
5 years, 2 months ago



Enzo Telos








5’8” ft








Greenhouse Pharmacist


Delta Clan



Enzo is a Zeta Floss who currently works at a greenhouse in the Delta region that specializes in nurturing herbal and medicinal tea leaves. Though most Floss don’t drink tea that often, as they’d typically require sweets and/or salty snacks for consumption instead, some of the teas that exist out there can do miracles.

Though Enzo does work at a greenhouse, his job doesn’t deal with growing the tea leaf vegetation there. Instead, he’s usually focusing solely on studying and selling the tea leaf plants that are being cared for. He specializes on gaining knowledge for this specific area of plant research and recording down any new information in the form of scientific journals.


Enzo is a typically calm and collected person that speaks through a flat monotone. He comes off as a distant and aloof Floss, and he usually is around acquaintances and strangers.

However, once he feels more comfortable around you, he can prove to be a surprisingly funny person. He uses sarcasm pretty fluently in the occasional joke and can be pretty adorkable, as in dorky in an adorable way.


As a Zeta, Enzo works better in colder climates and is capable of freezing objects in place for a few hours at most with his gaze.

He believes that he's sort of below average in terms of his freezing abilities, and as a result he doesn’t really exercise his power everyday or all that frequently.


Enzo Telos had a sort of average life while growing up in the Zeta Clan.

Sure, his parents were a bit strict and overbearing at times, but he at least got along with his older brother River relatively well and they were at least middle class.

However, there was one thing that Enzo felt like he had been cursed with: a severe case of resting bitch face.

For as long as he can remember, he’s always had a difficult time smiling and coming off as friendly. It’s mainly because of his naturally grumpy-looking facial features that ward most of his peers away.

So for the longest time, Enzo was a loner, but he wasn’t 100% socially stunted just because he was never able to properly interact with those around him. He often spoke with an online friend instead, who he eventually met in real life after some time. He was able to find someone to socialize with behind the screen, but even so, he did still feel lonely every now and then.

His online friend, Dina Moss, was actually able to offer him a good job opportunity at a greenhouse that nurtures medicinal tea leaves, hence how he’s able to get the job that he has to this day in the Delta Clan.

Enzo enjoys what he does for a living and doesn’t mind all of the studying that comes with it, he finds the subject of medicinal tea leaves fascinating overall, even if it may seem boring to some people.

Enzo’s slowly learning to meet more people along the way while getting better at his job.


Enzo is typically more comfortable texting people. After all, that’s how he was able to be best friends with Dina.

Growing up, as his older brother, River was always the one to shoulder most - if not all - of their parents’ expectations. Enzo honestly felt bad for him at times.

Whenever he hangs out with Dina, people tend to mistake them as a couple for some reason. He'll usually deny it since he already has a girlfriend. The only time he'll ever pretend to go with it is if those same people were to offer him discounts on meals or tickets for something. Gwyneth knows about this and just finds it funny.

For some reason, even though he was never really rasied poor, Enzo is kind of stingy with money. He just likes being able to save it and he's already got simplistic tastes as it is. Maybe it's because he once saw his cousin Ashley spend a huge chunk of her money on just clothes alone as a teenager and he's vowed to never be like her ever.


0NGxWLL.jpg Gwyneth Kalama

cool girlfriend

4vVxhuU.jpg River Telos

older brother

3IzVFDL.jpg Dina Moss

best friend and co-worker

U8HIpsp.jpg Yvonne Petrov

friend and co-worker

XfIIJkN.jpg Rose Belladonna

friend and co-worker

EP2mKoc.jpg JC Lennon

a reckless client and friend

Poqtqyn.jpg Diego Sanchez

a mutual that she eventually knows through JC

x3AYYHS.jpg Hades Telos


IuHaRaF.jpg Ashley Bao

bitchy cousin #1

XZnJzPE.jpg Osiria Dune

bitchy cousin #2

eCjqnLB.png Bonbon

his co-owned Flóga Drákon

No, I’m not mad, this is just how I look.
