Jasper Lumine



5 years, 1 month ago



Jasper Lumine






Aromantic Homosexual


5'5” ft








F-Pop Idol Manager


Phi Clan



Jasper is a Beta Floss that works as a manager for an idol group named Psallo. Though he and his girls mostly dwell in the Phi Clan, they'll go on world tours every now and again for live performances. Together, they’ve all achieved the fame of stardom, and they’ll continue to advance forward and fight past any future obstacles standing in their way.

It’s either go big or go home, which is a life motto that they wholeheartedly believe in.


Jasper can be pretty set on his ambitions. His determination never wavers and he's not one to give up without a fight. He can persistent and pushy because of this, and he's quite loud and strict whenever he gets serious too.

Besides him being stubborn and somewhat intimidating to face off, he's also sly as well. He'll find ways to bend around the rules just to accomodate his goals, he can be sneaky like that. He's always been kind of mischievous and playful by nature, but he usually doesn't want to reveal that side of him unless he's with his friends.

With his idol girls, he wants to be taken more seriously as their manager, so he'll usually show a more strict side of himself instead.


As a Beta, Jasper has the ability to levitate. He can hover about four feet high in the air and cross long distances quick. It helps whenever he wants to look cool, is rushing to get somewhere, or he just literally wants to fly away from an awkward situation.


Jasper had always felt like a back-up plan.

His parents mostly adopted him because they couldn't bear any biological children of their own. By the time they managed to conceive a child of their own a few years later, they gave birth to an art prodigy that Jasper would soon recognize as his younger sister.

Her name was Celine and she was the star to everyone's show.

Jasper never had a chance against her. Even he could see how endearing she was and how much potential she had. He was originally a bit bitter with jealousy over her having hogged all the parental attention, but eventually even he couldn't stay mad at her for too long.

While Celine went on to improve her creativity with arts and crafts in a gifted academy (and he did encourage her to strengthen her resolve), Jasper strove to make a name for himself on his own.

He would eventually go on to work behind-the-scenes in the entertainment industry and found one of the most popular idol groups in existence.


Japser actually likes smoking a joint of weed while playing a game of poker. This is a surprising fact about him since he doesn't look like the type of person to be enjoying that kind of stuff, but he's especially good at card games! A night at the casino sounds like a good time for him, he just doesn't do it all that often due to his work.

He still has a bit of an inferiority complex whenever he gets compared to Celine, but he's trying to move past that.


3863498?1560604539 Celine Lumine

younger sister

5154855?1579108907 Ying Yi Yue

high school bestie

5370381?1576569555 Osiria Dune

a good friend

6736108?1593506839 Gilgamesh Rad

a cool friend

4564600? Tyrone Tee

a friend he knows through Ying

3863794?1559335806 Athena Lumine


6253678?1593508060 Chad Rad

mutual friend

3909530?1561363705 Vee Ngo

one of his idols

og8jX1j.jpg Lucy Hyde

one of his idols

lu3QXfr.jpg Tori Nini

one of his idols

3913404?1580315671 London Griffin

one of his idols

SZzREVL.png Nikki Song

one of his idols

4300923?1589073188 Summer Maxwell

one of his idols

H8WbOms.png Lychee Mirabella

a business associate

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