead pups. Crow is fixed to the spot and unable to move or help him.

Used to be Crow's brother and named Ryan... I just wanted him to have both a brother and a sister so I made her a girl lol