
5 years, 1 month ago



Nikki Song








5” ft








F-Pop Idol


Phi Clan



Nikki is a Nu Floss that mostly lives in the Phi Clan. She’s currently part of a growing F-Pop (Floss Pop) idol group called Psallo that will occasionally go on world tours to showcase their performances.

She, along with her five other team members, have all worked hard to put up some very bright and exciting shows as Psallo. Together, they’ve all achieved the fame of stardom, and they’ll continue to advance forward and fight past any future obstacles standing in their way.

It’s either go big or go home, which is a life motto that they wholeheartedly believe in.


For an idol, Nikki is actually pretty socially awkward. Not in a reserved kind of way, she’s not afraid to reach out to people, but more in a I-don’t-know-what-to-talk-about way. Basically, she’s shit at making conversations. She’s just always been like this her whole life, and the only reason she managed to get by and have relationships now is because people often mistake her awkwardness for a dorky sense of humor, and that somehow adds to her appeal.

If that’s what most people think whenever they meet her, then she can roll with that.

In all honesty, Nikki’s also a nerd in the closet. She’s really good at math and she loves watching animated forms of media, such as cartoons or anime. She loves that shit so much, but she knows that she’s open about her hobbies, she might just ward people away, so she’s always kept that side of her in check. She’s recently come out to her team members about it though and they’ve actually taken it pretty well. She feels relieved that they don’t judge.


As a Nu, Nikki has the ability to manipulate energy and generate force fields. She’s extremely capable with her powers and will often use them to create elaborate dance moves. She’ll mostly use her force fields like trampolines to bounce off of and specializes in dances that resemble flashy gymnastics.

It helps that she used to do gymnastics her whole life, so she’s pretty flexible and physically capable of performing aerial flips and handstands.

The only thing she can’t really do as well is lift stuff or stop things in motion, which is something Nus can usually do, but since she’s never really had a reason to practice those skill sets, she’s not as good at that stuff.


For most of her life, Nikki had been encouraged by her family to do gymnastics since her mother was a former gymnastic Olympian. Her father was a math professor at a university, but he would also encourage her to do gymnastics too.

So, by the time she was five, she was already learning how to do all sorts of tumbles and flips. Her sense of balance was on point.

Aside from winning silver or gold during gymnastic competitions, Nikki lived the rest of her childhood in relative peace thus far. She did take up dancing and singing as a hobby in elementary school and still continued practicing those two things regularly by the time she was a teenager, but she didn’t expect to do them as a career.

Boy, was she in for a surprise later on.

Though she mostly went through an average, middle-class life, Nikki actually focused most of her time on training her body. She never really socialized all that much and mostly just had a handful of acquaintances that she would see in school. They weren’t her friends though, since she would never hang out with them outside of class.

One day, she decided to audition for an idol group during her junior year. Even if she was super nervous about auditioning and practiced a lot, she actually didn’t expect to get in. She mostly signed up so that she could see other people perform their talents on the stage. At the time, she was just anticipating who was going to be the next rising star within a new idol group.

She didn’t realize that she was actually going to be chosen as one of the stars she was looking forward to seeing.

When she got her acceptance letter, she flipped her shit.

Now, flash forward a couple hectic years later, and here she is. She’s part of Psallo, and the world is their stage.


Nikki is so proficient at math that she can do calculations faster than a calculator. She’s had London, one of her teammates, test her on that before. Being the math freak that she is, she’ll also listen to Calculus tutorials every night right before going to sleep. That’s the only way she can sleep, it’s like the numbers are her lullabies.

Because she’s the ‘nerdiest’ one out of Psallo, whenever they all go to dinner together, Nikki is the one to punch in the numbers for how much they should tip. She’ll even help out their manager Jasper with stuff whenever he has to look back on what to do with their funds.

If she retires from being an idol someday, and that’s a real possibility since fame can be short-lived anyway, Nikki would stick to being an accountant or financial advisor since she’s just that good with crunching the numbers.


nUhL8sM.jpg Vee Ngo

friend and teammate

og8jX1j.jpg Lucy Hyde

friend and teammate

4300923?1589073188 Summer Maxwell

friend and teammate

lu3QXfr.jpg Tori Nini

friend and teammate

3913404?1580315671 London Griffin

friend and teammate

3908844?1571199060 Jasper Lumine

her manager

H8WbOms.png Lychee Mirabella

an eventual friend

4410582?1578497091 Dulcie R. Pippin

one of her biggest fans

x3AYYHS.jpg Hades Telos

one of her fans

PJp7p0q.jpg Luca Plane

one of her fans

vNvxKhh.jpg Wilson Wilde

one of her fans

bbI5az1.jpg Janet Plane

a reporter that interviewed her once

4528047?1593401186 Nick Venture

unpleasant ex-boyfriend

Oh, uh, yeah I totally did that cartwheel on purpose! Aha, it’s totally not like I messed up or anything.
