Rhea Ambrosia



5 years, 1 month ago



Rhea Ambrosia








4’5” ft








High School Student


Epsilon Clan



Rhea is an Epsilon Floss who’s currently enrolled in high school. She’s excelling at her studies so far and is aiming to be valedictorian of her class one day.

However, though she may look like a literal angel, the pompous and snarky attitude that she carries with her in the halls may not be as nice as her holy appearance. She can actually be quite the royal pain in the ass at times. You’d be surprised how ‘colorful’ her language can be as well.


As mentioned before, Rhea can be quite foul-mouthed. She was raised to be this super competitive kid and will NOT back down once she’s faced with a challenge. She will even play dirty to win if she has to. Sometimes bending the rules a little can make the challenge even more challenging, and that can be exciting in its own way.

So, overall, she can be quite demonic for someone who’s got the image of a soft saint. It’s because of this that a lot of people who don’t know her that well completely underestimate her or mistake her to be some super sweet person when she’s really not.

She can definitely act sweet in front of any teachers or adult figures though, that’s for sure. She certainly acts like a drama queen. She can be quite theatrical and dramatic when she wants to be. She would pursue theater as a career because she likes acting a lot, but she personally thinks that theater is for people who don’t really have any higher education going for them and has dismissed the idea because of her snobby opinions.

Though Rhea is highly intelligent, she’s also a bit too overconfident. And whenever someone is too confident in their abilities, they’re also prone to even more errors than the average person. While she’s good at studying, she’s not so good at maintaining relationships or actually socializing with people.

Eventually, her princess complex and her desire for the spotlight to always shine on her will be her downfall one day, and she’ll learn that the hard way.


As an Epsilon, Rhea has the ability to read the thoughts of others and even speak to them telepathically. She’s a little above average for an Epsilon Floss. She’s able to see through most people’s thoughts if she tried and can hold telepathic conversations with up to three or possibly even more people at the same time.

Although she’s strong for an Epsilon, the one thing that Rhea can’t do is read the thoughts of her childhood rival Andre. He’s the only Floss that she’s never been able to get a read on so far, she’s never been able to get past the shield that he puts up in his mind, it’s practically impossible and that’s frustrated her for the longest time.


Rhea was born into a wealthy family. However, that didn’t mean she could just slack off and spend all of ‘Daddy’s money’ just like that.

At a young age, she was taught proper etiquette, class, and elegance. She learned how to write in perfect calligraphy, how to play classical instruments (such as the piano and violin), and the differences between a salad fork and a steak fork.

She was also forced highly encouraged to work hard for everything she did. For example, if she didn’t get the grades her high-maintenance parents expected out of her, then she was shamed for being such a failure. B’s were never good enough, A’s were where the silent nods of approval would come from.

Since she didn’t get that much praise from her parents for doing well at school anyway (silent nods of approval soon became inefficient to her), she turned to her teachers and classmates for that sort of praise instead. Unlike her parents, her teachers and classmates were much more expressive and loud in their approval of her stellar marks and impressive work ethic.

People either loved her or wanted to be like her, but whether the attention was positive or negative didn’t matter at that point. As long as she was noticed for her efforts, then that’s all that Rhea needed.

On top of being an honors student, Rhea also excelled in arts and crafts and in being a strong Epsilon with powerful telepathy.

She could read and interact with everyone’s thoughts if she tried hard enough.

...Well, almost.

There was this one Epsilon boy named Andre in her class that was an exception. She would gradually grow frustrated with Andre because she could never get a good read on him, no matter how much she tried, and she prided herself as a strong Epsilon that could read everyone.

So, instead of continuing to figure out what he’s thinking, Rhea would deliberately attempt to frustrate him. She needed to somehow interfere with the situation. Maybe if he was stressed out enough, then she could get a better read of him. One of the ways that she could increase his frustrations was if she took his title of spelling bee champion for five years straight away from him.

And so, with her brain buckled and ready to conquer the spelling bee contest, that’s exactly what she did.

However, Rhea taking away Andre’s title as a spelling bee champ completely started a whole new thing. Instead of finally being able to figure out what he’s thinking, Andre swore vengeance against Rhea and an unexpected rivalry formed between them.

From then on, they became adversaries. They were constantly duking it out when it came to who would get the highest grades, and it was just one fierce competition after another throughout their school days.

And honestly, Rhea really liked what they had. She liked how exciting their rivalry could be, and it wasn’t even limited to just their studies either. They would also participate and compete in sports and anything else they could get their hands on as well.

They even competed in arcade games one time - even if Andre did win that one since Rhea isn’t as experienced in gameplay as he is.

Then, one day, when they were eleven and in middle school, Andre met a boy named Aspen. At first, Rhea didn’t pay much mind to that. She didn’t care if Andre made new friends or not, what did that matter to her?

Soon enough though, Andre’s newfound friendship with Aspen must have made him so happy that he just kinda forgot about his rivalry with Rhea. He focused more on getting to know Aspen more instead.

Rhea did not take that too well. She had always been the main focus (and obstacle) in Andre’s life, and she would usually flourish from the attention that she would get from their rivalry (even if it was negative). But now, all of a sudden, some flower-loving soft boy was taking her spotlight?

She wouldn’t allow that!

And so, Rhea came up with a devious plan to sabotage their friendship and have Andre be 100% focused on their rivalry again. She would just take Aspen away from Andre and be ‘the better friend’.

She and Andre have never competed in friendship before, but there was a first for everything.

When Andre came by after school to meet up with Aspen like always, he was in for a surprise: he saw Aspen and Rhea talking to each other. And they looked like they were actually holding a really fun conversation too.

Since Rhea knew a whole lot more about art than Andre did, she was able to talk to Apsen about things that he couldn’t talk to him about. They had a lot more in common when it came to painting, and she was even offering to tutor him in subjects that he needed help with.

Rhea also found out that Aspen had a Paizo Puppy as well (she recently got her own puppy by the name of Portia), and was excited to finally find a shared interest with someone about that.

The more Rhea talked to Aspen, the more she realized how nice this guy was. She had honestly never met someone as sweet as him. She was already forgetting about her plans to use him against Andre and sincerely wanted to know him more as a person.

Because if there was one thing that Rhea didn’t really know how to do, it was actually making friends. For all of her life, she’s always been ‘the role model’ and the high-achieving honors student. She’s always been above everyone, so much so that that her elite status would drive potential friendships away.

But Aspen didn’t seem to care about who Rhea was or what she was capable of. While that would usually be insulting (because who doesn’t know how fabulous she is), Rhea actually found that to be quite refreshing.

She’s never been able to make just a genuine friendship before with someone.

And though she really liked where this was going, she was starting to miss her rivalry with Andre a whole lot more. Even since Andre had found out that she was befriending Aspen, he had been avoiding them both, much to her dismay. None of that was as exciting as she wanted it to be, but maybe that didn’t matter anymore either.

She had no other choice but to somehow convince Aspen to go talk to Andre instead, since Andre wasn’t talking to her anymore. Andre used to listen to Aspen quite a lot, so he was like her only saving grace at this point.

After lots of convincing and talking, she finally managed to push Aspen into speaking with Andre. When Aspen had came up to Andre on his own to ask if he was okay, Rhea noticed that Andre had immediately (and visibly) brightened upon seeing him. He seemed to be doing much better after speaking to Aspen again.

His determination to compete against Rhea also returned, much to her satisfaction. Although he did pull her out after classes one time to thank her. He may be dumb when it comes to common sense, but even he was aware of what Rhea was trying to do. It must have been that obvious.

Rhea just rolled her eyes and huffed out an exasperated breath before telling him, “Well, you’re just so boring without Aspen around, so it was whatever.”

However, they both knew that this was their way of calling for a truce. They eventually do become friends (or frenemies, as some would say) as high school progresses, and they both meet a new friend named Cleo to join the group along the way.

After some time, Rhea actually began to date Cleo. She had always thought that Cleo was cute, but thought it was impossible to start a relationship with her since Cleo used to be into Aspen at the time.

But the more they hung out, the more Cleo got to know her. Eventually, one day, Cleo was the one to actually make the first move. She had asked Rhea out on a date in one of the most awkward ways possible.

”How about we hop in my limo and I’ll show you how good I am as girlfriend material?” Cleo had asked. She had this strained smile on her face too, and she was clearly nervous, but Rhea just burst into laughter before agreeing to be with this dork anyway.

She still doesn’t know what she sees in Cleo to this day, but on top of being friends with Aspen and Andre, she’s glad to be with her.


Whenever Andre brags about how much taller he is compared to her, Rhea just likes to smack him with either one of two things: her pink locks or her longass angel wings. If he ever mentions the height thing again, then he deserves to get some hair or feathers stuck in his mouth.

Since they both have Paizo Puppies, Rhea and Aspen like to walk their Petpets in a dog park together. It’s the one thing that they like doing together that’s helped strengthen their friendship.

At first, dating her girlfriend Cleo was messy. Cleo did not know how to flirt or be romantic for shit. Rhea had to ease her into the relationship over time.


t0vAkGA.png Cleo Fitzgerald

beloved girlfriend

l2BcsO6.jpg Andre Amos

childhood rival & friend

yGFb1OP.jpg Aspen Fern

a good friend

HKkhiRH.jpg Celine Lumine

her art teacher

mCbkLFS.png Portia

her Paizo Dog

Why yes, of course that painting over there is mine! It’s wonderful, isn’t it?
