
5 years, 1 month ago



Tori Nini








4’3” ft








F-Pop Idol


Phi Clan



Tori is a Phi Floss that mostly lives in the Phi Clan. She’s currently part of a growing F-Pop (Floss Pop) idol group called Psallo that will occasionally go on world tours to showcase their performances.

She, along with her five other team members, have all worked hard to put up some very bright and exciting shows as Psallo. Together, they’ve all achieved the fame of stardom, and they’ll continue to advance forward and fight past any future obstacles standing in their way.

It’s either go big or go home, which is a life motto that they wholeheartedly believe in.


Loud and proud is what makes her shine!

Tori is, like, super hyped up almost all the time! She never drinks coffee (she actually hates coffee anyway, that’s like a Truffle thing). And though she consumes juice and candy, those can actually make her calm down at times, so that’s definitely not the source behind all her energy. She’s just this naturally energetic!

She also has a low attention span and gets easily distracted by food or shiny things. BUT MOSTLY FOOD BECAUSE WHY NOT? Although she knows that she has to go on diets whenever a big show is coming up. (Insert sad face emoji here.)

She’s not the brightest girl, and if she wasn’t doing what she did right now, she’d probably drop outta college and be like, a waitress or something. She knows that. So that’s why she’s super happy and optimistic about the way her life turned out now! Even if she knows that the fame won’t be a lifetime thing. But she’s always been one to enjoy things in the moment and not think about the future until that comes!



As a Phi, Tori has the ability to duplicate herself. She can make up to three doppelgangers (at the max) and use all of them to help her add an extra voice to her vocals. What she used to do as a kid was sing as a quartet in four different pitches. Sometimes she still might do that whenever she’s feeling bored or needs practice!

She’s pretty decent in terms of her Phi abilities, but she tries to only use her power for singing or dancing since none of her doppelgangers can last more than a day anyway.


When she was a kid, Tori was a lot to handle. She was the most hyperactive kid EVER. Her parents were often desperate for sleep and they would have to hand her over to babysitters.

She did dance and competitive cheer to burn away all that energy, and it definitely worked to help improve her stamina and flexibility. She also indulged in singing as her hobby. She went all out to do as many things as possible with her life. Eventually, she would carry out doing a little bit of both cheer and dance in high school.

She eventually decided to sign up for Psallo.

And much to her surprise, she got accepted! She was super duper happy about that because she didn’t think that she’d get in, she almost knocked down a light by accident while performing an elaborate dance move with one of her doppelgangers for her audition.

Yay, so that’s pretty much how that went down!

And, well, that’s pretty much it. Tori’s backstory is about as short as her attention span, so that’s all there is to it. Now she’s currently part of the idol group Psallo, and the world is their stage!


Tori has an extremely wide vocal range. At one point, after her first Psallo concert, some Flosses asked if they could use Tori’s voice to generate a digital voice box (kind of like Voaloid) and she agreed because who would say no to that? Of course she wanted in on that money opportunity!

Whenever she’s typing up a text, she’ll sometimes type in all caps or cram a bunch of exclamation points in, just to express how excited she is! She loves getting excited for something! It’s hard to control herself sometimes!!!

She tried doing ballet once, since she was doing cheer and dance already, but she actually doesn’t like ballet! Too many strict rules! Also, it hurts!

Lastly, Tori has a bad dating history with boys! Most boys cannot handle the amount of energy that she chooses to express herself with, so she's had a lot of failed relationships in the past. Which sucks! How is she going to find Mr. Right now? She knows that there's no rush with that though. Her plan is to just live life how it is for now and focus on finding a partner whenever her fame wanes down. She might eventually find Ms. Right instead.


7605562?1599136060 Edith Brickenden

precious girlfriend

3913404?1580315671 London Griffin

best friend and teammate

nUhL8sM.jpg Vee Ngo

friend and teammate

og8jX1j.jpg Lucy Hyde

friend and teammate

4300923?1589073188 Summer Maxwell

friend and teammate

SZzREVL.png Nikki Song

friend and teammate

3908844?1571199060 Jasper Lumine

her manager

6150124?1582853235 Vivian Hua

funny weeb friend

H8WbOms.png Lychee Mirabella

her high school bestie

x3AYYHS.jpg Hades Telos

one of her fans

PJp7p0q.jpg Luca Plane

one of her fans

4410582?1578497091 Dulcie R. Pippin

one of her fans

vNvxKhh.jpg Wilson Wilde

one of her fans

bbI5az1.jpg Janet Plane

a reporter that interviewed her once

4528047?1593401186 Nick Venture

unpleasant ex-boyfriend

